"This space can store living things. You can raise some pets here." Ye Hao said softly, "when you don't need this Luan Jia, you will put the three golden phoenixes into this space."

"Can this luanji be reduced?"

"It can be reduced to a bracelet at will." Ye Hao gently nodded, "in order to protect your safety, let the three Golden Phoenix guard you in turn."

"Well." Haoyue knows how many friars envy and hate after he gets this Luan Jia?

God knows if anyone is going to attack her secretly.

"When I get back to yanhuangzong, I'm going to use a hundred time crystals to let the three Jinfeng take the origin of the third level. When they get out of the pass, they will be able to set foot in the third level."

"Three golden phoenixes from the third world pull their own carts?" Haoyue has a vertigo impulse.

Who believes it?

But Haoyue knows that's the truth!

"I'll show you another thing." Ye Hao said that the surrounding space changed, and then they came to the warship console.

Haoyue looked around in surprise, "is this the warship?"

Haoyue has seen warships.

But the warship she had seen was not a little different from this one.

The warship gave him a dazzle.

"This warship is a small warship of the third stage that I have transformed. With one shot, it can seriously damage the existence of the middle stage of the third stage. Even the existence of the later stage of the third stage can not be stopped." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"The last stage of the third stage can't be stopped?"


Ye Hao waved his hand and two energy batteries appeared in front of them.

"Two forts?"

"These two turrets can be fired at the same time, and each one can be fired three times in a row." Ye Hao looked at a shocked Haoyue and said, "that is to say, you can hit six times in a row, which is equivalent to the extreme strong."

"How could it be?"

"Why not?"

"Aren't you the most powerful?"


"I think this ship is beyond the category of the most powerful?" Haoyue thought for a moment and then said.

"It's a ship that can be shot continuously by the gods." Ye Hao smiles and nods.

"Living gods?" It is the first time that Haoyue has heard of this saying.

"The living gods, as their name implies, are the powerful gods in the world." Ye Hao said in a low voice, "their strength is equivalent to the existence of the Daoism

"Don't tell me that you are a living God?" Haoyue suddenly realized something.

"If I'm not a living God, do you think I can make such warships?" Ye Hao smiles.

Haoyue was startled.

This is a real surprise.

In any case, she didn't expect that Ye Hao's combat power had soared to such a point?

At this time, she finally understood why Ye Hao had a high attitude.

Both sides are no longer the same level of existence, OK?

"Will you fly into the realm of God in the future?"


"What shall I do?"

"When I'm finished in the God Kingdom, I'll come to pick you up in jiuchongtian."

"How long will I have to wait?"

"It's going to be a long time to wait."

"Will I be an old woman then?"

"How? I will make you a living God before I leave. "

"Can I also be a living God?" Haoyue's heart could not help slowing down half a beat.


"But with my qualifications, it's good to be a second place in my life." Haoyue is still aware of her ability.

She did not doubt that Ye Hao could promote her to the early stage of the third stage.

However, after the early stage of the third stage, there is the middle stage of the third stage, the peak of the third level and the limit of the third level.

But even to the third limit does not mean that you can become a living God?

How can we cross the limit of the third environment without the ability of adversity?

"Your three Golden Phoenix, do you know their previous qualifications?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"What qualifications?"

"In fact, the blood vessels in their bodies are not so pure that they can't even set foot on the peak of the fairy king under normal circumstances." As soon as Ye Hao's voice fell, the moon was stunned.

She finally understood why Ye Hao said such a thing?

A Golden Phoenix who can't even set foot on the top of the Immortal King has the ability to set foot in the early stage of the third state. So what's impossible to step into the realm of the living gods?

"Can I ask you something?" Haoyue bit her lip.

"Say it."

Can you help the cloud palace


"If we leave, those forces will come together and attack.""I'll leave it to Hua for self pity."

Haoyue's eyes twinkled for a moment, "thank you very much."

"You and I are husband and wife, so don't talk about it in the future."


At this time, the three golden phoenixes hissed and went towards the distance.

Chen Yuelan, Yuegui shengshu and Chen Minghui guard near luanjia.

At this time, the sword God stood up and looked at the rain night and said, "Lord rain, give me five broken God pills. I can protect you from all kinds of problems."

Rain night this just found that the body of the imprisonment has disappeared.

She didn't answer Yao's body, but roared at the old ancestor of Yunxiao palace, "is this what you want with all your heart? Why don't you die? "

The body of the old ancestor of Yunxiao palace trembled and his eyes showed regret.

She did not think that Ye Hao, who felt worthless, had come to such a terrible situation.

"Rain palace master, you should be aware of the current situation of your Yunxiao palace, and give me the remaining five resources to cangshanzong. You and I can protect your Yunxiao palace At this time, the ancestor of Cangshan sect said coldly.

At the same time, the old ancestor of Yunxiao Palace said, "these resources are given to us by Mr. Ye. Are you sure you want to rob them in full view of the public?"

"When you forced Mr. Ye to take out these resources from your Yunxiao palace, you had no contact with him." Cangshan ancestor sneered.

"To tell you the truth, I have never seen such a short-sighted sect before? I just want to know how you want to ask Mr. Ye for resources? Who dares to move you in the light of the light moon Di's eyes at the high-level of yunxiaozong are like looking at a silly comparison.

The elder and the two elders of Yunxiao Palace are cold.

They realized that they had made a big mistake.

Can those resources be compared with the protection of Ye Hao?


"Our patience is limited." Cangshan ancestral ancestor saw rain night and said, "give you ten breathing time to consider. If you don't give a result, don't blame us for destroying your cloud palace."

Yuxiao and the high-rise faces of the whole Yunxiao Palace are all ugly.

Pay or not?

One breath passed!

Two breaths past!

Three breaths are over!

When the past eight breaths, whether it is di or Cangshan ancestor's body is filled with killing intent.

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