Super Black Technology

Chapter 122: 6th Universe Speed

As the old professor's voice fell, the two teaching assistants distributed the test papers again. One for Alice and one for Ike.

The test paper is a computer problem.

As the story repeats, Alice still smiles as she sees the exam questions.

On the other side, Ike was surprised. Because the questions on this paper are really too simple.

For example: What is the computer start button?

For example: What is the basic language of a computer?


At this moment, if Ike can see Alice's papers, then he will surely, the two papers are exactly the same.

In other words, the examiners did not treat this test differently.

They want to get an Examination full mark and then choose a computer major.

This is also the hope of the federal government, the federal military, and the Watermelon Alliance. After all, no one wants to waste that God-like talent.

》 & Gt;》 Fiction .. Waste equals crime!

Will Ike answer such a simple test?

of course!

After all, in the computer field, it has shown amazing talent. If you get another big duck egg, you will be too sorry for the title of "Network God", and ...

It's too fake, right?

Of course, you can't get full marks! After all, the next super technology is not a computer category, so ...

There are a total of 20 questions in the test paper, just 2 questions, 90 points!

Answer the first question carefully!

Answer the second question carefully!

Questions three, four, five ...

Until the sixth question!

Title: Can it penetrate the wall?

Ike seemed and realized that he was preparing to write down the answer of "high-dimensional particles".

Just then, a huge metal electronic sound suddenly sounded in Ike's soul.

"Warning, native Ike, look at questions 14 and 18 again!"

Is there a trap in the exam?

Ike's hand snapped and he stopped writing.

At this moment, President Obama and the senior officials were close together.

"Hurry up!" Obama exclaimed in his heart.

"Write the answer!" Hughes shouted in his heart.

"God, please, please, write it down!" Senior officials were praying to God.


Due to the reminder of the light ball, Ike looked at the following questions 14 and 18. Suddenly, two unusual problems fell into his sight.

Question 14: Can it carry data?

Question 18: Can it penetrate walls or carry data?

At this instant, Ike understood.

I pulled it out, and it turned out that you guys were still working on my idea. So, should I tell you?

Well, let me think about it, think again, think about ...

Outside the field, Obama and others were both expecting and worrying, as if they were crushed by a boulder.

Suddenly, Ike moved!

In the eyes of Obama's attention, Ike moved.

But see, Ike holds the pen and writes the answer stupidly. Then continue to the seventh question, and then 唰 唰 唰; then the eighth question, the ninth question ...

Seeing this scene, Obama and others were finally relieved.

It's done! The little guy really cheated, why?

After 20 minutes, the computer examiner stood up and announced the exam! "

The sound fell, and the two teaching assistants walked into the test room again, took the test papers of the two candidates, and gave them to the examiner to read the papers.

Obama couldn't sit still. Hughes couldn't sit still. The three admirals couldn't sit still. They all stood up and rushed into the examination room.

They want to see the answer first!

Hundreds of students were amazed at the examination room.

What happened? Is the computer test paper important?

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Obama and others and the old professor quickly looked at Ike's paper. Seeing this, everyone almost spit out old blood.

Question 6: Can it penetrate the wall?

Answer: Superman!

Question 14: Can it carry data?

Answer: Teletubbies!

Question 18: Can it penetrate walls or carry data?

Answer: God of watermelon!

Nima, is this the answer? Superman, Teletubbies, Watermelon?

Little Aike, you are so good, you ca n’t stand up to the sky, do n’t you stand side by side with the sun?

Little Aike, you are so good, can't you go to the sea, don't you go against Wang Baba?

The crowd looked at Ike in dismay.

Ike blinked inexplicably, and then returned a "laugh" to everyone.

Hey, forget it, take it slowly. He is still young and not sensible, and maybe he will ask better when he is older.


Obama and others tragically returned to their original positions. The old professor got up and announced the score.

"Little Ike has 85 points and Alice has 95 points."

Because of Question 18, Alice would not do it either.

At this point, the exam has reached its final scene. The exam subjects for this session are:


The professor of physics announced loudly, but his expression was so-called. Because according to the plan, the physics department is here to play soy sauce.

And off the court, Obama and others have the same look. They, the little ones will have big duck eggs again.


At this moment, Ike's expression suddenly changed.

The ignorant smile on that immature face disappeared instantly. A look of concentration called quickly climbed onto his face.

At this moment, Ike was sitting with his pen in his hand.

He is very small, yet he seems to be taller than ever.

Seeing this scene, the casual professors of UU Reading were shocked.

The so-called attitude was instantly dissipated, solemnly filled their hearts, and serious faces filled their faces ...

At this moment, Obama and others widened their eyes.

In this small form, they seem to see the double figures that captured the 11 states of the Federation again; they seem to see the peerless style that holds the supreme power again.

It's as if a **** above him has come to earth!

God, what happened? Is it ...

Does this child still have God-like accomplishments in the physical field? !!

On the Quartet seat, 500 students looked at the little prodigy in shock, all of them felt a strange atmosphere, which was covering the entire examination room.

Proud and arrogant, full of endless confidence!


The teaching assistants entered the examination room again, and their steps were very light and light.

They started distributing test papers, which were also two copies. One for Alice and the other for Ike.

Get the test paper, Alice checks first. The exam questions are still very simple, but this time she didn't laugh.

Because, she also felt a certain heavy atmosphere, suppressing everyone.

There are only three exam questions.

Question 1: What is the speed of the first universe?

Question 2: What is the velocity of the second universe?

Question 3: What is the speed of the third universe?

Next to it, Ike also had only three questions.

Question 1: What is the speed of the fourth universe?

Question 2: What is the speed of the fifth universe?

Question 3: What is the speed of the sixth universe?

…… (To be continued.)

Chapter 122 The Sixth Universe Velocity

Chapter 122 The sixth cosmic velocity is played by [*] [small-speak-net] members by hand,

& lt; / iv & gt;

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