Super Black Technology

Chapter 126: 2 capital god

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Media from various countries reported on the incident, and various television stations also opened a column program, inviting some experts and scholars to discuss their views on the matter.

Even China Central Television in Far East China is no exception.

"Hello, Professor Zhang! Have you heard of this?"

Hearing the host's question, the well-dressed Professor Zhang nodded immediately.

"Of course I have heard this. This prophecy is spreading very quickly, and has already caused a sensation in the entire scientific community. As far as I know, there are already many academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences discussing this matter."

Chinese Academy of Sciences?

The host was overjoyed and hurriedly asked: "Even the Chinese Academy of Sciences specializes in discussing this matter. So, is this prediction true?"

Professor Zhang shook his head and said, "I don't know the truth yet!"

"Then why did the Chinese Academy of Sciences have a special meeting to discuss it?"

"This is because the person who made this prophecy was unusual!"

What do you mean?

In the doubtful eyes of the host, Professor Zhang explained calmly: "If it was an ordinary person who issued this prophecy, I think anyone would dismiss it. Who is the person who issued this prophecy this time?"

"It's the super child prodigy in the United States. His" Rolling Watermelon "cartoon has swept the world, and it has just passed. The prophecy sent by such a horror person, I think no matter who it is, no matter what country, it will be treated with caution.

After listening to the professor's explanation, the moderator understood. The audience in front of the TV also understood.

Caution is due to the identity of the child prodigy, not the content of the prophecy.


"Professor Zhang, my audience and my friends also really want to know. Is the shocking prediction true? Is our technology capable of confirming it?"

Professor Zhang shook his head again.

Seeing this scene, the audience in front of the TV lost heart.


The host in charge of childcare spoke again: "Professor Zhang, is there really no way for modern technology?"

After the sound fell off, Professor Zhang suddenly exclaimed: "No! There is another way to verify from the side whether the super prodigy is lying?"

what? How can modern science and technology infer the universe?

how could it be possible? !!

"The solution is ..."

United Kingdom. Royal Street, 332.

This is the home of Stephen Hawking, a British physicist and cosmologist.

"Ding Dong!" "Ding Dong!" ...

The doorbell rang, and after a moment the servant opened the door for the guests, respectfully inviting them into the house.

There are many people, including British physicists, French astronomers, German mathematicians, Belgian physicists ...

They came to--

"Stephen, prodigy Ike has calculated the detailed values ​​of the 4th and 5th cosmic velocities. Are you interested in inferring the mass of the Milky Way and the local galaxy group?"

With a sounder, Hawking's voice seemed very excited: "Yes!"

"Then you would make a joint statement with us."

Hawking: "Okay!"

Three days later, more than 100 well-known scientists from around the world jointly issued a joint statement:

It is hoped that the US government will release the value calculated by Ike Jr.

In such a situation, the US government convened an emergency parliament to discuss the matter.

More than an hour later, in the global attention, the US "Science Weekly" announced the value of child prodigies.

This time, the scientific community is boiling.

Scientific research institutions of various countries have stepped forward to announce their willingness to contribute to human development. The European Observatory even publicized that it was willing to make the Hubble telescope free for scientists to use.

The person in charge of the China Space Administration also announced to the world that it will step up the construction of the world's largest astronomical telescope to support human exploration of interstellar space.


The scientific community is acting, the world is acting.

Hundreds of scientists are making inferences based on the conclusion. Their first task is to verify whether the fourth universe velocity calculated by the prodigy Aike is correct.

How to verify?

A month later, the European Space Centre announced a shocking news on their official website:

According to supercomputer calculations, if the value of the prodigy Ike is correct, the diameter of the Milky Way will be 136,000 light years, and the total mass will be 200 billion times that of the sun.

As soon as this news was issued, people from all countries were stunned.

what? Did it really come back? Shouldn't it be fake?

of course not!

The next day, the US Space Center also came forward and announced:

After calculation, the results they obtained are completely consistent with the European Space Center. And based on this calculation, three hundred years ago, due to the gravitational pull, a constant interest exploded.

Its ray of death will reach the edge of the solar system in one month.

This is a thousand times brighter than the sun, and people in the northern hemisphere will be able to watch it.

The world was a sensation, and media from various countries posted this news on the homepage.

"USA Today": For the first time, mankind predicted a star explosion 300 light years away, which was calculated based on the data of the little prodigy. If it is true, then the data of the little prodigy is true; if it is false, then the data of the little prodigy is false.

Whether it is true or not, let us wait and see.

"European Times": We hope it is true so that we can predict many disasters from space in advance.

"China Tencent Network": extremely lucky! We are in the northern hemisphere. If the data of the prodigy Aike is true, one month later, on the evening of October 10, we will have the opportunity to see the light of death.

Interested people can wait patiently. Of course, please have your best telescope ready.


The Chinese people are boiling.

Stars explode, thousands of times brighter than the sun.

"666, I'm very interested ~ ~ I must watch. Sit online and wait!"

"Sit online +1!"

"Waiting online +2!"

"Sit online +3!"


"Waiting online +3006789!"

"Mom, mom!" A 5- or 6-year-old girl shook her mother's hand and said, "I want to see!"

"Well, good! Mom will watch with you at that time!"


Not only the public is very much looking forward to it, but many big capitalists are also very much looking forward to it.

Many wealthy people in the southern hemisphere have called to book hotels in the northern hemisphere, and they will be ready to watch in a month.

They are not only the presidents of many large companies, but also members of the Alice Alliance, and even members of the powerful Watermelon Alliance.


To borrow what Mr. Bill Gates said to his assistant:

This is related to the valuation of the little prodigy. If his prediction is correct, his potential value will soar again, from 30 trillion to 35 trillion, 40 trillion, 45 trillion ...

Because this is a new field of capital, the name of this field is-


What commodities require physical knowledge?

Many, many as big as a spacecraft and as small as a screw, are all related to physics.

If he has the same ability in the field of physics as the network, then he will no longer be the "God of capital", but ...

God of two capitals!

"Come on, book a good place for me!"

"Yes, sir! I'll go immediately!"

Capital is in action, and countries in the northern hemisphere have ushered in the tourist season.


"Grab it!"


People in the aerospace industry, hotels and other industries in the northern hemisphere laughed at the flowers ... (To be continued.)

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