There is a fixed value for the energy contained in a general's body.

There is no supplementary problem.

That is to say, if the energy is consumed, the combat effectiveness will be weaker.

At first, Hua self pity was not willing to use, but later she found herself two.

Because the third limit contains more energy than you can imagine.

In recent years, it is not that no power has challenged the eastern China Dynasty, but those who have been challenged are easily killed by this war general.

But Hua self pity found that this war will consume not even one tenth of the energy.

What else should I worry about?

You know Ye Hao gave her nine generals.

So far, none of the Eight Generals has played?

When the war general appeared around China's self pity, a soft light came out, isolating that terrible shock wave.

At this time, a young man in white came.

He has beautiful features, red lips and white teeth.

This is a very outstanding young man.

Many women in the field looked at the young man with a look of obsession in his eyes.

"So handsome."

"I want to marry him!"

"I want to give him a bunch of children."

"You have to be liked by others, too?"

"It's like my Jingming can take a fancy to you, right?"

I have to say that no matter when there is a group of flower lovers.

But in the face of this group of fanatics, Zheng Jingming is very useful.

He said hello to these women like a star. After a long time, Zheng Jingming looked at Xianghua and said, "who gave you the courage to humiliate my people?"

"Shame is humiliation. How are you going to be?" Let no one think of is that Hua self pity even with Zheng Jingming tit for tat.

"You think I dare not kill you?" When Zheng Jingming said this sentence, his eyes were full of astonishing cold light.

"Come when you have seed." Hua self pity said coldly.

Zheng Jingming is too strong.

Come up and suppress her.

If there was no such backhand from Ye Hao, Hua self pity would have been admitted. But now that he has so many cards in his hand, who is afraid of it?


Zheng Jingming's figure instantly disappeared in place.

The pupil of Hua self pity shrinks fiercely.

Hua self pity thinks that even if it is the second level, he can fight in the first World War, but now he can't even lock Zheng Jingming's figure. Hua self pity suddenly realizes that Zheng Jingming has the strength of the third level.

But there is not much fear in Hua's self pity heart.


As soon as Zheng Jingming's figure disappeared, the war generals standing beside China's self pity also disappeared.

In the next moment, a huge space crack appears, and the two figures collide fiercely in the crack.

"Master, who are the best of these two?" Xiaolian on Jiuyuan mountain asks Jiugong softly.

Nine palace looks dignified ground says, "you see Zheng Jingming and Hua self pity distance between know."

Wen Yan Xiaolian looked at her eyes and was surprised. "Has Zheng Jingming been suppressed?"

The place where Zheng Jingming and the general fought was too close to Zheng Jingming.

It shouldn't be in theory.

Because if the two sides are even, the distance between them should be the same.

Moreover, don't forget that Zheng Jingming also seized the opportunity.

"Who are you?" After Zheng Jingming was forced back by the general's fist, Zheng Jingming stared at the general and set off a storm in his heart.

Zheng Jingming's strength has been infinitely close to the third level limit, but even so, he still did not take advantage of any.

How could that be possible?

How can jiuchongtian have a master at this level?

The war will be silent.

"Do you want to fight?" Hua self pity asked with a smile.

"Is this master your man?" Zheng Jingming looks at Hua with astonishment and self pity.

Hua self pity said with a smile, "otherwise?"

Smile back to smile, but the heart of Hua self pity set off a storm.

Just now, China's self pity made the generals use the strength of the late stage of the third stage, but even this was just embarrassing to suppress the other side.

What does that mean?

This shows that the other side has the combat power close to the third level limit.

So terrible!

"I don't understand why you are willing to follow a rubbish of the first level because of your high cultivation?" Zheng Jingming looked at the general and asked earnestly.

Hua's self pity face suddenly became gloomy.

In fact, this moment's gloomy face is more than Hua's self pity?

When was the rubbish of the first half god capital?

"You talk a lot of rubbish?" The general looked at Zheng Jingming coldly.

"I just don't understand." Zheng Jingming said softly."There are many things in the world that you don't understand." The general said slowly, "four days, whatever you want, but some people you can't provoke, some forces you can't make a decision."

"What if I provoke?"

"You will die."

Zheng Jingming's face became dignified, "you don't seem to know my identity?"

"Your background is nothing to me?"

"You're crazy." Zheng Jingming said sullenly, "what I can tell you is that the strength of the tenth world is far more than that of jiuchongtian."

"If you have the ability, you can let the experts of the tenth world come to me?" The general sneered.

Zheng Jingming was stunned by the strength of the general.

Isn't the other side afraid of the Tenth World?

"Do you know the realm of the living gods?"

In the eyes of the general, a look of disbelief appeared, "is there a master of this level in the Tenth World?"

"My master is a God walking in the world." Zheng Jingming's voice dropped, and all the monks were shocked.

"Gods walking in the world?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me that the gods in the world are the strong gods?"

All the major forces feel uneasy when they hear this term.

The strong in the third realm are still within the scope of their understanding, but the realm of living gods is beyond their imagination.

This kind of existence can break the balance.

"Do you know the living gods?" Zheng Jingming looked at the general in disbelief.

General, no, we should say Ye Hao at this time.

Ye Hao didn't want to come here.

Because Ye Hao doesn't think Zheng Jingming is his opponent.

But just now Ye Hao sensed that the general was going to fight. Under his curiosity, a wisp of divinity came to him, which led to the conversation just now.

"Is it amazing to know that?" The general said faintly.

There are masters in the tenth world.

Ye Hao knew this for a long time.

Since Ye Hao can go to the Ten Kingdoms, is it possible for Ye Hao to go to the tenth realm?

"Since you know the realm of the living gods, you should know what the living gods mean?"

"The living gods are not invincible. Are there still few living gods who have fallen in the world these years?" The general looked at Zheng Jingming calmly.

"Ridiculous." Zheng Jingming looked at the general sarcastically and said, "the gods in the world are invincible."

The general shook his head slightly.

If the living gods were invincible, Tianma would not have so many forbidden areas.

"You say invincible, invincible."

"What do you mean?" Zheng Jingming asked with a gloomy face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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