The high-level of Yunxiao palace all looked at the ancestor of Yunxiao palace.

Because her accomplishments are the highest in the Yunxiao palace.

The eyes of the ancestor of Yunxiao Palace are full of struggling colors.

Ten resources that can step into the first place.

How could she give it to both of them?

But not bank of communications?

And then nine breaths passed.

"Lao Zu, make up your mind quickly?" Cried the elder.

Make up your mind?

What's your idea?

"If you were not an idiot, how could my cloud palace fall into this field?" The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace looked at the elder, and his eyes were full of anger.

"You didn't stop it. What's more, it's not what you mean?" The elder is not a fool. Who dares to bear such a crime?

"You." The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace just said here, and he said coldly, "ten breathes."

Seeing that the two were about to make a move, the old ancestor of Yunxiao palace bit his teeth and said, "resources to you."

These ten resources to step into the first place are hot potato.

With their ability of Yunxiao palace, they are not qualified to survive.

Better give it to them.

"Those who know the current affairs are the heroes, which you have done well." Cangshan ancestor's face can not help but burst into a smile.

The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace looks at Yuxiao.

Yuxiao put the energy source to Yunxiao palace without expression.

The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace immediately looked at LAN Shuqin.

When LAN Shuqin was about to throw the origin to the ancestor of Yunxiao palace, Hua felt sorry for himself and snorted, "the resource of LAN Shuqin is given by the young master. Do you two old people try?"

"What do you say?" The ancestor of Cangshan sect was furious.

As soon as the voice of cangshanzong's ancestor fell, a terrible killing opportunity locked his body. The next moment, the space in front of him was torn, and a terrible figure appeared in front of him.


One blow would blow up all the space around.

The look of Cangshan ancestor became ugly.

In a hurry, he managed to gather a part of Xianli and the figure collided together.


Cangshan ancestor's fist was shattered and blood was dripping all over the ground. Not to mention it, the domineering fist intention spread to his body, and in an instant spread to his four limbs.


Cangshanzong's ancestor screamed out. He covered his broken arm and looked ahead. His whole body could not help shaking.

Not far away, a figure in black is proud and independent, with a chilling chill between her eyebrows.

"Who are you?"

The figure did not respond, just looked at him coldly.

"The young master didn't know as much as you two just now. That's because in the eyes of the young master, you two are just like mole ants and don't want to pay attention to you." Hua said with self pity and sneer, "I didn't expect you two would jump up and down as soon as you left. It seems that you want to stay here?"

The faces of the ancestors of Cangshan sect and Di became gloomy.

Hua's self pity is too shameless?

Anyway, they are also strong in the third place.

But what they don't know is that Hua self pity really doesn't pay attention to them, because Ye Hao promised after he left that he would push Hua's self pity to the later stage of the third level.

In the late third stage!

Do you still need to be afraid of these two people after reaching that state?

In addition, the Donghua emperor has vowed to be loyal to yanhuangzong. Since then, the whole yanhuangzong is her backer. Who is afraid to come?

Ye Hao also gave her three generals before she left. These three generals were super strong in the later stage of the third stage. With these three strong men, it would be almost as well to sweep the fourth heaven.


There's nothing to be afraid of Hua's self pity?

"Hua self pity, is it too much to talk to the elders like this?" He said calmly.

"Don't rely on the old and sell the old here." Hua said with self pity and sneer, "childe doesn't care about you. It's because of your kindness and righteousness. But if you offend me, do you believe I'll kill you every minute?"

He opened his mouth and didn't dare to make a sound.

The strength of that one is too overbearing. Even if he joins hands with Cangshan ancestor, he may not be the opponent of that one.

What's more, Hua's self pity is Ye Hao's people. If they make that person unhappy, will they still have a way to live?

"Lan Shuqin's resources can not be turned in." He pondered for a moment or said.

"Can LAN Shuqin's resources not be turned in? Do you have a problem with your head Hua self pity was amused, "Yunxiao palace resources, you dare to take a try?"

"Hua self pity, you should not go too far." He blushed and said.


With the sound of the voice, a terrible light of energy tore the infinite sky down toward the earth.

His face suddenly changed.This energy gun's attack strength has reached the middle of the third environment.

Under normal circumstances, he can still stop it.

The problem is that he's not at his peak right now.

The result of blocking is blood all over the body.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his hair exploded in an instant.

"What?" He exclaimed.

A second energy gun has arrived.

This time, it was a bit miserable. One arm was blown up and the internal organs were severely damaged.

But just then the third energy gun came.

"Help me." He knew very well that he would never be able to block the energy gun.

As soon as the ancestor of Cangshan sect was about to start, the general started.

His hands crossed a mysterious palm print, and the next moment a huge mountain fell from the sky.

"I haven't done it yet?" The ancestors of Cangshan sect feel wronged.

Isn't he still hesitating?

The general was silent, but indifferent.

At this time, he screamed and was smashed half of his body by the energy cannon. When he used the secret method, the fourth energy gun came again.

With the sound of the bang, the third place of the earth is gone.

The monks in the field had a dreamy feeling.

China's self pity has destroyed the Chinese people?

Who could have believed it before?

But the facts are just around the corner.

No matter how Hua's self pity was killed? But they have the ability now.

"Stop it." Cangshanzong's ancestor called out after he saw his fall.

But the war will not stop, and the attack is more extensive than before.

After the three moves, the ancestor of Cangshan clan couldn't hold on. The other side was like an invincible God of war.

These three moves are all the great moves of cangshanzong, but they are still defeated by each other.


The ancestor of cangshanzong fled decisively after he realized that the other side wanted to keep him.

The general ran after him with a cold look.

After about a dozen breaths, the battle will return with a head full of blood and brains in his hand.

For a moment, all the monks were speechless.

Cangshan ancestor was killed.

"Before my son left, let me tell you about Yunxiao palace. After that, you have no relationship with yanhuangzong." Hua self pity coldly looks at the cloud cloud palace old ancestor road.

The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace was shocked.

"In the future, you must not wear the sign of burning Yellow Sect in Yunxiao palace, or you will be killed without mercy." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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