Super Asura System

Chapter 1247: Blockbuster

Zhao Zhenlin didn't take the Wu family's style at all, and directly sent the ultimatum back. This was clearly the rhythm of a hard fight with the other party, intending to fight to the death.

Wu Yue said with cold eyes: "Young Master Zhao is really arrogant, then I will tell you here, your good days are over, and our Wu family will definitely not let you go."

Zhao Zhenlin said in a cold voice: "If the two countries don't cut off the army, I will kill you to sacrifice the flag today. Go back and tell your Patriarch that I am ready to fight him at any time."

After Wu Yue returned to the Wu family, he told Patriarch Wu Shiguo about the incident. The latter heard a violent thunder, and immediately ordered the elites of the family, then drew some masters from other forces, and swaggered to kill them.

Zhao Zhenlin also drew some masters from the God Realm and Qianyuan Realm, but these masters did not meet the enemy here. Instead, taking advantage of the empty opportunity of the enemy forces, they began to deal with those other territories.

Naturally, those people were like a broken bamboo, and soon let some surrounding forces yield. After signing the contract, it was equivalent to putting a lot of nails in the opponent's team.

Wu Shiguo was furious after receiving the news, and said to the people in the big account with an angry look: "Don't worry about losing your territory. After they are eliminated, the territory will naturally remain yours."

Because of the contract, these people have been loyal to the Zhao family, but at this time they were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to wash away their shame with the Wu family.

People from the Wu family soon arrived under the city. Brother Zhao Yiming and his men were on the city wall, looking at the masters from the Wu family, their faces were full of smiles.

Zhao Yiming said with a smile: "I really don't know how a force like them became the boss of a party. I am relieved when I see them. I will leave it to the second brother to deal with it. I will save my mother first. Help you find Erniang."

Zhao Zhenlin nodded and said, "The third brother is just going. These are just chicken dogs in my eyes. After taking all of his territory, I will digest for a while, and then continue to expand outward."

Zhao Yiming nodded, and then moved his body and left the city from another direction. This was also a good opportunity to attack the opponent by surprise.

After Zhao Yiming left, Zhao Zhenlin looked at the following with cold eyes and said: "You Wu family is still obsessed with it. If you resolutely come to die, then I will fulfill you."

Wu Shiguo roared with an angry look: "You guy is utter nonsense, but you are just a foreign kid who wants to get a place in the ghost plains, so I will let you go away."

At this time, Pei Zhongzheng smiled and said: "Dogs that bite don't bark, and dogs that bark naturally don't bite. If you have this capability, you won't bark here."

A person flashed out of the Soochow family's team. This person held a steel gun in his hand and shouted: "You **** dare to insult my father. I am Wu Jianguo from the Wu family. Which one will come out to die."

Ni Longzhen uttered a loud roar and rushed out with a mace. The other party used a steel gun, but his gang would bend even the gun.

This guy was totally unreasonable and unforgiving. He swung his mace incessantly, and after attacking dozens of sticks, one stick smashed the opponent's head.

He was so fierce, he also shocked the Wu family. Another yelled and rushed out with a simple knife. As a result, this guy was even more unhelpful. In just two or three moves, he was caught by him. It was smashed into flesh.

At this time, he showed the style of a fierce general. In just a few tens of minutes, he had already killed more than a dozen opponents. Some of them were not inferior to him, but they were not as vigorous as him.

When Wu Shiguo saw that he was defeated in succession, he was very upset. He roared angrily, and rushed out with his men, wanting to fight the opponent decisively.

However, he did not notice that the Wu family and the diehards rushed to the front. Some of the remaining people deliberately fell behind. When they were fighting each other, these people suddenly attacked from behind.

The Wu family's team was flanked back and forth, and immediately became very chaotic. All the formations were broken up, and then there was a side-to-side massacre.

As the saying goes, the army was defeated like a mountain, and under an interception, Wu Shiguo took only a few people and was surrounded by everyone on a hill.

Zhao Zhenlin looked at him with a cold face and said, "Now that you have gone, you will wait when you don't surrender."

Wu Shiguo snorted from his nose: "Unexpectedly, you guys really have some means to buy off my subordinates. I have no eyes, and there is nothing to say about losing in your hands, but if you want me to surrender, you will not have a dream. ."

Zhao Zhenlin nodded and said, "You are the number one person. Then I will give you a chance. Then you and I will fight. If you can beat me, you will naturally have a chance to comeback."

Wu Shiguo took a deep breath and said, "You are really a character, and it is not wrong to lose in your hands. Then you and I will fight a game. Let me see how good you are."

He turned his head and said to his men: "If I lose to the opponent, you will surrender to him, and go back and tell the rest of the Wu family that you should never avenge me and be obedient to others."

His weapon was a pair of double swords, and he danced a sword flower in his hand. The technique was also quite proficient. After that, the double swords were like colorful butterflies, and they killed the opponent.

Zhao Zhenlin looked at the opponent with a calm face, and the long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out lightly. This is the light rule in the law of swords, which makes the other party particularly uncomfortable.

As soon as the two crossed, Zhao Zhenlin inserted the long sword back into the scabbard, a piece of the left sleeve was cut off, but Wu Shiguo collapsed suddenly, his throat had been pierced.

After he died in the battle, the rest of the people naturally gave up resistance. They returned to the Wu family with his last life, and the Wu family finally chose to surrender and also signed the contract.

The next step was naturally very easy. They swept all the territory like a violent wind, when the Wu family's forces were all brought into their own hands.

Wang Jinsheng also signed a contract, and now he has become a general under Zhao Zhenlin. Of course, Jin Tingting did not run away, and eventually became the other party's woman and made suggestions for the other party.

Zhao Zhenlin has already taken over his four other wives, but for his five wives, he has no plans to ask them to take action, but instead entrusts them with all the housework!

In this way, a clear division of labor was formed. He was mainly responsible for expanding the territory in the foreign warfare, and his wives were responsible for consolidating and digesting these places.

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