"What cultivation?" Ye Hao thought for a moment and asked.

"The cultivation shown now is probably the first state." Tang pianpianpian whispered back.

"The first place?"

"Do you want to focus on him?"

"No need."

"Is that the son of the tenth kingdom?" Tang asked suspiciously.

"I've killed a dozen of them all these years!" Ye Hao shrugged his shoulders and didn't care.

Ye Hao's vision is not limited to jiuchongtian.

How about the tenth realm left by Taigu?

Ye Hao really doesn't care.

"These days, you make a point exchange rule, and those who reach the standard can go to the small world to practice."

"Xiaotiandi is open to the monks of yanhuangzong?" Tang Pian was stunned.

"Yes, open." Ye Hao nodded.

"Don't you worry about divulging little world's information?" Tang pianpianpian, however, raised a question.

"There are seals set by me in the sea of knowledge of hundreds of millions of officers and men of the burning Yellow Sect. It is impossible to break my seal without the strength of living gods." Ye Hao said with a smile, "do you think there is a lot of this level?"

"But according to the present situation, there is a high possibility of the presence of a living God?"

"The seal I set has a self destruct attribute. Once it is forcibly broken, it means falling." Ye Hao looked at Tang Pianpian and said softly, "that is to say, unless the other party's cultivation is far beyond me, I don't think there is an expert of this level in the universe."

"What if you go to God's land in the future?"

"First, before I leave, you must have reached the strength of the living gods, and then you can seal the monks of the sect; second, I will certainly leave you a lot of cards before I leave, so even if some secrets of the sect are revealed, there will be nothing."


The son of the Tenth World attracted the attention of all the major forces of the whole four fold heaven at the first time.

The Tenth World!

The most abundant holy land of practice in legend!

Who doesn't want to go?

But no one dares to rush out without knowing the strength of the Tenth World son?

After all, the strength of the tenth son of the world is already the first.

Are there many semi God level masters?

Not much!

Moreover, who can guarantee that this is the full strength of the Tenth World son? Who else can guarantee that there is no one behind the tenth son?

Therefore, in this case, the tenth son of the world became the guest of honor of all forces.

The tenth son of the world did not refuse the invitation of any forces, but gradually the master of the four heaven discovered one thing, that is, many forces of the four heaven followed him.

"What does the tenth son want to do?"

"He wants to unify the four heavens?"

"The tenth world doesn't have that ability?"

"Do you know that the tenth son of the world defeated Fenghe sword God three days ago?"

"Isn't Fenghe the sword God of the second level?"

"Yes, but the son of the tenth Kingdom defeated Fenghe sword God in three moves?"

"Is the tenth realm son the existence of the third realm?"

"It's possible."

Just when some forces of the fourth heaven speculated on the cultivation of the Tenth World Saint son, the Tenth World Saint son launched a challenge to the nine palaces.

When the news got out, it startled the whole quadruple sky.

Who is Jiugong?

Traditional demigods.

Now it is the existence of the third state.

How can the tenth son dare to challenge him?

However, from this point, people also understand that the son of the tenth realm has the fighting power of the third level.


"Young master, three days later, the tenth son of the world, Zheng Jingming, will go to Jiuyuan mountain to challenge Jiugong." Qingqing, the head of the intelligence hall, paid attention to Ye Hao's expression after telling him the news.

To Qingqing's surprise, there was no change in Ye Hao's face.


Hearing Ye Hao's answer, Qingqing doesn't know what to say.

"How's the migration going?"

"The migration is proceeding in an orderly manner, but some people are reluctant to leave."

"If you don't want to leave, you don't have to ask."

It's hard to leave home.

Ye Hao didn't understand this truth.

It's everyone's choice.

Ye Hao doesn't want to interfere.

It's just that Ye Hao can't do anything about it when there's a catastrophe in the future.

Because even those people who are willing to migrate, whether Ye Hao can save them is a question?

"Young master, how are you refining?" Qingqing thought for a moment and then asked.

"One tenth of the snow has been refined." Ye Hao said lightly.

"One tenth?" Qingqing thought about it and said, "ten years to refine one tenth, doesn't that mean it takes 100 years to refine the snow field?""In theory." Ye Hao nodded.

Why in theory?

Because Ye Hao's cultivation is not promoted?

The improvement of cultivation makes the refining speed faster and faster!

But even if it doesn't take 100 years, it will take decades.

"Young master, how many regions can you refine before the disaster of heaven and earth comes?"

"If you can refine a few fields, you can refine a few?"

"Then will not many people fall?"

"There's no way."

Qingqing's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Ye Hao.

"What's the matter?"

"Young master, why do I think you have become a little cold-blooded?"

"Cold blood?" Ye Hao gently shook his head, "just look at things from different angles."


"The way of heaven wants to destroy all the creatures in jiuchongtian. The more creatures I protect, the more disgusted the way of heaven is to me."

"Isn't he a living God now? Are not the gods on earth equal to the way of heaven? "

"With my present strength, I'm not afraid of the way of heaven of jiuchongtian, but is the heaven of jiuchongtian afraid of me?" Ye Hao sighed, "it doesn't matter if I have nothing to worry about, but you are still in yanhuangzong."

"You mean the way of heaven threatens you with us?" Qingqing immediately realized something.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded gently.

"How can heaven be so shameless?" Qingqing asked angrily.

"It's nature to strengthen yourself." Ye Hao is indifferent.

"Do you still speak for heaven?" Qingqing asked in surprise.

"If I had been the way of heaven, I would have done the same." Ye Hao said lightly.

Qingqing was silent.

"How can we get rid of the restrictions of heaven?" For a long time, Qingqing inquired seriously.

"I'm trying now." A moment later, Ye Hao whispered.

"Can it succeed?" The green eyes lit up.

"I don't know." Ye Hao really doesn't know.

Because Ye Hao doesn't know whether he can break the limit in the legend?

"You must succeed, young master."

"Yes." Ye Hao said softly.

Qingqing looks at Ye Hao and finally understands why the young master doesn't care about the Tenth World Saint son?

Because at the time when the tenth son of the world was fighting with the four heaven forces, Ye Hao had already set his target on the supreme heaven of jiuchongtian.

What is the difference between the two?

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