Ye Hao estimated whether he could defeat the snow banished immortals at the same level.

however, as Ye Hao entered the kingdom of God and absorbed many magical powers of the kingdom of God, he thought he was invincible to the nine generation of young people in the same level. After he got the inheritance of the statue to his top heavens, he was invincible.

Not to mention that Ye Hao is practicing Haoran Zhengqi Jue.

Haoran Zhengqi sect is also a major sect even in the divine realm.

How powerful are their original skills?

This makes Ye Hao's cultivation step into the second level of the God's combat power.

And don't forget that Ye Hao has made his way clear.

Ye Hao's road is a word of Dao.

Smelting all kinds of mysterious skills, refining all kinds of magical powers, creating the strongest road.

This is also the reason why Ye Hao did not deliberately improve his realm, because he knew that his future achievements were very high.

There is no need to argue for a while.

"Young master, don't you go to see Hua and feel sorry for yourself?" Chen Qingdian.

From what Ye Hao said just now, Chen Dian knows that Ye Hao definitely has the strength in the middle or later period of the third world.

Otherwise, he would not be so confident that he could defeat the snow banished immortal.

What's more, even if Ye Hao doesn't have the strength of the third place?

Xuanguang is the existence of the third limit.

There is also Chen Mingkai, who left with leiluan fairy before. Chen Mingkai is also the strong man of the third level limit.

Chen Mingkai's two moves of killing shocked the whole quadruple sky. Many strong men were inquiring about the origin of Chen Mingkai. However, after robbing the white rhinoceros, Chen took leiluan fairy with him and did not know where to go.

But Chen Dian knows that Chen Mingkai belongs to Ye Hao.

He can't imagine what Ye Hao has gone through these years?

Why are there such two horrors around us?

Do you know that the most powerful people in the third world can survive?

Success is the ultimate strength!

Chen Dian, who can't think of it, knows that Ye Hao is not afraid of anyone.

Ye Hao was waiting to come forward when he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Holy and noble, like the moon.

In addition to Chen closed moon, the holy land of laurel, there is no second place to have such temperament and appearance.

Chen closed the moon's arrival caused a burst of exclamations.


"So beautiful

"It's so beautiful. I can't imagine who can be more beautiful than Chen closed moon?"

"Yes, the bright moon of Yunxiao palace."

"The beauty of the bright moon is ethereal, as if it does not belong to this world, relatively speaking, Chen closed moon is more grounded."

"Yes, it's a pity that Xu Quan of Longquan sword sect has already said that Chen closed moon is the woman he likes."

"Longquan sword school is the top three sword schools in ancient times. It is said that there are giant Qing in Longquan sword sect."

"In addition to Xu Quan of Longquan sword sect, Qizhi of Luoshui sect is also madly pursuing Chen Xiuyue."

"Yes, but I don't know how the virgin chooses?"

When the friars in the field talked about it, a handsome man in sword robe came from the sky.

Chen's face changed slightly.

"Closed moon, you can let me wait for a while." Junlang man fell beside Chen Xiuyue and whispered.

Chen was silent.

The haze in the man's eyes suddenly showed a trace of handsome.

But at this time, a cold voice sounded in the air.

"Xu Quan, what are you doing?" But the enlightenment in purple came.

Qizhi went to Chen closed moon and said with concern, "is everything ok?"

Xu Quan's face suddenly blackened down, "Qizhi, what do you mean by that?"

"The closed moon doesn't feel for you, can't you see it?" Qizhi looked at him with contempt.

When Xu Quan heard this, he felt confused.

It's like Chen closed moon has feelings for you. Yes.

"It's not up to you to join me in the matter of closing the moon." Xu Quan snorted coldly.

"Can you call the moon closed?" Qizhi's eyes were full of solemn color.

"Qizhi, do you want to die?"

"I'm afraid you won't do it?" Qizhi stepped forward and said angrily.

Seeing the conflict between the two sides is about to break out, Xu Quan is looking at Chen Xiuyue.

"Closed moon, can you give me a word today?"

Chen closed moon was stunned.

What's the situation?

Aren't these two fighting?

How can we reach a united front now?

Facing Chen closed month's doubt, Qizhi said, "these two days, I and Xu Quan have fought three battles, three of which we are both in a decisive position. It's meaningless to continue fighting, so you'd better make a choice."

Chen Xiuyue's heart sank.Neither of them is a fool?

How can Chen Xiuyue use their contradiction to instigate them?

Now they don't want to be such a fool.


How to choose?

Chen closed the moon for a moment.

"Poor little sister." Fox Mei son looks at this scene not to say.

"Poor?" Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"Is it not pitiful? The little sister obviously didn't want to choose between them, but they were forced to do so in full view of the public. " Fox Mei son said here to pull Ye Hao's sleeve, "childe, can you help her?"

Ye Hao looks at Chen closed moon with a trace of complexity in his eyes.

At that time, Ye Hao had feelings for Chen closed moon. You should know that they even exchanged their love and credit.

But who could have thought that after the news of his own disuse was spread, Chen closed moon turned his face and refused to recognize people.

"Closed moon, have you thought about it?" When Xu Quan saw Chen closed moon's delay, he urged him.

Chen closed moon's face suddenly showed the color of panic.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hao sighs and communicates a figure of xiaotiandi. At the next moment, the figure tears the space and appears beside Chen closed moon.

"Are you pressing her?" The figure looked at Xu Quan Dao coldly.

Xu Quan's face changed slightly.

A strong threat was felt from the figure.

He suddenly realized that the one in front of him was not what he could resist.

"The master is Qi Tianhan, the patriarch of Longquan sword clan."

"Are you pressing me with Longquan sword clan?" The figure hummed coldly.

"I don't mean that. I just think you may know each other." How could Xu Quan admit it? What if this person, regardless of his identity, is going to attack himself?

"Take me to your master." The figure staring at Xu Quan said.

Xu Quan's face changed slightly, "master, what are you looking for my master to do?"

"I want to ask your master who gave him the courage to intimidate the people I value?" Speaking of this, the figure's body is filled with a terrifying opportunity to kill.

With a roar of killing intention, Xu Quan knelt down on the spot.

Xu Quan snorted, and a touch of blood came out of his mouth.

His eyes were full of horror.

Third place!

The woman in front of her is definitely at this level.

Can you stop this one?

Xu Quan felt deeply uneasy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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