Super Black Technology

Chapter 143: Martian

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France. Paris.

A white-collar worker finished the job at hand, then poured a cup of coffee and logged in to Twitter leisurely.

He recently met a female student and is ready to make an appointment (you know).

As soon as I logged in, Twitter made a "dididi" sound.

Is the girl thinking of herself? The white-collar worker was very happy and ordered a message while drinking coffee.


The coffee that had just been in his mouth sprayed all over the screen, and he stood up in shock.

What is this?

Next, his colleague came together in amazement and wanted to see what was such a fuss.

"Fuck! How is that possible ?!"

Colleagues were shocked, jumping as if frightened by a ghost.

This move surrounded everyone in the office.

"Crouch, is this true?"

"That scary prodigy is going to tweet?"

"So, we can follow his news at any time in the future? 666, hurry up on Twitter's official website to see if it is true!"


Everyone hurried back to their seats and logged on to the Twitter site ...

As soon as they logged in, everyone saw a huge banner on the Twitter web page, which was being held high.

The banner is crimson, gorgeous red, dazzling red, full of endless celebrations.

On the left of this huge banner is a cute child who is sticking his tongue out, and on the other side is a young and beautiful girl with a smile on the front.

Suddenly, everyone recognized them.

"Oh my god, it's child prodigy Ike!"

"And the English rose-Miss Alice!"


They guessed right, and the center of the banner was shining with a line of words:

Prodigy Aike and Miss Alice will open Twitter accounts in three days, so stay tuned.

Below this line, there is a countdown. Time counts down:





"Oh my god, this news is true!"

"I have 71 hours left. I want to follow him!"

"I want to follow him too, and I want to follow first!"

The white-collar workers shouted excitedly. Among these white-collar workers, a girl was anxious as if to cry.

"What if I don't tweet? I use Facebook!"

The male colleague came together enthusiastically: "You sign up now, you have time, or else the Twitter server will go down, then you are finished!"

"Oh, oh, oh! I will register now, register now!"

I have to say that the guess of this male colleague is very accurate.

Just ten minutes after Twitter announced this important news, hundreds of millions of Internet users from across the globe flooded into the official Twitter website, and this number is still increasing ...

After 2o minutes, it reached 200 million.

After 3o minutes, it reached 380 million.

If there is a huge amount of traffic, the server on Twitter can no longer maintain normal operation and will be forced to restart.

That's multiple large computer groups!

United States. Twitter headquarters.

The chief technical officer was sweating to instruct the technicians to restart the server.

In the president's office, Mr. President was making a sweaty call. The call was made to the largest computer manufacturer in the United States, IBM (International Business Machines Corporation).

"Hey, hey, I'm Dick Costello on Twitter. We want to buy a computer set. Oh no, we need two, we want two!

"Hat? Are you serious? You want a computer group, not a computer? Two more?"

"Really, swear to God! Please hurry up, we will not bargain this time, please, please!"


The power of money allowed IBM to install two computer groups for Twitter in just half a day.

However, even with such a miraculous degree, global netizens have scolded Twitter companies miserably.

Because many people can't open the registration page at all, even if it is fortunate to open, the network is as slow as a turtle.

at night. 2o points.

The entire Twitter company headquarters is still brightly lit, and everyone has to work overtime all night, even the president.


The president's office knocked quickly. After a moment, the pretty female secretary broke in anxiously.

"Mr. President, this is the statistics for today, please take a look!"

The president of Dick didn't even raise his head, he was still watching the planning case made by the propaganda department.


"Yes, sir! Starting at 1 pm today, the number of active online users was 80,900,000, and then surged to 90,000 in half an hour, reaching its peak at 3 pm, with 180 million people.

"In addition, there have been 200 million new registered users so far, and it is still growing."

"In addition, a number of investment banks on Wall Street called and asked for a new round of financing from Twitter."

"Also, on the New York Stock Exchange, our Twitter closing price today is: 6o.2o per share!"

what? !!

The president of Dick looked up suddenly, his eyes shot like a hungry wolf.

"How much do you say? What is our closing price ?!"

The female secretary's voice was trembling: "5o.2o!"

Hearing this number, President Dick took a breath of air. Even if he was in charge of an online social hegemony company like Twitter, he was scared, really scared.


He clearly remembered that the closing price of Twitter yesterday was only 25.73.

This shows what?

This shows that during this half day, the recommended stock price has increased by 1oo%, which means that the market value of Twitter has increased from 400 million to 800 million.

Earned $ 400 million in half a day!

This is the global financial market!

oh, my mother, I'm rich, this time a fortune!

"Hurry up and call the shareholders to inform the shareholders!"

"Yes, sir!"


fabook (Facebook, Twitter's old rival) headquarters. CEO's office.

"why why?!"

The Facebook CEO yelled angrily, with a row of company executives standing in front of him.

The executives all bowed their heads ~ ~ did not dare to speak.


When the Facebook CEO swept the table, everything on the table was swept to the ground, and there was a sound.

"In the past three years, the prodigy was chatting with his Alice using our fabook. Why are you going to Twitter now? What are you doing? Why did n’t you send someone to win him? Say!"

A senior executive answered innocently: "We thought that when the little prodigy was an adult, we would no longer have access to the Internet, how would we know ..."


The huge slap at the table interrupted the executive, and the Facebook CEO's face turned blue.

"What do you think? Are you God? Do you think?"

"I'm sorry!" Qi Qi bowed down and apologized.

"4oo billion, gentlemen, just half a day, the market value of Twitter has increased by 4oo billion!"

"Sorry!" The executives bowed and apologized again.

"* & ……% ……% ¥% # a"

The Facebook CEO was so angry at Mars, and at this moment he couldn't wait to fire them all.

Of course, after he was fired, he had to blame himself and resign.

Tragedy, what should Facebook do now? Mr. President sat down in his chair.


Netizens around the world are sensational, countless people are waiting for the arrival of three days later. Even in Far East China, many people go to the wall to sign up for Twitter accounts.

At this moment, no one knows how many fans of the prodigy will reach.

Some people guess that there might be 300 million!

Some people guess that there may be 500 million!

There may even be 700 million talents!

Because the new users of Twitter are constantly growing ...

Maybe it will be an unprecedented number!

The more stars, the more influencers it will have ... (to be continued.) 8

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