Super Asura System

Chapter 1246: Who will get the first blood?

Zhao Yiming was very arrogant at this time. He just didn't put the opponent in his eyes, and if there was a big discord, he completely flattened the opponent's meaning.

Wu Xin shouted in a deep voice: "You are too rampant. This is obviously not to put our ghost plains in your eyes. The Gao family will not succumb to your power."

Pei Zhongzheng said with a look of disdain: "Where is this old dog barking there? The owner hasn't spoken yet, so what are you?"

Liu Shuqin shouted coldly: "You are an old dog. Mr. Wu is our Ke Qing elder. Of course, many things can be the master."

Ni Longzhen said with a puzzled face: "Is it possible that Elder Keqing made such an explanation here? In my hometown, elder Keqing is a mixed meal. How can I make decisions for the host family and you maintain him so much? Human relations."

Gao Jiguo's face became ashen, which really made this group of guys right. Wu Xin is the member of the powerful Wu family, so he has been domineering.

The people of the Gao family have long been dissatisfied with Wu Xin. Gao Minghui said to the side: "Since Elder Wu intends to get ahead, it is better for you to teach them a lesson!"

Wu Xin has always been accustomed to the power of his family. At this moment, he didn’t take Zhao Yiming and the others in his heart. The woman who gave it up, otherwise, you will have no return."

Wang Lijiu said with a gloomy expression: "This is really a lifeless thing. Who of you will go up and kill him for me!"

Wan Tianya walked out slowly, pointing at Wu Xin and said: "You don't want to be rampant here, the old man will kill you now."

Wu Xin was also furious when he heard it. He shook his figure and rushed down, raised his hand to pat the opponent, and wanted to use the tendency of leaping to shoot the opponent to death.

Wan Tianya was also named a lower god, and the law he mastered was power, which was different from the law of power, but it could also be regarded as a branch of it.

And what he mastered was the softness of strength, which was completely overcoming the strength with softness, taking the opponent's life in a conspiracy, which was impossible to prevent.

He waved his hand in the air and led the opponent's palm to the side. This palm hit the ground, which was also dusty, leaving a big hole directly.

He completely took advantage of his strength, intercepting part of the opponent's palm strength, and hitting it back together with his own palm strength, this time the power was doubled.

Wu Xin didn't expect that the other party would have this trick. He would suffer a loss as soon as he played against him. He was hit by two palms in a series and was seriously injured at once.

Wan Tianya doesn't have any chivalry spirit. It is completely taking advantage of your illness to kill you. The palms are shot in a series, and a storm-like attack will eventually kill the opponent.

When Liu Shuqin saw that Wu Xin had been killed, she immediately scolded her husband: "Are you a dead person? Watching Elder Wu being killed, how should we explain to the Wu family?"

Gao Minghui suddenly shot, slapped the woman's head with a palm, and then said in a cold voice: "If you can't explain it, then don't explain it."

He then said to Gao Jiguo: "I have probably seen this situation now. We have no choice but to surrender."

Gao Jiguo nodded and said in a loud voice: "Master Zhao's subordinates are really masters like clouds. Our Gao family is willing to surrender, and please be merciful."

Zhao Yiming snorted from his nose, took out a contract at random and threw it on the city, saying: "After signing this contract, everyone will be their own people in the future, and they have always been very tolerant to their own people."

This is a contract purchased in his system, which has a strong binding force, and it is a unilateral constraint, and his brother does not bear any obligations.

The people of the Gao family had no choice at all, only to drop blood on the contract to recognize the contract. After the contract was signed, they actually became diehard in an instant.

Zhao Yiming and the others entered the city of the Gao family, and soon came to the hall of the Gao family. The two of them naturally sat in the main seat, and the Gao family members were in front of him.

Zhao Zhenlin now also knows what his brother meant, and said with a majestic expression: "The most correct choice made by your Gao family, in the future, everyone will be a family. We will continue to expand our forces. I don't know what you have to say."

Gao Minghui immediately stepped forward and said, "There are several nearby cities that are similar to ours. I think the Lord can let them regain them, including our cities, which belong to the Wu family's sphere of influence. I am afraid that something will be wrong then. "

Zhao Yiming completely let go of this matter, and let his second brother do it at will. After all, this will be his territory in the future, and he must also establish prestige.

Zhao Zhenlin nodded and said, "There will be a battle with the Wu family sooner or later, so you don't need to care about their opinions. You can go down and make arrangements. These cities will be defeated in the next few days."

He didn't even ask about the situation of the Wu family, because it didn't make any sense to ask, and both sides definitely wanted to do it. Not only the Wu family, but all the forces in the Menggui Plain were their opponents.

It should be said that those cities are within their reach, and they soon forced the city owners of those cities to sign a contract. This contract is indeed very magical, making their emerging power invincible.

After their power took shape, the first problem they faced was that if they continued to expand, they would inevitably conflict with the Wu family.

Zhao Zhenlin didn't care about the Wu family's thoughts at all, and immediately dispatched personnel to constantly sweep the surrounding small cities, not even a small village, and soon fell into his hands, which was close to 1/3 of the Wu family.

His approach quickly attracted the attention of the Wu family. The Wu family specially sent someone over to see what was going on. They didn't care about the following changes, but they couldn't let a powerful force rise.

Zhao Zhenlin met the special envoy of the Wu family in the hall. This guy was also a very arrogant person, with an expression of disdain on his face.

He said very arrogantly: "You are the boss of this emerging power. I am Wu Yue, the special envoy of the Wu family. This time I am hereby the order of our Patriarch Wu Shiguo to tell you.

Your pace of expansion ends here, and then follow me to Wu's house and explain things clearly with the Patriarch, and we can also recognize you as our subordinates. "

Zhao Zhenlin shook his head and said, "I think your Excellency made a mistake. We didn't mean to be your Wu family's subordinate. You will go back for me to tell your Patriarch. If he surrenders to me now, everyone will be spared from seeing each other. , Otherwise, don't say that I will kill you Wu family."

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