"I have to say that Ye Hao is too low-key."

"Yes, if Ye Hao showed the strength of the living gods, it would not be difficult to unify the four heavens."

"Don't you see Ye Hao has no intention of fighting for hegemony?"

"You are wrong. It's not that Ye Hao has no intention of competing for hegemony, but who is qualified to compete with Ye Hao? Is Zheng Jingming really amazing? But it's not as good as Ye Hao. "

"It's a pity that yanhuangzong refused to accept any forces to join in as early as ten years ago. Otherwise, I would have taken xiaoyangzong with me."

"It's a blessing for Hua to feel sorry for herself."

"Who said it was not? Relying on yanhuangzong, who dares to provoke her? Even Zheng Jingming did not admit it? "

"I don't know if Ye Hao will hire a maid?"

"Not everyone can be worthy of Ye Hao?"

"If you can get Ye Hao's good fortune, even once, it will not be a waste of your life."

"Before, I thought Zheng Jingming was tall and great. Now I realize that there is no comparison between the two sides."

"Mainly because Mr. Ye is too low-key."

"Mr. Ye hasn't made a high profile these years."

"I don't care. I want to join the Yanhuang sect."

"Yan huangzong doesn't recruit monks from other regions now?"

"Then I will kneel at the gate of yanhuangzong."

"Miss, you are the young master of Qingquan sect."

"I don't want to be a young leader of Qingquan sect? I want to be a disciple of yanhuangzong

When the monks in the hall had a heated discussion, Chen closed moon's eyes darkened.

Living gods?

Did Ye Hao grow up to such a point?

Was the husband he chose so excellent?

It's a pity.

And in the dark, nine tail sky fox a pair of eye son of enchanting soul is full of fright.

Living gods?

The little guy was so strong?

Nine tail Tianhu hesitated a little and went in the direction of yanhuangzong.

In recent years, Jiuwei Tianhu has gained some fortune, and her strength has already stepped into the early stage of the second stage. Therefore, she came to Yanhuang sect soon.

And when she appeared at the gate, a divine thought fell on her.

This idea makes Jiuwei Tianhu have a feeling of hair explosion.

"Who am I? It turns out to be a Nine Tailed sky fox. " At this time, a gentle voice sounded in the ears of Nine Tailed Tianhu.

Nine tail sky fox saw the man after the eyes showed an incredible look.

"At the beginning of the second boundary."

You know, ten years ago, the moon was still on the twelfth floor of the fairy king.

But then Jiuwei Tianhu understood why.

Ye Hao used 200 time crystals.

But when there is time, can the crystal be promoted?

It also involves qualifications.

If you don't have qualifications, what can you do if you have thousands of years?

"Have you come to seek my husband?" Haoyue asked with a smile.

From the address of Haoyue, Jiuwei Tianhu realizes that Haoyue is not friendly to himself?

Because on this occasion, Haoyue should call Ye Hao the patriarch.

Not my husband.

"When I rescued Lord Ye in the fourth heaven, Lord Ye said that he would take me back when he set foot in the fairyland." Jiuwei Tianhu was not a good person at first. Now he saw that Haoyue was hostile to her, so he did not hesitate to reply.

"I can't wait for Lord Ye, I have to come in person." Nine tail sky fox cackles a way.

Haoyue's pretty face suddenly sank down.

See Haoyue eat shriveled nine tail Tianhu heart don't mention more happy.

"What did you call my husband just now?" At this time, a slow and not urgent voice sounded in the ears of nine tail Tianhu.

Nine tail sky Fox's look suddenly becomes dignified.

Although Tang pianpianpian's accomplishments in the distance were in the early stage of the second stage, I don't know why she felt very uneasy when she looked at Tang pianpianpian. It was like Tang Pianpian was an ancient fierce beast.


Absolute master!

It can be imagined that Tang Pianpian's combat effectiveness is definitely far beyond her cultivation.

Jiuwei Tianhu knows that this is an instinctive warning of danger in his blood.

"What's wrong with me calling ye Zongzhu?" Nine tail day fox put up the smile on the face and whispered back.

"If I'm not mistaken, are you from Jiuyuan mountain?" Tang Pian said calmly.

Jiuwei Tianhu's heart sank.

"Then what happened in jiuyuanshan, I think you know better than me." Tang pianpianpian said word by word, "since you know, do you still call ye Zongzhu? Yes? Do you think I can be bulliedJiuwei Tianhu's face changed a few times, and he was busy pleading guilty. "Lord Ye stepped into the divine realm. This news is too abrupt. I haven't changed it for a while. Please forgive me."

Don't feel that it doesn't matter.

In fact, it's about the face of a clan.

This is not to be called indiscriminately.

Nine tail day fox does not know also is just, but knew also the random address, Tang Pianpian can take this punishment completely.

Looking at the nine tail Tianhu admit mistakes, Tang Pian's tight face shows a smile.

"Follow me." Tang Pian said lightly.

Nine tail of the sky fox should be a sound, with the Tang pianpianpian toward the distance.

When he went to Ye Hao's residence, Jiuwei Tianhu sensed dozens of his own gods.

These thoughts just lingered on her and then left.

"There are too many masters of the Yellow Sect?" Jiuwei Tianhu has a sense of fear.

Before that, Jiuwei Tianhu thought his cultivation was good.

Even in Yan Huang Zongzhi can be called a master?

But at this moment, she realized that she was inflamed in huangzong. Maybe it was nothing at all?

In a pavilion, Ye Hao stands with his hands down.

"Long time no see."

Nine tail day fox looks at the man not far away, in the eye is full of sob color, "yes, for a long time no see."

"Sit down, please." Ye Hao reaches out to indicate that Jiuwei Tianhu is seated.

After sitting down, Ye Hao poured three cups of tea.

The first cup of Ye Hao was handed to Tang pianpianpian, and the second cup was handed to Jiuwei Tianhu.

Jiuwei Tianhu suddenly felt a little restrained.

But it's normal.

Ye Hao was no longer a kid who could be ridiculed at will. He even had to consider every word in front of him.

It's no small thing to say something wrong.

Ye Hao may not say anything, but don't you have Tang pianpianpian?

Jiuwei Tianhu picked up the tea cup and drank it gently. She put it down. When she was about to say something, her face changed.

Because she found her mouth dry and her blood was restless.

"Do you prescribe medicine?" Jiuwei Tianhu looks at Ye Hao. His eyes are full of wonder.

Ye Hao was stunned.

"You want my body to say, is it necessary in this way?" When he said this, Jiuwei Tianhu felt more hot and dry in his body.

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