Super Asura System

Chapter 1245: What if I offer you a flag

Zhao Yiming and his group suddenly appeared a lot more, which also shocked the other forces, and everyone paid more attention to them.

The Gao family, who was the first to bear the brunt, seemed to be in a hurry, and quickly summoned his master from outside, planning to fight the opponent.

Zhao Yiming led people to their city and looked at the closed city gate with a smile on his face.

Wang Lijiu cast a wink to the side, and a big man stepped out. This guy was also a titan of the Jagged Society, Ni Longzhen, and is now a low-level god.

He waved a mace in his hand and looked at the city shouting loudly: "You **** birdmen, why have you closed the city gate and let the uncle open it."

The high-priced person was already on the city wall at this time, and Gao Jiguo shouted: "You don't need to make excuses here. We don't welcome you here. Let's go to another house!"

A particularly wretched guy came out of the crowd. This guy came from the God Realm of the Lower Realm, but he was a human race, a well-known person who was famous for being a rudder, but he was shameless enough.

Pei Zhongzheng said with a wicked smile: "What do you guys mean? There is no reason to keep the distinguished guests out of the door. Aren't we just getting rid of you?

How can you be so stingy? We can be considered to be a standout for you, because I accidentally got a news that your side boss has a dye with your wife and your hair is green.

As a result, you guy is a wife slave, who is totally daring not to speak, so I can't stand my brother, so let our son help you get rid of them.

You guy not only doesn't know how to be grateful, but keeps our son out of the door. Is it because you like to be a green turtle? If you say yes, my brother, I will turn around and leave. From now on, I will assume that we don't know him. "

Gao Jiguo's face was flushed with anger, and his whole person was about to explode, but he really wanted that guy to get it right. He was really a strict wife, and his wife was also stealing people outside, but he was stealing more. High-level powers.

This is something that everyone knows, but being stabbed by the other party in such a big public, he just loses face.

He snarled angrily: "You **** is really an improper son of man. You actually said something like this. You have never met before, so how can you frame me?"

Pei Zhongzheng's ability to observe words and expressions is particularly strong. When he saw the reaction of the other person, and then looked at the faces of other people, he smiled in his heart, but he didn't expect that he was right.

What this guy has always pursued is to hit someone in the face and expose him to the shortcomings, bite to death, and say nothing.

He immediately smiled and said, "My brother also knows that this is about your sore spot, but since you like being a green turtle, why bother to say it?

I know that it is because your little bird is not easy to use, so the younger brothers and sisters will have other thoughts, but before they can exchange benefits for you, the older brother will not say anything.

But now you are so hungry and inedible that you don't even let the side branches below. If this is known to the world, what kind of face you will have in the future, don't worry about such a wife! "

With his bitter attitude, many people here believed it to be true, and they whispered to each other and looked at the Patriarch with strange eyes.

At this moment, a woman came out from behind. It was Gao Jiguo's wife Liu Shuqin. She looked very graceful, but she was very coquettish in her bones.

Liu Shuqin raised her hand and gave Gao Jiguo a slap in the face. She said in a cold voice, "You deliberately let the old lady be ashamed here, and let the **** continue to talk about it. Don't forget that your Gao family has today. In exchange, I won't send someone to kill him."

Gao Minghui couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly stepped forward and said, "You fellow, don't talk nonsense there. I know you want to slander our Gao family.

Originally, we did not offend you. It was you who destroyed one of our clan first, and now you kill our clan, which is really deceiving too much. "

At this time, Wang Lijiu came out more and more, and said with a smile: "Even if you are too angry, what can we do? To put it bluntly, we are going to take you to sacrifice the flag.

Nowadays, it is not that there are forces offering rewards to deal with our gods, bullying our gods and being alone and lonely here, now that we have come, naturally we cannot make you too arrogant.

Now which force dared to fight our god's idea, we will kill it back, let all the forces know who you can't afford! "

What he said was very domineering, and he suppressed everyone for a while, although the people in the Menggui Plain knew that if the City of the Ghost Territory was serious with them, they would just be some clowns.

But I didn't expect that the foreign force that came now would also behave so arrogantly at this time. This completely did not put the Menggui Plain in his eyes, but it seemed that people also had this confidence.

Wu Xin said loudly at this time: "Since the words have been said to this point, naturally there is no point in saying anything. Let's see the truth under our hands to see if you have this ability."

Ni Longzhen laughed and said, "I won't be done like this a long time ago. Where there is so much nonsense, let you see what I can do, which **** will come down and die."

A person flew down and waved the weapon in his hand. Just as he was about to sign up, Ni Longzhen didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He swiped his mace and struck him.

The guy didn't even go through three moves under his hand, and was hit on the head by a mace, his head was smashed, and his soul was completely scattered.

You know that ghosts are more life-saving than humans, because people can become ghosts when they die, and they will be completely finished when they die, so the rest of the people wait and see each other, and no one dares to make a move for a while.

After a while, another guy hesitated and rushed out with a big knife. As a result, it was even worse, and he was beaten into meatloaf when he met him.

The expressions of the seniors of the Gao family changed, and they didn't expect the other party to be so powerful. Looking at the expressions on the faces of the subordinates, they immediately knew that they were already useless.

Gao Minghui hesitated for a moment. He didn't dare to end the battle. He wasn't sure if he could have done that guy. Moreover, there were still many people on the other side who hadn't made a shot. If he won this one, he might not be able to win the next one.

Zhao Yiming sneered, and the more crowds said: "If you don't want to die, then I will show you a clear way, sign this contract with my second brother, and then completely surrender to him."

The Gao family looked at each other, everyone's eyes were filled with hesitation, Zhao Zhenlin let out a cold snort.

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