Ye Hao curled his lips.

"Do you think too much?"

Nine tail sky fox can't help but stare big eyes.

What do you mean?

The next moment, nine tail of the sky fox found their own blood into the flame was ignited.

"Blood is evolving?"

Nine tail sky fox to today's point, the strength of blood has been used to the limit.

That is to say, no matter how big the limit is given to her, Jiuwei Tianhu can't afford it.

This is the difference between Terrans and demons.

The evolution of demon clan depends on blood, so they are very strong in the early stage, but when the blood is exhausted, they have to keep the realm.

Comparatively speaking, Terrans can improve their potential in other ways.

"What do you give me to drink?"


"Wu Xue Shen Teng?" It is the first time that Jiuwei Tianhu has heard of this kind of medicinal material.

"I don't know if there is still wuxueshenteng in jiuchongtian, but I picked it in other continents." Ye Hao looked at Jiuwei Tianhu and said, "wuxueshenteng can strengthen the blood vessels of the demigods and enhance the spirits of the demigods. Moreover, wuxueshenteng is a healing elixir. As long as you have one breath, you can recover quickly."

"Wuxueshenteng is the medicinal material in which territory?" Nine tail day fox asks this sentence time all dry up.

"The third place." Ye Hao said lightly.

The pupil of nine tail sky fox shrinks fiercely.

"Third place?"

"What's the problem?"

"Why should I take such precious herbs?"

"To thank you for standing up for me."

"I was just icing on the cake in that case." Nine tail day fox says with a bitter smile.

"When yanhuangzong broke the news of seven demons, in addition to some of the ancestors of the Terran to help me shelter, I also know that you used your influence to prevent some demon forces from targeting me." Ye Hao said, "this cup of black blood god vine can make your blood evolution to the third level."

"So overbearing?"

"Wuxueshenteng is not an ordinary third level medicinal material." Tang pianpianpian said with a smile, "what's more, this cup of tea also adds some accessories, which make the healing of wuxueshenteng doubled."


Hearing this word, Tang Pian's face changed.

Wuxueshenteng and other levels of the existence of curative effect, even if a little bit to improve it is extremely difficult.

But now Tang pianpianpian says the curative effect is doubled.

"Double the effect?"

"The accessories I'm talking about are all demigods." Tang Pianpian smiles.

Nine tail day fox suddenly understand why the curative effect of wuxueshenteng can be doubled.

How precious are the accessories?

"Nine cups of tea can be brewed with one black blood god vine." Ye Hao said at this time, "the first cup has the best effect, the second cup has half effect, and the third cup has no effect." Speaking of this, Ye Hao poured another cup to Jiuwei Tianhu, "you can drink one more cup, you can play the effect to the extreme."

Jiuwei Tianhu took up the tea and drank it.

"Ye Shangshen, do you remember what you said?" Nine tail day fox asks this sentence when the eye is full of expectation color.

"Forget it." Ye Hao shook his head in the eyes of Jiuwei Tianhu.

"I don't believe it." Jiuwei Tianhu stares at Ye Hao.

"When the matter of jiuchongtian is over, I will go to Shenyu." Ye Hao pondered for a while and said softly.

"I see." Nine tail day fox said to stand up, "good bye."

"Wait a minute." When Jiuwei Tianhu turns to leave, Ye Hao calls her.

"Here you are." Ye Hao throws her a jade card in the suspicious look of Jiuwei Tianhu.

"You can crush this jade card when you are in danger in the future, and I will appear in the first place." Ye Hao said softly, "if I have already soared, you hold this jade card to yanhuangzong, and yanhuangzong will help you do something that does not violate the principle."

"Is this pity?" Nine tail sky fox red eyes way.

"I did have a heart attack when I teased you, but now I don't want to be in debt anymore." Ye Hao grew up with a sense of shame in his eyes. "I already owe too much love debt. I don't want to owe any more."

"I don't care." Jiuwei Tianhu choked.

"But I care."

After all, nine tail Tianhu still left.

I was a bit out of my wits when I left.

"She's in a wrong state. Do you want someone to protect her?" Tang pianpianpian said softly.

"I sent a general."

"When will you succeed in the third stage of becoming a soldier by casting beans?"

In the third stage, 72 generals can be condensed.

"As I expected, even if I had reached level three, the living gods would not be able to do so." Ye Hao said softly."The gods in the world are the realms of God. How many realms are there?"

"I don't know that either." As soon as Ye Hao said this, he thought of a gentle voice around him, "the true God state is divided into three realms."

Ye Hao's face could not help but reveal the color of surprise, "four sides of god beast, you wake up."

"Wake up." "Now we don't have to worry about falling into a coma at any time."

The four gods and beasts can not help feeling.

Originally, he felt that he needed to go to the divine realm to recover.

I didn't expect to return to this state in the lower bound.

"The realm of true God is divided into three realms: small true God, middle true God and great true God. Each realm is divided into early, middle and late stages." The four sides god beast said slowly, "the third level living God is actually the later period of the little true God."

"Is the later period of xiaozhenshen the limit of heaven and earth?"

"Not bad."

"According to the current cultivation, when I step into the third level, I will reach the later stage of the little true God. Does that mean that my promotion will not have any significance in the future?"

"At that time, your promotion will not really make any sense." "Unless you can break the limit of this square heaven and earth bear."

"The way of heaven in jiuchongtian?"

"To be exact, it's the way of heaven in the world."

"How can I break it?"

"You need to tear the shackles of heaven on you, and only when you want to break through."

Hearing this, Ye Hao fell into deep thought.


Jiuyuan mountain!

Zheng Jingming looked at the top of the mountain and said, "nine palaces, are you ready?"

Jiugong leisurely sighed, "I didn't set foot on the third level for long, but you are already the limit of the third level. I'm not your opponent at all. I admit defeat."

This competition is meaningless.

It's better to admit defeat.

"I have a chance here. I don't know if you want it or not?"

"What chance?"

"No matter it's the last four days, the master will tell me Looking at the nine palaces, Zheng Jingming said in a deep voice, "and I have some places in my hands, which can allow some monks to enter the tenth realm."

After a pause, Zheng Jingming then said, "speaking of the tenth realm, we may not know the origin of this realm. I can tell you in detail now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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