Will it?


As a strong man in ancient times, Qi Jing has never been a soft hearted person.

As soon as Ye Hao's big hand turned, the space around him collapsed, and the rules became an invincible blade of space.

Qi Jing's body turned into ashes before a breath.

"Is that death?"

"Qi Jing is a super strong person in the third level."

"Is this the terrible power of the extreme strong?"

"The whole quadruple sky, Ye Hao, is estimated to be invincible. In addition to Ye Hao's presence of these three powerful men, yanhuangzong has the strength to unify chongtian."

"When the demons of Yanhuang sect grow up, yanhuangzong will become a big Mac."

"Who said it was not?"

After killing Qi Jing, Ye Hao looks bitterly at the ancestor of Yunxiao palace.

The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace could not help but step back, and her eyes showed fear and uneasiness.

"You know I'm going to give you a big present before I come." Ye Hao said leisurely, "this great gift can let you step into the third level smoothly, even if you can walk a distance in the third state."

The heart of the old ancestor of Yunxiao palace could not help slowing down half a beat.

The third place?

She dreams of stepping into the third place!

But now this opportunity has been missed in vain.

Ye Hao immediately looked at Yuxiao and said, "relying on the energy source in your hands, you can successfully step into the first state." After a pause, Ye Hao went on to say, "from today on, Haoyue has nothing to do with Yunxiao palace."

"No Yu Xiao pleaded bitterly.

"When you personally push the bright moon into the fire pit, you should think of this day." Ye Hao said coldly.

Rain night's face is more painful.

The whole process of rain night is very clear, but she did not stop too much, resulting in today's results.

"Ye Hao." At this time, an old man came out of the crowd and said, "do you think the resources we spent on Haoyue in Yunxiao palace these years are only worth two parts of the origin of the first place?"

"Shut up." Yuxiao's face changed.

Ye Hao once waved his hand to imprison the rain night, immediately he looked at the old man, "don't know how many resources have you spent on the bright moon in the cloud palace?"

"At least ten copies of the origin of the first scene." The old man thought about it and said.

"Shameless." LAN Shuqin said angrily.

"Lan Shuqin, what do you say?" The old man flew into a rage.

"In recent years, the value of resource theory spent by Yunxiao Palace on Haoyue's body is not as good as the origin of the first state." LAN Shuqin coldly looked at the old man and said, "but now you shamelessly say that you have spent ten resources of the first state on Haoyue? Yes? Do you think Yunxiao palace is not enough humiliation? "

"Lan Shuqin, it's not your part to speak." Another old man came out. Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Hao and said, "Ye Hao, don't you want Haoyue to sever relations with Yunxiao palace? Yes, take out ten resources from the first place and you can leave. "

Rain night's eyes have become red.

These guys are going to pit the cloud palace.

Yuxiao's eyes are busy looking at the ancestor of Yunxiao palace, but the ancestor of Yunxiao palace has no expression.

Rain night's heart is full of thick sorrow.

How does she remember that her grandfather would have stopped it?

This one's eyes are shorter than any of them?

At this time, Haoyue came far away.

Her eyes are red.

Ye Hao stepped forward and said softly, "what's the matter?"

"In fact, you have given enough land to Yunxiao palace. The vast psychic skill can make up for everything." Bright moon's eyes are red.

She didn't expect the elder of Yunxiao palace to be so heartless?

"If you want to go, you can go more simply!" Ye Hao said here, with a wave of his hand, a jade vase appeared in front of the ancestor of Yunxiao palace, "there are eight excellent broken God pills in the jade bottle."

"Broken God pill."


"Did Ye Hao really give Yunxiao palace ten resources of the first place?"

"Yunxiao palace has made a lot of money this time."

"This means that there will be ten demigods in the first state in Yunxiao palace?"

"The premise is that Yunxiao palace can be kept?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I want to say is that the top management of Yunxiao palace is stupid. If they don't force Ye Hao to take out these resources, there will still be a fire between the palace and Ye Hao, but now it's gone. Do you know what era this is? Regardless of whether Yunxiao palace can keep these resources, even if Yunxiao palace can keep them? It's just ten demigods in the first state. One who comes to the third state can destroy the cloud palace. "

"Did not see some forces in the field look at those broken God Dan eyes are wrong?""Watch it. As long as Ye Hao leaves, these forces will fight for it."

Listening to the discussions of monks around, the high-rise buildings of Yunxiao Palace are as cold as a basin of cold water on their heads.

They finally realized that they shouldn't want this resource.

Ye Hao's shelter is much more valuable than these resources.

The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace suddenly realized that the broken God pill in front of him was a hot potato.

Can't I have this?

"Let's go." Ye Hao looks at Haoyue and whispers.

As Ye Hao's voice dropped, a luxurious luanji appeared in the air, and the three golden phoenixes who were holding this luanjia were filled with tremendous pressure.

"The blood of the king in the Phoenix."

"Why do I think these three Golden Phoenix's accomplishments are stronger than me?"

"These three golden phoenixes are all second level, OK?"

"Three demigods pulling chariots in the second state?"

"The whole quadruple day is not so luxurious, OK?"

Bright moon's beautiful eyes flashed an incredible look.

"This --"

"After that, you will be your exclusive driver." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Mine?" Haoyue is startled.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded, "this Luan Jia has heaven and earth, about a hundred acres of space." After a pause, Ye Hao then said, "there is also a small warship that will be transformed into the third territory when Luanjiang is attacked. Don't think the power of the small warship is weaker. In fact, the power of this warship is even stronger than that of the same level."

"What level can you kill?"

"Killing Qi Jing is just like killing and playing. Yes."

Haoyue couldn't help but stare at her eyes.

"Is it too precious?"

"This is what I made for you."

"Made for me?"

"Yes, go up and have a look."

After Haoyue nodded, she jumped into the air and entered luanjia.

Luanji has a lot of space.

It's about two or three hundred square meters.

And in the depth of luanjia there is a door, bright moon push the door to see a palace, the palace is surrounded by mountains and ponds and so on.

It is so beautiful that it looks like a fairy hall.

"It's beautiful." Haoyue said sincerely after a circle.

"This space can store living things. You can raise some pets here." Ye Hao said softly, "when you don't need this Luan Jia, you will put the three golden phoenixes into this space."

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