"It doesn't matter if it's only the demon ancestor who does it, but if there are other strong people in the third level, we have to use the means left by the patriarch." Lonely immediately congeals the voice way.

The lonely cultivation reached the middle stage of the third level.

The problem is that loneliness is not a monk.

Therefore, the cultivation of loneliness will be reduced to a certain level, that is to say, the actual combat effectiveness of loneliness is only in the middle of the second level.

The reason why loneliness is said to be fearless is that loneliness dares to use taboo skills.

"I don't know when the Lord will come back?" Tang Pian said leisurely.

"The means left by the suzerain can protect the emperor Yanhuang for hundreds of years." Lonely smile.

Tang pianpianpian is silent.

Ye Hao left two gods and decrees before he left.

One of the attack decrees can suppress all forces for a period of time, but when all the forces come to a heavy day, yanhuangzong said that he would have to use the protection decree.

Once the guardian law is used, which power can break it?

The only way to break through the defense is to use a water mill, and this process will take hundreds of years.

But what else would yanhuangzong have besides the headquarters? Large areas of territory will fall into the hands of the enemy.

A day has passed!

Two days have passed!

On the third day, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of Yanhuang sect.

This figure is tall and powerful, full of gloomy gas.

The whole Yanhuang sect was shocked.




One shadow after another appeared in the air, and they looked at it with dignity.

"The devil."

"The old devil."

"What a terrible wave."

"Look at this fluctuation, I'm afraid it's not inferior to the third level."

"The demons are going to fight against the Yellow Emperor?"

After years of development, the number of fairy kings has soared to 9000.

Therefore, even after the appearance of the demon ancestor, the monk's face did not show much panic.

This is the inside story.

At this time, the lonely man with white hair like snow rises from the sky and appears opposite the ancestor of the demon.

"Yin Ming, what do you want to do?"

Yin Ming looked at loneliness and said coldly, "I come to yanhuangzong to borrow something."


"Taoist tablet."

"Do you think it's possible to borrow the Taoist tablet?"

"Sure?" Yin Ming asked with pity.

"Sure." Loneliness answers.

"Then don't blame me." Yin Ming said that the whole body gushed out an explosive breath, and this wave immediately filled the whole snow field.

With him as the center, there are many demons around him.

These demons are full of bloodthirsty breath.

"Kill." As Yin Ming's voice dropped, these demons rushed towards loneliness.

Lonely five fingers knead fist toward the front of the past.

The mighty power of death reaps the lives of demons mercilessly like a sickle.

After three breaths, Yin Ming looked at the lonely in disbelief and said, "how can you be so powerful? No, you used taboo tactics? "

"Now that I can see that I'm using the art of taboo, you can stay here forever." Lonely said a fist and hit Yin Ming in the past.

A huge round of scorching sun fell from nine days, and the blazing brilliance made the demons retreat one after another.

The attribute of the devil is Yin.

The sun was born to restrain him.

At this time, the round of scorching sun turned into a Sunbird, diving towards Yin Ming at a rapid speed.

Yin Ming suddenly realized that he had no way out.

Only hard resistance.

In this way, Yin Ming's body was raised in place.

Ten Zhang!

Hundred Zhang!

Thousand feet!

When his body reached ten thousand feet, he could be seen in the whole snow field.

He is as strong as a demon.

He slapped the Firebird in the past, you can see that his palm is full of cold force, which makes the nearby space-time wither.

It's cold to the extreme.

The strictness is to the extreme.

Terrible to the extreme.

Before long, Yin Ming's palm collided with the Sunbird.

It was like Mars hitting the earth. The terrible shock wave made the monks in the whole world look shocked.

And at the next moment, people saw Yin Ming's palm smashed, and immediately Yin Ming's huge body fell back more than ten steps in the air."How can you fight better than me?" Yin Ming couldn't accept it.

"Isn't it normal to be better than you?" Lonely, the Sunbird rushed to Yin Ming again.

"Sunbird is at the end of its tether. Do you think it can hurt me?" Yin Ming said, and kicked at the Sunbird.

The body of Sunbird was crushed by Yin Ming's foot, but the flames climbed up to his feet, and the flames filled his whole body after a few breaths.

"Damn it." Yin Ming kept beating the flame on his body, but it didn't help.

At this time, lonely hand.

A punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

After four punches, Yin Ming suffered a heavy blow.

"Qin demon, if you don't do it again, I will go?" Yin Ming said angrily.

With the fall of Yin Ming's voice, a wisp of Qin sound vibrated between heaven and earth, but lonely but stuffy, covered his chest and looked around in disbelief.

"Lonely, don't waste your time." An ethereal voice vibrated in the air, "I'm not as good as you in terms of cultivation, but you're not as good as me in terms of concealment."




The sound of the piano continued to vibrate and turned into the sound of killing and cutting. The terror reached its limit.

Loneliness constantly dodges, but still suffers from trauma.

Because at this time, Yin Ming let loneliness only part of the mind against Qin demon.

The problem is that solitude and all-out confrontation are not necessarily able to hurt Qin demon.


After holding on for a period of time, loneliness finally couldn't bear to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Lonely elder." Tang Pian exclaimed.

"I can hold on." Lonely wiped the corner of the mouth of the blood deep voice.

"Lonely elder, don't insist." Tang pianpianpian said that a piece of deep gold edict appeared in her hand.

When the decree appeared, all the monks could not help but kneel down.

Yin Ming looked at Tang Pianpian's legal Edict and said, "what's this

"Gods and decrees." Tang pianpianpian tore a corner of the divine edict, and the next moment burst out a wave that destroyed the heaven and the earth.

When Yin Ming was staggering, he was imprisoned.

There was a thick look of horror in his eyes.

In any case, he didn't think that yanhuangzong had such a method?

And the Qin demon hiding in the dark is also cold, because in the dark a killing opportunity also locked her.

Can't move!

"No?" Qin demon doesn't want to die.

She has just set foot in the third place for a long time?

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