Above the fairyland!

The two figures stood still.

And one of the elegant figures showed a startling look in his eyes.

"True gods and decrees."

"The true God's decree?" Xizi's beautiful face showed a look of surprise.

"This is the Dharma edict engraved by the God level strong man himself." Said the figure earnestly.

Xizi finally realized that his husband had not made a mistake.

This is because the semi divine Dharma edict is often referred to as the divine edict.

But now his husband says it's the law of the true God.

How could it be?

"The power of this law is far beyond the limit of the third boundary." Xuanyuan Yongchang looked at Tang pianpianpian's legal decree and said in a deep voice.

If you ask Xuanyuan Yongchang how to know this?

That's because he has reached the third limit.

Seeing that the power of the divine edict was about to be released, a figure appeared in Tang Pianpian's side, and then the shadow's palm covered with deep gold light, which smoothed the gap between the decrees.

"Why do we have to use the divine edict to deal with such clowns?"

When Tang pianpianpian saw the figure around her, her beautiful eyes showed an incredible look.


"It's not too late, is it?" The figure winked at Tang pianpianpian.

Tang pianpianpian's eyes are slightly red.

"If you come a little later, you'll have to collect my corpse."

Ye Hao's eyes suddenly showed a cold light.

He didn't know that Tang pianpianpian was exaggerating.

As soon as this divine decree was issued, the two irons would be slags.

But Ye Hao only needs to know that Tang pianpianpian has been wronged.

"Get the hell out of here." Ye Hao's cold voice cut through the sky, and the terrible sound waves rang through nine days and ten places.

Yin Ming let out a mouthful of blood, and then sat down in front of Ye Hao like a dead dog in the shock of countless monks.

At this time, Qin demon also fell from the air. When he fell to the ground, he held the Guqin in his arms, but his eyes were filled with extreme shock.

There was an uproar.

You should know that both Yin Ming and Qin demons are the existence of the third state.

Why can't even Ye Hao's voice bear it?

It doesn't make any sense at all!

"You are -- Ye Hao?" Yin Ming looked at a figure in front of him, shivering.

"Did I offend you Ye Hao asked coldly in his eyes.

"No - No Yin Ming was busy.

"No? That's why you want to die. " Speaking of this, Yin Ming's body was burning, and after a few breaths, his body disappeared.

This scene makes Qin devil's pupil shrink.

Yin Ming is dead?

Just die like that?

He's in the middle of the third world?

In fact, Yin Ming was refined into the origin of the third realm, but Ye Hao thought that refining Yin Ming in the full view of the public was too shocking, so he used a blind eye.

But the result is the same.

"Harp devil." Ye Hao's eyes fell on Qin demon.

Qin demon's whole body trembled, "Lord Ye, this is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Ye Hao sneered, "is it a misunderstanding? You know better than me." As soon as the voice fell, a slap was slapped on the head of Qin demon, and immediately blood mixed with his brain flowed all over the ground, and Qin demon fell down before he could scream.

The fire soon burned the Qin devil clean.

At this time, Chen Minghui and laurel tree appeared beside Ye Hao.

"The two of you lead an army to wipe away the harp demons and the demons from the sky." When Ye Hao's voice dropped, more than 20000 generals and soldiers appeared around him.

The more than 20000 soldiers were wearing black armor and holding the star sword in their hands. They looked at the distance indifferently.

"Why do I think these officers and men are better than me?"

"The worst of these generals and men are fairies."

"Are you sure?"

"What if I tell you that there are some demigods besides the fairy king?"


"These two legions are in accordance with three third level, ten second level, thirty first level, one hundred Xianwang peak, three hundred Xianwang peak, one thousand high-level Immortal King, three thousand middle level Immortal King, and early nine thousand Immortal King."

"Does this not mean that there are hundreds of gods in Yanhuang sect?"


"Yan Huang Zong now has the strength can sweep the whole heavy sky?"

"Even the immortal court can't resist such strength?"

At this moment, all the forces of yichongtian were shocked.

No one thought that yanhuangzong had developed to such a degree."Yes." Chen Minghui and laurel tree saluted respectfully.

"Yinger, you send two intelligence agents to cooperate with them." Ye Hao continued.

"Yes." Kong Ying'er has a look of excitement in her eyes.

Kong Ying'er had known that Ye Hao was secretly training monks in the small world.

But she didn't expect that the monk of xiaotiandi was so strong.

Seeing these two regiments, Kong Ying'er realized that Yan Huang Zong really had the ability to sweep the whole heavy sky.

After the two legions left, Ye Hao glanced around coldly.

"If anyone dares to spy on the headquarters of yanhuangzong in the future." Speaking of this, Ye Hao's eyes bloomed out a sharp killing opportunity, "killing without mercy."

The three words "kill without forgiveness" were left behind, and the spirits of the monks who were spying on the headquarters of yanhuangzong were all shattered.

Even Xuanyuan Yongchang of Xianting is no exception.

"His strength --" Xuanyuan Yongchang's face became extremely dignified.

"What's the matter?"

"Ye Hao's fighting power should reach the level of a living God." When Xuanyuan Yongchang said this, even he felt incredible.

How long did ye Haocai practice?

How did you get to this point?

"Living gods?" The pupil of Xi Zi shrinks a way, "how possible?"

"Do you think the extreme strong can easily kill Qin demon and demon?"

Hearing this, Xizi was silent.

"Don't worry." Xuanyuan Yongchang immediately said, "I have touched the barriers of the gods in the world, and I will be able to step into that realm within a hundred years."

"A hundred years?" Xizi's eyes were full of worry, "I don't know if the triple heaven will be broken by then?"

"Under normal circumstances, it will not be broken. Moreover, even if the triple sky is broken, will not there be a double sky?" Xuanyuan Yongchang said with a smile.

"I'm worried about Gao chongtian's attack on my Xianting in advance?"

"The existence of the level of the third boundary limit is not much in the whole four days." Xuanyuan Yongchang did not care to say, "even if there is this level of how?"

Xuanyuan Yongchang is very conceited.

But who gave him the strength?

"Have you ever thought about yanhuangzong attacking Xianting?" Xizi pondered for a while and said slowly.

Xuanyuan Yongchang's eyes congealed, immediately said slowly, "I'm not a living God, but it doesn't mean that I can't break the strength of the living God."

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