Super Black Technology

Chapter 124: miracle

Repayment of debts starts tomorrow, begging you to stop scolding Yue Wu, ohh.

Just then, suddenly!

The professor of mathematics stood up suddenly, pointed his finger at Ike, and trembled guess:

"He ... shouldn't he be ... mental arithmetic!"

what? mental arithmetic? Mental Arithmetic Cosmic Speeds 4, 5, 6?

This involves an extremely large amount of calculations. The little guy did not use a computer to calculate, but calculated by heart?

God, how is that possible? how is this possible?

Obama stood up, Hughes stood up, the students stood up ...

Everyone was surprised to look at the child prodigy with their eyes closed, and then looked at Professor Qi Da.

At this time, the professor of biology nodded to the crowd, his face was sober: "In theory, this is possible. Our human brain is more developed and advanced than any computer in the world, even supercomputers No. "

"If he really has this mental arithmetic ability, it only represents a possibility: his brain development has exceeded that of everyone in the world!"

"How much is it, I don't know!"

"But I know: even the former Mr. Einstein only reached 10!"

Hearing this explanation, all the faces of the entire examination room were full of horror.

God, how genius is he?

Not only does the level of network technology stand at the top of the world, but it also has the ability to remember it. Now, actually, a biology professor stands up and says that his brain domain development may exceed Einstein.

The MIT Schoolmasters couldn't hold back their horror any more, and they all made a sound of exclamation.

Today we are so lucky to come to see such rare things!

"No sound!" "No sound!"

The seven professors spoke in unison, so that the noise of the audience disappeared instantly.

Everyone remained silent, staring intently at the little guy in the middle of the exam room.

Can he figure it out? Can he really figure it out?

If it could, the entire MIT would be a sensation. Oh, no, no, it's not just a sensation in the school, it's a sensation--

The whole world!

This will be the last epoch-making breakthrough in physics and astronomy. But these are not the point!

Yes, all breakthroughs in physics and astronomy are not the focus. The important points are:

The appearance of a child prodigy represents a miracle, a miracle in the history of life.

Humans have evolved from apes to three million years ago, and the level of brain domain development is only a few percent.

This shows what?

This shows that during the three million years of evolution, the human brain has not even reached one-tenth of its development.

Three million years, three million years, how long this is.

Think of Mr. Einstein. He alone, and his 10 brain development degrees, have promoted the development of the entire physics:

"General Relativity", "Special Relativity", photoelectric effect, cosmic constant, and even energy conservation formula-emc2.

To this day, every aspect of modern society still benefits from his contributions.

So what will happen to the whole world when someone smarter and more talented than Einstein appears?

At this moment, no one knows and no one can guess.

However, everyone understands that if what biology professors say is true, then human development will open a whole new chapter.

Yes, definitely!

Ike still closed his eyes tightly, he was still waiting.

He was waiting for Cross to figure out the answer.

In the soul sea, the dazzling light ball is blooming, receiving all the information from the "high-dimensional dark light".

7 minutes, 8 minutes, 9 minutes ...

Finally, it arrived.

After a 10-minute high-dimensional flight, the magical dark light finally flew over the local galaxy group.

At this moment, the mass of the local galaxy group has been calculated, and it is unimaginably huge.

At this moment, the gravity of the local galaxy group is calculated, and the speed of the fifth universe is calculated ...

Two numbers are passed to Ike's heart through the communication of the soul.

In the extreme expectations of the audience, in the eyes of everyone's eyes, Ike moved again.

He opened his eyes suddenly, as if there was a flash of wise light in it.

Ike raised his hand, gently held the pen on the table, and slowly wrote down two numbers.

Question 1: What is the speed of the fourth universe?

Answer: 1ms.

Second question: What is the speed of the fifth universe?

Answer: 2048kms.


Ike paused again, he was talking to the lightball. Because there is a third question.

"Cross, what is the speed of the Sixth Universe?"

Hearing his questioning, the dazzling light ball almost wanted to jump out and slap this indigenous man with a slap.

"Aboriginal people, give me the energy of a galaxy, and I can let high-dimensional dark light fly from this universe."

Ike was speechless for a moment.

However, if you think about it, it is only 2.7 billion energies that can fly over the tens of millions of light years of the local galaxy group in just 10 minutes.

Niubi, really niubi.

"Seeing" the natives was speechless. At this instant, a huge metallic electronic sound suddenly rang through the high-dimensional space-time outside the galaxy group.

"Science is over, dark light is back!"

The sound is falling, and in the dark and cold universe, the beam of high-dimensional dark light that has flown through the local galaxy group is reversed instantly, returning at the high-dimensional original speed.

After 10 minutes, another 10 minutes later, the "high-dimensional dark light" reached the earth, turned into a magic particle beam again, and shot into the computer group on the border between the United States and Canada.

Immediately, Ike moved again, and started to write, and under the third question, wrote his answer heavily ~ ~ Hoo—— "

Ike exhaled, lowered his pen, and turned to look around.

All around, all the Xueba were staring at him in stun.

Ike turned to look at the president again, and Mr. President was staring at him with a stun.

Look at Hughes, look at the examiner, look at the beautiful sister Alice ...

Everyone's expressions look the same, and their faces are horrified.

Let me go. What is it? Did I miss something during the time I was waiting?

At this time, Ike didn't know, because what the biology professor said, today's exam is not just an exam.

"Ai ... little Ike!"

At this time, an old professor hesitantly called Ike's name and asked, "Are you done?"

After hearing that, Ike nodded like a chicken pecking rice. Then, a pair of bright big eyes blinked and looked at everyone, seemingly looking forward to everyone's praise.

Unfortunately, he thought too much.

Now anyone has the mood to praise him, but see, the seven professors, President Obama, Hughes, and the three major four-star generals, all of them rushed out at a rapid speed, and they flew to Ike in an instant.

Next to Ike was an examination table, which was very ordinary.

There is a test paper on the examination table, and the test paper is very ordinary, but at this moment, it is like a peerless treasure.

The professor of physics refused to let it go, and picked up the test paper with anticipation.

The crowd immediately surrounded him, staring at the test paper in his hands with enthusiasm.

"Look at it, right? Right?"

"If right ..."

"Oh, my god, my heart can't stand it!"

... "Jiezhong Literature"

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