Super Black Technology

Chapter 123: Dark light

What is cosmic velocity?

Cosmic speed is the minimum speed required to launch artificial Earth satellites, interplanetary and interstellar vehicles from the surface of the earth into space.

Why this concept exists is because of gravity.

In the universe, any object has mass or relative mass. The greater the mass, the greater the gravity.

When gravity is strong enough, other objects will be firmly bound by it.

This is why the earth is round, and people on the other end will not fall.

So, how to get rid of this bondage?

This is modern space technology.

Studies have shown that when the speed of an object reaches a certain level, it can be separated from gravity.

This is the origin of the speed of the universe. It has six speeds in total, which are

First cosmic velocity: refers to the speed at which the object moves in a circular motion close to the surface of the earth.

Second cosmic velocity: refers to the minimum initial velocity required for an object to escape from the gravitational constraints of the earth and fly away from the earth

Third cosmic velocity: refers to the minimum initial velocity required for an object to escape the solar gravitational restraint and fly out of the solar system.

Fourth Universe Velocity: refers to the minimum initial speed required for an object to escape from the galaxy's gravitational constraints and fly out of the galaxy

Fifth Universe Speed: The minimum speed required for an object to escape from the gravitational constraints of the galaxy group and fly out of the galaxy group.

Sixth cosmic velocity: refers to the speed at which the spacecraft can be released from the gravitational pull of the universe at this speed.

The first three speeds of modern technology have been measured and recorded in physics textbooks for junior and senior high schools in various countries.

For Alice, who studies hard, she clearly remembers the answers to these three questions.

So she recalled a little bit and wrote down the answer to the test paper.

And the 4th, 5th, and 6th cosmic velocities are troublesome.

The limitations of modern technology make humans know very little about the entire galaxy, and it is impossible to measure the quality of the galaxy. And mass is related to gravity, and mass does not know. How does gravity draw data?

And even if there is no data on gravity, how to overcome it?

So far, for the 4th and 5th cosmic velocities, humans do not know the specific values ​​at all.

And the last sixth universe speed, let alone.

Do you know the mass of the entire universe?

God, this will be a value that is unimaginably large, almost equal to infinity. Not to mention breaking the universe.

This is harder than the "Proof: 112" question.

Based on the current development of human beings, I don't know if there are hopes to calculate it after tens of billions of years.

So does Ike know?

In the solemn eyes of the audience, in the solemn eyes of the 7 professors, Ike moved.

But see, Ike closed his eyes slowly.

At this moment, within his soul, a bright light ball emerged. The soul of a huge metal electronic sound, Cheek, rang on the high-dimensional plane of spacetime.

"Completed in energy statistics: 10.7 billion."

"Pay 2.7 billion energy for high-dimensional particle beam deformation."

"Dark light is coming!"

With the fall of the voice of Gao Wei, the beam of particles hidden in a computer group suddenly moved along the border between the United States and Canada.

The endless high-dimensional particles begin to rotate faster than the speed of light, blooming invisible light. The light is getting brighter and brighter

When it reaches its heyday,

All the light faded away, and a dim light finally returned.

Its name is called high-dimensional dark light!

At this moment, a huge metal electronic sound sounded again in the sea of ​​Ike's soul.

"Research module loading 105080100!"

"Loading is complete!"

"Starting up the scientific research verification program during startup!"

"Start the countdown!"






"High-dimensional dark light emission!"

Yin Luo, the border between the United States and Canada, a dim high-dimensional dark light soared into the sky instantly, ignoring the barrier of all low-dimensional items, and shot into the sky

Twice the speed of light, ten times the speed of light, one hundred times the speed of light

In just 000000000001 milliseconds, the high-dimensional dark light broke free from the gravity of the earth and entered space.

After a short time of 1,000,000 milliseconds, the high-dimensional dark light broke free from the shackles of the sun's gravity and entered the galaxy.

At this instant, it began to do high-dimensional flight in a magical way, and its speed climbed again at super speed, two hundred times the speed of light, one thousand times the speed of light, and ten thousand times the speed of light.

Everything in the world, when the speed reaches the extreme, there will be nothing to stop.

The icy dark universe attracted uninvited guests.

Stars cannot capture it, white dwarfs cannot capture it, supernovas cannot capture it, and even large black holes have not prevented it from advancing.

One minute passed, two minutes passed, three minutes passed

It flew over the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Wheat Magellan Cloud, the Fairy Galaxy, the Seyfert Galaxy, the Cuckoo Dwarf Galaxy

How big is the galaxy group where the entire Milky Way is?

Incomparably huge!

Its radius is about 50 million light years. That is to say, it takes more than 10 million years for a beam of light to come to an end.

Because it is composed of immeasurable stars, among which more than 500 galaxies are known.

Humans have named it the Local Galaxy Group, also known as the Local Super Galaxy Cluster.

With the high-speed dark light speeding forward, within the soul of Aike, the bright ball of light is constantly blooming.

It is doing calculations ~ ~ to calculate the masses of stars, galaxies, and even the masses of galaxies based on the speed and time of high-dimensional dark light.

Gravity is then calculated based on the mass, and the cosmic velocity is calculated.

Time is moving forward minute by minute: four minutes, five minutes, six minutes

Right now!

Ike still closed his eyes tightly, waiting patiently.

Because the local galaxy group is really too big, too big.

This gesture of closing eyes fell into the eyes of everyone, and surprised everyone watching.

Many students from the Quartet whispered.

"What's going on? Shouldn't he be sleeping?" A female classmate gently pulled her friend's clothes and whispered.

Hearing words, my friends were extremely confused.

"It shouldn't! It's an exam now, so many people watch it. Shouldn't he sleep in the exam room in front of Mr. President and the examiners?"

Seems like, maybe, maybe, that's it!

My friend's words sounded like she was refuting a female classmate, but she wasn't even sure.

Not only them, but even President Obama was skeptical.

"Isn't the little guy asleep?"

According to the usual mischievous character of the little guy, this kind of thing has a great chance to happen.

Hearing Mr. President's questioning, Hughes was so depressed that he knew what a fart.

To this end, Hughes looked at the seven professors in the examination room.

After all, they are professionals.

However, at this moment, seven world-renowned professors are also confused.

"Is classmate asleep?" The professor of chemistry whispered to the professor of biology.

The other professors also looked at him.

The biology professor shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be! He"

Before I finish speaking, just then, suddenly!

To be continued.


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