Super Black Technology

Chapter 108: Presidential amnesty

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Of course, this is just a thought.

Can't drive it anymore, at least before the next super technology comes out, otherwise it will really overplay.

However, if I were to be put in prison in the end, I would not keep anything.

To finish everyone together, I am no longer the one I used to be.

But will the White House really watch me this way? I don't think so!

Thinking of this, Ike tilted his head and looked at President Obama.

President Obama and Hughes looked at each other calmly. Seeing this expression, Aike's heart calmed down instantly.

as expected!

Moments later, President Obama stood up.

The audience was already waiting for his actions, and no one believed that the White House would watch the little guy get thrown into prison. Everyone is guessing what the White House will do. Will the army be deployed to force the court to be invalidated?

In the attention of the audience, President Obama went seriously to the court.

The judges who were preparing to leave the court stopped and looked at him.


Chief Justice nodded slightly to President Obama ...

what's the situation? Is there a long-standing collusion between the Federal Supreme Court and the White House? What do they want to do?

The hearts of lawyers from all countries are united.

But he saw that President Obama entered the court, then passed the witness seat, passed the original defendant seat, and directly boarded the chief judge seat.

Judge John turned to the side and let him go.

Standing in the position of former Chief Justice of the Commonwealth, Obama stared at the audience with a calm look.

At this moment, everyone seemed to feel a majestic momentum.

This is the momentum of the head of a country; this is the momentum of a superpower.

"Sirs, ladies!"

Through the microphone, Obama's voice sounded instantly, ringing the audience and the world.

"The White House respects the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court, and the U.S. Constitution is always paramount. We will not overturn decisions made by the Supreme Court, and we cannot overturn them."


The high-pitched tone sounded like a thunderous shock.

"As the 44th President of the Federation, I need to consider the interests of the entire Federation. The law is sacred, and like me, it serves the interests of all citizens of the Federation."

"The United States needs a child prodigy, the government needs a child prodigy, and the people need a child prodigy."

"Here, I will use my constitutional rights to sign a special order. That is--"

"Federal President te amnesty!"

what? President te amnesty? Turned out to be a te amnesty? The audience was astounded, even the American people, even the audience in front of the TV.

Usually, people often see such plots in movies and television, but rarely in reality. But it is real, not fiction.

What is the Federal President's Amnesty Order?

That is, the United States Constitution grants the President the right to amnesty and commutation of offenders. The President can issue a pardon order at any time without interference and restrictions from any institution, and applies to those found guilty in all US courts.

This is one of the three great benefits of the President of the United States.

In today's society, any judicial system is flawed. Any judicial organ may mistakenly innocence as guilty, and one of the purposes of granting the right of pardon of the head of state is to correct this possible error.

Because you can't modify the law alone for a prisoner, or you can only add a personal law to him for a genius, or simply slap the law.

Rather than just add a te pardon right.

So, not only the United States, but other countries as well.

The heads of state in almost every country have such rights. Even in Far East China, it's just hard to see.

Now, Obama has used his privileges. This was his first time, for a child, a child of only 11 years old.

His name is-Ike!


In the attention of the world, the assistant president rushed off the court to the podium and handed a fountain pen and a document to President Obama.

An amnesty document approved by the U.S. Senate.

When the current U.S. President signs it, it takes effect immediately.

Obama took the pen and brushed his name on the document. Obama then stood up and read the te amnesty:

"On May 1, 2013, as the 44th President of the United States, I pardoned Ike Williams: all crimes that have been committed and may be committed."

The sound fell, and the people of the world were stunned.

Well, the US government is too terrible. It really did pardon their child prodigy.

At this moment, the foreign ministers and heads of state are equally surprised.

They all noticed those three words from President Obama: "Already committed," "Possible to be committed," and "Every crime!"

What does this mean?

This means that not only all previous crimes committed by the prodigy Ike will be pardoned, but also all future crimes will be pardoned.

Note, yes: everything!

Including past, present and future!


ruthless! Enough! Your White House is really fierce, not only helping the little ones to eliminate the past crimes, but also plugging the loopholes in the future.

Who will tell him in the future? What to sue?

Everyone looked at Obama in shock, with a solemn expression.

Everyone looked at the little guy on the dock again, the little guy's face was ignorant, and when he saw everyone looking at him, he blinked his big eyes, seemingly understand nothing.

The audience was speechless.

However, some Americans feel that this kind of amnesty is too much.

However, their doubts had not yet been heard, but on the podium, President Obama spoke again.

"Of course, in order for our little guy to stop doing wrong things, the White House has decided to correct his wrong education problem. Here, I would like to send an invitation to all universities in the United States, I hope you can accept this naughty little guy."

"If you want, please contact the White House."

The sound fell, and the audience immediately boiled.

Many teachers, professors, principals, etc. from various universities shouted.

"We at Yale are willing!"

"We at MIT are willing!"

"We at Stanford University are willing!"


In front of the TV, all university presidents and board members of the 50 states in the United States can't sit anymore ~ ​​ ~ Hurry up and buy tickets! Go now! "

"Today must be in Washington! We are at the door of the White House tonight!"

"Call the governor of our state and ask him to come with us! We at California Institute of Technology will grab the prodigy at all costs. Yes, that's it!"

Within colleges and universities, students' union officials shouted:

"Classmates, all students, please sign and let the little prodigy come to our school to study!"

"Classmates, all students, pick up your banner, we immediately kill the White House and grab the little prodigy."

"Rush, kill!"

... (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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