"Go away." Ye Hao is angry.

Is Zheng Jingming really kicking his nose on his face?

Who does he think he is?


Zheng Jingming's recognition of the sea was broken in an instant. He saw that it was going to run through the moment of Zheng Jingming's knowledge of the sea, and a spirit hidden in his deep understanding of the sea was revived.

Is it possible that divine thoughts immediately gush out endless brilliance, just like a single spark setting fire to a prairie fire in an instant, blazing and domineering.

"Who dares to touch my apprentice of Yingshan river?"

The sound is like thunder, the ground explodes.

"I'm moving today. What can you do for me?" Ye Hao is not afraid to collide with the spirit of Yingshan river.

Yingshan River staggered in the middle of the air and went back several steps. He looked at Ye Hao standing not far away and said, "God in the world?"


"How can jiuchongtian have an expert at this level?"

"With the cultivation resources and level of jiuchongtian, it should not be a master at the level of living gods." Ye Hao looked at a powerful middle-aged man on the opposite side and said, "the nine heaven in my mouth also includes your residence - the tenth world."

"You can only prove that you are too narrow-minded." Wen Yan Yingshan River shook his head slightly.

"How do you say that?"

"When Taigu became a god level master, he went to chaos. He killed all the masters in a big world of winged Terrans. Then Taigu ransacked the resources of that big world. After that, he broke a corner of the heaven and earth and threw all those resources into that corner."

"This is the origin of the tenth realm?" Ye Hao seems to understand something.

"Not bad."

"How big is that corner?"

"That corner is only a large area, but with the expansion of these years, the area is no less than that of the quadruple sky."

"Why don't you go through the robbery?"

"I'm afraid that the man who destroyed me will be destroyed?"

"The one who wants to become an advanced continent in one leap."

"I think we can work together."

"No interest."

"now the tenth sector has the final say."

"has the final say."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you heard of Banshee land?"

"Is the strong man of the demon land coming?" Yingshanhe's face was dignified.

"A living God in the land of Banshee should have come to the four heavens."

"One is OK."

"According to the current development trend of jiuchongtian, there will be more and more living gods coming in the future."

"I will not allow the strong in other worlds to step into the tenth world."

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.

"When Jingming becomes a living God, the tenth world will be free from any threat."

"I hope so." Ye Hao said faintly.

Yingshanhe took a deep look at Ye Hao. "You should know that one is going to destroy the whole jiuchongtian."

"I'll have to agree." Ye Hao said slowly.

Yingshanhe's face changed slightly, "you're crazy."

Ye Hao's mind is to leave the body of the general.

Yingshanhe saw what the war generals realized.

"Jingming, don't provoke Ye Hao in the future."

"Master, is Ye Hao also a living God?" Zheng Jingming is not a fool.

It is not that he has never seen the strong man of the third level limit. How could Zheng Jingming not count the strength of Ye Hao just now?

"Through the trial just now, Ye Hao's strength will not be inferior to me." Yingshan river said in a deep voice.

"Ah." Zheng Jingming was surprised.

"But you don't have to worry too much. The master got a big chance before. I am confident that I can break through again in 100 years."

"So I'm going to be less active?" Zheng Jingming is busy.

Most of heaven and earth are not as big as master.

Who are you afraid of when Yingshan River breaks through to the second level God?

"Don't interfere in the demon domain for the time being." Yingshan river was silent for a while and then said.


When Yingshan River fell into a deep sleep, Zheng Jingming looked at Hua self pity.

"Three princesses, please don't be offended just now." What no one thought was that Zheng Jingming, who was strong and domineering just now, felt sorry for himself to China.

Can't you deny it?

At this time, Ye Hao was in the Yanhuang sect, while the master was still practicing in seclusion.

When Hua self pity is in a daze, Ye Hao's voice rings in his ear.

"Zheng Jingming's master is a living God."

"Living gods?" Hua felt sorry for herself and was shocked.

In fact, from the time the general spoke, Hua felt pity for himself that Ye Hao had come.Because the war will only carry out her will.

"There are three or six or nine gods in the world. His master is not my opponent." Ye Hao then said lightly, "there is no need to fear Zheng Jingming's pulse."

"I see." Hua self pity heart big set at the same time to look at Zheng Jingming, "I come to this is to join in the fun, if it is not for Tonglin shouting, there will not be such a misunderstanding."

Although Ye Hao told Hua that self pity should not be afraid of Zheng Jingming, Hua did not want to provoke the living gods for Ye Hao.

Zheng Jingming can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he hears Hua's self pity.

What worries him most is that Hua self pity is not willing to expose this matter.

"Tong Lin, apologize to the third princess." Zheng Jingming looks at Tong Lin Dao.

Tong Lin bit his teeth and said in a deep voice, "childe, I don't understand why we should apologize to China for self pity? Is your master the living God of the Tenth World

"Didn't you hear me?" Zheng Jingming was furious.

He didn't expect the Council to question himself in public.

"Childe, I just don't understand." Tong Lin choked his neck and said, "you told me that the gods in the world are invincible. In this case, why should we fear Ye Hao?"

Tong Lin is not a fool.

He knew very well that Zheng Jingming recognized and counselled because of Ye Hao behind the three princesses.

"Bold, you can call ye Shangshen's name?" Zheng Jingming's face changed.

Ye Hao is not inferior to his master.

Who dares to disrespect such existence?

"Me." Tong Lin was stunned.

What does Zheng Jingming call Ye Hao?

Ye Shang Shen?

"Tong Lin, I told you that the gods in the world are invincible, but have you never thought that Lord Ye is also a God?" Zheng Jing Ming shouts at Tong Lin.


These two words, like a flash of lightning, cut through the sea of knowledge of each monk present.


"Ye Hao has set foot in the divine realm?"

"Yes, I was curious about how the third level limit could be so strong? Dare you, Ye Hao's fighting power has already set foot in the realm of the living gods

"No wonder Ye Hao has such a strong follower around him?"

"Then everything will be explained."

"I just want to know how Ye Hao did it?"

"Why don't you ask?"

"Who dares? Today's yanhuangzong has become a giant. With Ye Hao's strength, he can completely unify the whole quadruple heaven. "

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