Super Black Technology

Chapter 125: Shocking prophecy

Chapter 125: Shocking Prophecy

Chapter 125: Shocking Prophecy

(Today is the cute master of the moon dance: Liu? Big birthday, for the sake of big change, I wish a happy birthday. Also ask for a ticket next month, thank you.)

The professor of physics looked at the test paper and immediately frowned.

Then the professor of astronomy frowned, and the other professors frowned.

Seeing this scene, Obama and others were extremely depressed.

"How? Right, right ?!"

After hearing that, the professors shook their heads together, and then started again.

What do you mean? Don't bully us into learning?

At this time, the professor of physics said, "I don't know if it's right, maybe it's right, or it's not right!"

Upon hearing such an answer, Obama and others were almost furious.

Nima, you said nothing.

Fortunately, at this time, the professor of astronomy also spoke, explaining to them: "We shake our heads because we don't know the correct answer. In today's world, no one has calculated the 4, 5, 6 cosmic velocities. Correct answer, compare us. "

"And we nodded because these two values ​​are within the scope of today's physical world estimates. As for the inaccuracy, we don't know."

After listening to the explanation, Obama and others feel better. However, they were also very confused. In this case, what did you professors do so actively just now?

Feeling their doubts, at this moment, the seven professors almost burst into tears.

We originally thought that the little prodigy would create a shocking formula, and then calculated the result based on the formula.

If it is a formula, we can verify it. How could he know that he only wrote two results.

Then we know that fart!

Forget it, forget it, don't talk too much to these uneducated people. Look at the answer to the 6th cosmic velocity.

The professors hurriedly looked to the bottom of the paper. This look was stunned again, and then stunned.

But see, the bottom of the test paper is not a numerical value, but a line of words:

What is the speed of the sixth universe?

Answer: I know, but I won't tell you!

what? Prodigy actually knows the speed of the Sixth Universe?

God, if this is true, then we can use the supercomputer to push out the gravity of the universe and the mass of the universe ...

With this extension, it is also possible to calculate the diameter and density of the universe, and even the ultimate fate of the universe: whether it will continue to expand forever or enter the Ice Age ...

This will be a great progress in astrophysics, and human beings will have an unprecedented understanding of the universe.

At this moment, all the seven professors looked at Aike anxiously, with an incredible expression on their faces.

"Little Ike, tell us!"

"Yeah, hurry up, say a number!"

"My little ancestor, say it!"

The seven professors fell to their knees because they felt that the little prodigy really knew through the first two questions.

Unfortunately, however ...

Ike muttered his mouth, then shook his little head, shook his head and said ignorantly:

"No, I won't tell you! I will keep it, and when I grow up I will make money to raise Sister Alice!"

The sound fell, and the audience was silent.

Everyone looked at the little guy like a hell, but when he saw the little guy turned his head, he went to see his sister Alice with a smile.

Everyone followed.

Alice's fair complexion turned red as she turned red, like a apple. At this moment she lowered her head for a long time, and couldn't lift it for a long time, like an ostrich.

At this point, Hughes spoke.

"Little Ike, otherwise? We'll give you the money directly, you tell us, and we will verify it ourselves. How about it?"

Everyone was overjoyed at this remark.

Right, wouldn't it be great if the United States gave the money directly? Anyway, America has money!

What, you say the United States is actually poor? Suddenly, let ’s grab the money!

Who can stop? Humph!

But, Hughes raised a finger directly and said gently, "100 million dollars!"

The sound fell, and the audience was loud.

Especially the 500 students from the Quartet were so surprised that they even bit their tongues.

"A value is worth 100 million. God, it's too easy to make money?"

"666, I am serving, I am serving! If I were, I would say!"

Unfortunately, he is not Ike.

In Hughes's expectant look, Ike still shook his head.

"No, you can't buy love with money."

What the hell? Who are you talking about?

"That's what the pretty sister in" American Country Love Story "said."

Female No. 1 in the movie? Well, how many pirated movies have you seen before? Why is it always good not to learn, bad to learn.

Hughes was speechless, and Obama was speechless.

However, the professors are not speechless, and they have a high IQ to ask a question from the side.

But see, the professor of physics came out solemnly:

"Little Ike, would you answer me another question?"

Aike immediately nodded.

Of course, I also want to enter the physics department to make a preparation.

"Is there a sixth cosmic velocity?"

After hearing that, Ike tilted his head and thought, then nodded heavily.

"Exist. But I won't tell you!"

At this instant, the physics professor was overjoyed, rushed forward, hugged Ike, and then rushed out of the door like an off-string arrow when everyone did not respond.

Shouting while running:

"I accept it, our physics department accepts it!"

Seeing this, Obama was stunned, Hughes was stunned, and the generals were stunned.

what's the situation? When you ask a question, you ignore the arrangements of the White House and take people away?

Is there anything wrong with that problem?

At this moment, don't say that the Presidents don't understand it, nor do they understand it with the students.

However, professors understand that all professors have responded.

That seemingly ordinary question hides a shocking prophecy. That is……

But seeing, the astronomy professor shuddered, and he exclaimed excitedly:

"The sixth cosmic velocity is a hypothesis in astrophysics. Yes, it is a hypothesis. Because its existence requires a premise. Students, can you recall what is the definition of the sixth cosmic velocity?"

The professor's reminder made Xueba immediately recall the description of the sixth universe velocity.

What is the sixth cosmic velocity?

The sixth cosmic velocity refers to the fact that if there is a universe outside the universe, it can be released from this universe by launching at a very high speed.

What does this mean?

The professor of astronomy shouted out loud:

"This means that our universe is one of the multiverse! The universe is the combination of time and space ~ ~ What is the significance of the multiverse? The significance lies in--"

"The existence of 'parallel space-time' can also be called 'parallel world'!"

"That is to say, if the prediction of the little prodigy is correct, then in the universe, we humans will not be alone, we still have the same kind, and life has the same kind!"

As soon as this word came out, the students were stunned, Mr. President was stunned, and the generals were stunned.

This, this is ...

Our little prodigy says that there is a parallel world. OH, Mygod, this prophecy will upend the entire scientific community.

The scientific community has been arguing whether there are other intelligent life in the universe and whether there is a parallel world.

Now, little prodigies are also involved in the debate. But also said with great certainty:

God, something big happened, something big happened!

A female student screamed, "I want to tweet (equivalent to China's Weibo), and I want to tell everyone!"

"I'll send it too, I'll send it right away!"

"me too!"

A few minutes later, hundreds of "talks" were posted online.

"The federal prodigy is shockingly prophesied: our universe is a multiverse!"

"The watermelon **** dared to speculate: humans are not alone, we have parallel worlds!"

"Ike's mental calculations are amazing, and he has calculated the precise values ​​of the 4th and 5th cosmic velocities. Is there any large scientific research institution to verify it back? Is there any? Is there any?"

Network messages spread quickly, and in just half an hour, this shocking prophecy has swept across the world.

Seeing this prediction, the physics community was stunned, the astronomy community was stunned, the biological science community was stunned ...

The whole world is shocked! (.) Welcome to read Sanya Novel Network <> again

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