Jiuyuan mountain.

On that day, all the big and small forces of the whole quadruple day rushed to Jiuyuan mountain.

Because today is the day for Zheng Jingming, the tenth son of the world, to challenge the nine palaces.

"The descendants of snow god palace, Fengyun Valley, Liuyun sect, Liushui Pavilion, dalizong and Qingyue pavilion have arrived."

"Are the Lords of the major sects also here?"

"Zheng Jingming's cultivation has reached the third level, which has surpassed the younger generation."

"The younger generation can't live any longer. The stronger generation of the older generation has to come out."

"I heard that the Tong family has followed Zheng Jingming?"

"Are you talking about the Tong family as the first weapon refining family of the four times heaven?"

"Don't you think Zheng Jingming can take a fancy to other children's houses?"

"It's amazing. In the ten years since Zheng Jingming came to quadruple genius, twenty forces have already turned to him. According to this trend, when the fourth heaven is broken, will not dozens of forces turn to him? "

"Is Zheng Jingming trying to unify the four heavens?"

"There are dozens of demigod forces on the surface of quadruple Tianming, and the number of semi divine forces has reached hundreds. How could Zheng Jingming want to unify the four heavens so simple?"

"If Zheng Jingming can defeat the nine palaces today, then some forces will come to follow."

When the monks in the field discussed, Chen closed moon came to Hua's side of self pity, "didn't ye come?"

"This kind of small scene, young master is not interested." Hua self pity light said.

"Since Zheng Jingming openly challenges the nine palaces, it proves that he has the strength of the third realm." "I think it's better to treat it cautiously."

Hua felt sorry for herself and laughed but said nothing.

What about Zheng Jingming's strength in the third place?

Is it Ye Hao's opponent?

Only those who really understand Ye Hao know how powerful he is?

"Little scene?" Hua self pity did not think that his words were heard by a young man.

"Do you know what my childe is doing?"

Hua self pity looked at the young man who was talking and said faintly, "do I need to know what kind of cultivation is your childe?"

"Hua self pity, don't think you can be lawless by following Ye Hao?" Tong Lin's eyes are not good at looking at Hua, self pity.

"If you say a word, there will be no law?" Hua self pity felt ridiculous.

"But don't you allude to my son?"

"Yes, how are you staying?" Tong Lin's aggressive posture makes Hua self pity very uncomfortable. When he is unhappy, he doesn't go through his brain when he speaks.

In fact, the most important thing is that Hua self pity needs strength and background. Why should we be afraid of him?

Tong Lin's eyes can not help but bloom out of the cold, the monks around suddenly feel the temperature suddenly crazy drop.

The friars around Hua pitying couldn't bear it and retreated one after another, because the temperature exceeded the limit they could bear.

"Is it too cold?"

"Has Tong Lin's accomplishments set foot in the first place?"

"You can tell by his prestige."

Ten years is not long, and short is not short.

However, there are not many young people who have set foot in the first place.

Therefore, knowing that Tonglin had set foot in the first place, many monks felt incredible.

But what makes them even more incredible is that Hua self pity blocks Tong Lin.

Because under Tong Lin's authority, Hua felt sorry for himself as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Is that all?" Hua self pity sneered.

"Looking for death." Tong Lin was angry.

Since he set foot in the first place, Tonglin's mentality has been extremely inflated. Except for a few people of the younger generation, he doesn't pay any attention to him.

Tong Lin's right hand toward China, self pity to catch the past.

You can see a burst of green.

Hua self pity blows away with a blow without fear.

Seeing this scene, Tong Lin's eyes showed a strong ironic color, "do you know that my right hand has been specially refined, even if it is the first level of the sword can be hard to resist?"

At the same time, I heard a bang. Tong Lin's body fell back uncontrollably and stepped back for hundreds of meters before stopping.

Looking down on his right hand, the meridians of his right hand were torn. At this time, he was bleeding towards the outside. Tong Lin looked at Hua's self pity expression as if he had seen a ghost, "you -- you."

"What if your right hand has been sacrificed? Who makes your cultivation too bad? " Hua self pity sneered.

Tong Lin didn't have three years to set foot in the first place.

And it's been nearly 200 years since China's self pity set foot in the first place, OK?

The two sides are not at the same level at all.

The reason for the two hundred years is that when Ye Hao spent his time practicing with crystal stones, Hua self pity took some of the masters of the eastern China Dynasty to Yan Huang Zong.

After 30 years in yanhuangzong, Hua self pity set foot in the first place. In the following years, Hua self pity did not deliberately improve his cultivation, but learned some of the top magical powers in front of the Taoist tablets.For example, a boxing skill used by just talented self pity is left by a demigod of the third state.

Now Hua's self pity cultivation has reached the late stage of the first level, as long as you give her some time, you can set foot in the second level.

Hua pities himself and knows his ability.

If you want to go further, you must firm your foundation.

Otherwise, self pity would have been in the second place in the cultivation environment of yanhuangzong.

Tong Lin looked at Hua with astonishment and self pity, "aren't you also the first state?"

"There are three, six and nine levels in the first place."

"Don't tell me that your cultivation is the later stage of the first state."

Hua felt sorry for himself and refused to comment.

"How could you be promoted so fast?"

"What do you think?" Hua asked with self pity and banter.

Tong Lin is silent.

Why does Hua self pity improve so fast? Even a fool knows why.

Ye Hao!

It must be the one who helped improve Hua's self pity.

Looking at Hua's self pity, Chen Xiuyue has a complicated look in his eyes.

Hua self pity is just a follower of Ye Hao.

So much in just 10 years?

So, as a woman of Ye Hao, what's the status of Haoyue?

In those days, if I could calm down, how could this glory turn to Haoyue?

However, after thinking about it carefully, Chen closed moon felt that even though he was still angry, when Xu Quan of Longquan sword sect forced him, could he insist on seeing him as Haoyue did?


"You can humiliate my people later in the first scene?" Just then a gentle voice rose in the air.

Hua self pity's hair was blown.

She felt that a terrible presence was on her.

This inexplicable feeling made her very uneasy.

However, Hua's self pity is not without cards. Her mind moves and a general appears.

This war general was self pitied by Ye Hao when he left jiuchongtian.

This war general is two different from Ye Hao's accomplishments.

That is the limit of the third state.

But the general has one drawback.

That's one-off.

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