Super Black Technology

Chapter 109: Tiger Meng Meng Da

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But what about the compensation for each country? You have waived the crime, we will not say it, but compensation cannot be waived?

Lawyers in different countries do not care about the problem of school.

Anyway, they know that no matter how they choose a school, they will not choose their country. Even if the US government goes to war, it will not let their child prodigies go abroad.

So they just want compensation.

At this moment, not only are these lawyers thinking about the issue of compensation, the people of the US states are also looking forward to this issue.

"Mr. President, who will we pay our compensation for?" A British lawyer shouted loudly as he looked at President Obama.

Subsequently, lawyers from various countries also shouted, also shouting to Obama.

No one went to Ike's parents!

It is useless to find them, and even if the Williams and his wife work until the earth explodes, they cannot afford the money.

"Quiet, quiet, quiet!"

President Obama pressed his hand, signaled the audience to be quiet, and then exclaimed:

"The losses of the American people will be borne by the state capitals, and then the states will make specific arrangements, please the American people do not worry."

"And the compensation of each country will be borne by our federal government. We will discuss specific matters later, please rest assured."

As soon as this remark came out, the American people calmed down, but the representatives of the countries almost vomited blood.

What does Obama's words mean? Some foreign visitors did not understand, but many of them reacted. []

Obama's meaning is: We recognize the compensation, whether it is domestic compensation or foreign compensation, our US government has recognized it.

However, specific to the issue of how to compensate, the US government must treat it differently.

The loss of the national will be worked out by the state governments and will be compensated to everyone.

And the losses of all countries owe first, anyway, because of the dollar system, the United States owes the world. For a long time, countries around the world have paid for the United States more or less. Now it doesn't matter if you add more points.

As the saying goes, if you have more lice, you do n’t feel itchy, and if you have more debt, do n’t worry.

This is the attitude of the US government.

We agree; also, take your time.

Anxious for us, we will devalue the US dollar. By then, it will not be your countries to pay the bill. Why?

"Go! Let's go!"

"Back home!"

Delegates from various countries left the scene in dismay.

Seeing this scene, Obama shrugged, and his face didn't matter.


As the representatives of various countries left in advance, the audience began to leave later.

The trial of a child prodigy that has attracted worldwide attention has finally come to an end.

Obama stepped off the podium and walked towards the defendant's bench. He walked lightly and looked very good.

Really good!

Because, in this case, the United States prevailed!

Not only did it safeguard the dignity of the Constitution, but it also solved the problem of the little prodigy. Of course, if not counting her.

As soon as he reached the dock, Obama saw Alice next to the little guy.

At this moment, Obama's happy mood disappeared instantly.

This **** Britain has gone and left me such a big nail.

"Come on, little guy, we're back at the White House!"

Obama was dark-faced, planning to hug the little guy. I didn't know the little guy would slap into Alice's arms and not hold him.

Obama wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, but he made an invitation to Alice:

"Miss Alice, let's go to the White House!"

Hearing this, Alice was timid and wondered what to say.

"Sister Alice, the White House has a lot of fun and big watermelon to eat! I will take you to play!" Ike said happily, and then took sister Alice's hand and ran out ...

Obama: "..."

Williams: "..."

On the other side, Hughes quickly ordered the FBI's Agent Morton to follow up and **** them to the White House.

Morton and others had to be ordered to leave.

Seeing such an arrangement, a member of the Roosevelt family was puzzled beside Hughes.

He couldn't figure it out, he really couldn't figure it out.

"Hughes, why are you ..."

Before he finished speaking, Hughes looked back at him instantly: "You want to ask, why do we forgive him instead of simply imprisoning him and letting him serve us for life, right?"

The family child froze, then nodded.

How does the brother know what he wants to ask?

But see, Hughes's face was a little gloomy, his eyes were sharp as eagles.

"Do you think the Watermelon Alliance and the White House are stupid?"

how is this possible? The family child quickly shook his head.

You people have been killed from cruel politics or from the **** capital market. How could it be a fool?

"So do you think that little guy is a fool?"

how is this possible? The family child shook his head again.

The world's top hackers have invented cross-network attack technology and possess extraordinary ability to remember. How could such a character be a fool? If he is a fool, the people in the world are pigs.

All of them!

Of course, he is sometimes funny, but he should not be stupid!

"Since you know, why are you asking such stupid questions?"

At this moment, Hughes really wanted to slap a fan on his face. But in the end, Hughes didn't do it. Because the person in front of him is his cousin and has always supported himself in the family.

Thinking of this, Hughes's eyes softened a lot, and the voice of interpretation calmed down.

"It's easy to make someone ruin, but there is a premise. That is: know him well."

"You can easily kill an ant, but can you easily kill a tiger?"

As soon as this word came out, the family child was shocked.

"Hughes, you mean ... he's a tiger?"

"No, I didn't say that!"

"then you……"

"Because I don't know! He could be an ant or a tiger, I'm not sure!"

Upon hearing this, the family child understood. He suddenly remembered that during the hospitalization of that little guy, using only a mobile phone, he created a more terrifying "rolling watermelon incident" than the "Federal Eleventh State Incident".

Before that, who would have thought that the little guy was in the deep dark web and deployed another anti-nuclear weapon.

And how much more is this arrangement? who knows? Who dares to gamble?

"A qualified politician ~ ~ a mature capitalist, no matter what the issue is, he should start from the perspective of benefits and risks."

Hughes's voice sounded softly, as if pointing and talking.

"It is true that imprisoning him may bring us greater benefits. But this is only possible, and the risk? It is also great! We are already at the top of the world, why not go like those ignorant gamblers. What about gambling? "

"And this is only one of them. More importantly, if he is to be imprisoned, who will be imprisoned? Are we the Roosevelt family?"

"Are you sure our family can eat 'Only Food'?"

At this moment, the family child was trembling.

He thought of the consortiums who took real people to do drug tests in many backward countries for the benefit; he thought of the big arms crocodile who set off wars everywhere to sell arms ...


A puppet climbed into Hughes's face, and at this moment his voice became extremely cold. (To be continued.)

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