"Students can start their own businesses." Mingyue said with a smile, "and don't forget my major."

Students from financial institutions will start their own businesses very early, and this is also encouraged and supported by the school.

"I just didn't think you built the splendid sanatorium?" Xu Mengmeng said softly.

Yesterday, Xu Mengmeng inquired about Jinxiu sanatorium online.

The investment in Jinxiu sanatorium has exceeded 2 billion.

Why does Mingyue have so much money when she is young?

"It's not small." Zhang Lan took a look around the building of the building, Xiaoxie way.

"The boss behind is rich." The bright moon looks at Ye Hao without trace.

Zhang Lan and Xu Mengmeng look at each other.

Mingyue doesn't care what she says. Doesn't she care what others say?

Because it's easy to make people think of the bad side.

But how can the second daughter know that this sanatorium was funded by Ye Hao?

Even if it's a bad moon, I'd love to see it.

"Doctor ye, please follow me." Mingyue knows that Ye Hao doesn't want others to know that he is the boss behind the scenes of Jinxiu sanatorium.

Therefore, Mingyue pretends to be unfamiliar with Ye Hao.

Mingyue takes Ye Hao to the diagnostic room and leaves. After all, Mingyue still has a lot of work to deal with.

"Zhang Lan, I'm going to teach you the path of the operation of acupoints and orifices." While Ye Hao is talking, he inputs a ray of Zhenyuan into Zhang Lan's body, which runs one after another along Zhang Lan's acupoint orifices.

"Remember?" After finishing a cycle, Ye Hao asked.

"Well." The martial arts themselves also want to get through the meridians, so Zhang Lan has long been familiar with acupoint orifices.

Xu Mengmeng widened her eyes and said, "you will remember it again."

Zhang Lan raised his chin triumphantly.

"Meng Meng, Zhang Lan's situation is a little special. Don't compare with her." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I'm smart, OK?" Zhang Lan stares at Ye Hao.

"Well, you are clever. Meng Meng, what I said just now is lying to you. " Ye Hao immediately changed his words.

"That's about it." Zhang Lan chuckled.

Xu Mengmeng feels uncomfortable.

There is no doubt that Ye Hao and Zhang Lan still have secrets they don't know.

However, he and Ye Hao were butted in by Zhang Lan, and the advantages he had gained disappeared in an instant.

"I don't have much time to teach you, so you have to study hard." Ye Hao looks at Er Nu Dao.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Lan asked in a hurry.

"I'm going to be away for a while." Ye Hao said softly, "as for when to leave, it may be these two days or these two months."

"How long are you going to leave?" Xu Mengmeng asked.

"I don't know."

Ye Hao's reply made the second daughter-in-law confused.

"How can you not know?"

Ye Hao laughed and changed the topic, "go and call the first patient."

Soon a young man pushed an old man to the clinic.

"Thank you." The young man said respectfully to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao heard each other's accent and frowned, "Japanese?"


"I'm sorry, I don't treat the Japanese here." Ye Hao shook his head and said.

"Why?" There was an incredible look on the young man's face.

"I'm a narrow-minded person, so I can't be generous." Ye Hao looked at the young man.

"Medicine has no boundaries."

"But doctors have countries."

"You." The Japanese youth calmed down and said, "my grandfather is suffering from the wind and cold, and now he can't walk. Please be merciful to Dr. Ye."

The young Japanese just said that he was interrupted by Ye Hao, "every patient who comes to see a doctor here is deeply hurt by the patients. OK, don't waste any more time, please."

The Japanese youth stared at Ye Hao for three seconds and said, "I will come again."

With these words, the Japanese youth pushed his grandfather away.

"Kimura, don't forget it." The old man in the wheelchair sighed.

"No way." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Japanese youth, saying, "I know too much about the habits of this country. He will certainly see your grandfather."


"Since this doctor is so patriotic, I will let his country force him." Kimura sneered, "I'll see how he will deal with it then?"

Kimura pushed his grandfather to the Japanese embassy.

After learning about the situation, the staff of the embassy said angrily, "I will report this matter to the ambassador."

After a short period of time, a middle-aged man in a suit came along with the staff.Looking at the young man, the middle-aged man said, "I am the Japanese ambassador to Japan, Tanaka. I already know what you said. I will go to the consulate to negotiate."

"And you will come with me."

A consul of the consulate received the Japanese ambassador.

"The doctor's behavior in your country has seriously damaged the friendship between the two countries. I hope you can give me a reply as soon as possible." Said the Japanese Ambassador solemnly.

"I will deal with this matter at once and give you a satisfactory answer." Consul Zhang, who was in charge of receiving the Japanese ambassador, said immediately.

Since a big man said that there are no trivial matters in foreign affairs, the Chinese people can not stand upright in the face of foreign negotiations.

I can't help but say it's sad.

Consul Zhang and two staff members drove to Jinxiu sanatorium as soon as possible.

At this time, Ye Hao is treating a headache for an elderly patient.

"Get out." Ye Hao glanced at consul Zhang.

"I am." As soon as consul Zhang said this, Ye Hao was unhappy and said, "who are you going out for me? Don't you see that I'm treating a disease?"

Consul Zhang's face was tinged with anger.

Along with Consul Zhang's two staff members, they went forward one step at a time.

"Do you know who is in front of you?"

"This is consul Zhang of the consulate."

As soon as the voice of the two staff members dropped and Ye Hao's sleeve waved casually, the three people, including consul Zhang, felt a tremendous force, which hit them hard and drove them out of the door.

It took a while for consul Zhang to recover, and their eyes were full of horror.

"I heard that Ye Hao is a master of martial arts."

"Is this legend true?"

Zhang Lingshi's face was uncertain.

Ye Hao shook him out of the door and slapped him.

"Call the police." Consul Zhang said in a deep voice.

A staff member immediately called 110.

within two minutes, a police car stopped at the clinic.

"Who called the police?" Asked a policeman.

"Me." Consul Zhang took out his own documents as he spoke.

The policeman looked dignified when he saw that the other side was the consul of the consulate. "What's the matter?"

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