Super Black Technology

Chapter 144: Return of god

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Time flies, and after playing for two days, Ike and Alice return to MIT to continue their studies. [<<

Because the US government has no existing abnormalities.

After all, no fool would take the most sophisticated instrument and measure the land.

"Hey, you're going to start Twitter tomorrow. Will I be the first to follow you then?"

"Okay, thank you Sister Xue! Sister Xue Meng Meng Da!"

"Hi, Ike, after you start Twitter tomorrow, will you also pay attention to the senior?"

"No! The seniors are not pretty!"


On campus, every classmate would talk to him when they met the little guy.

And so is Alice in the art department.

"Alice, this is my Twitter. Will we keep an eye on each other then?"

Alice could not bear to refuse, and nodded.

"Alice, are you paying attention to me? You have already become a big star before you graduate!"

Alice nodded again.

"Alice, and me! I'm your classmate!"

"Alice, I'm your classmate!"

"Alice, I am your classmate!"


In one afternoon, Alice no longer knew how many times she nodded, and even fainted.

Not only that, she also received a call from girlfriend Lucy, as well as classmates, alumni, teachers from Leeds City University in the UK ...

These calls all mean the same thing:

Alice, please pay attention and be cute.

In this way, Alice left school without even listening to a class.

at night.

Alice lay quietly on the bed, tossing and falling asleep.

The recent events have greatly affected her.

A MI6 agent who treated her as a prisoner now becomes her bodyguard.

And she used to ridicule her as Cinderella's classmate, and now she is asking her for attention one by one.

Oh, by the way, and ...

At this moment, Alice seemed to remember something. She quickly got up, turned on the light, and then pulled out a piece of paper from a valuable Chanel purse.

That's a check. It's $ 50,000.

Seeing it still alive, Alice was relieved and patted her white chest.

"It's all brought by Brother Watermelon!"

Alice put the check back, then turned off the light and lay back on the bed.

Today, she finally understands:

Her life has really changed since then. From a Cinderella who didn't bother, she became a beautiful white swan.

"Thank you, brother watermelon!"

With gratitude, Alice gradually fell asleep ...

At this time, the White House.

Obama and others are in a meeting again.

In response to whether Ike should have access to the Internet, the White House invited many educators and pediatricians to participate.

Of course, the military must be indispensable.

No, an officer stood up and shouted, "We have already held three meetings like this! Gentlemen, IMHO, let the little prodigy go online if he wants to go online. Is there anything to discuss?"

The sound fell, everyone looked at him together.

What do you mean? Isn't your military afraid of that horrible little guy, and what **** incidents have happened?

But listening to the officer continued, "Fear of what's the use? Is it because we're afraid we won't allow him to go online? Gentlemen, prodigy Aike is our federal nuclear weapon on the Internet."

"If you are afraid, stop his show or delay his show. Then we simply destroy the nuclear warheads in the United States. I am also afraid that the nuclear bomb will destroy the earth!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was speechless.

Nima, your example is really amazing.

At this time, a pediatrician also stood up and said, "Mr. President, I agree with the military. Neither my colleagues nor I think it is a good thing to ban him from surfing the Internet."

"Why is there such an event like rolling watermelons? Our education community has compiled the past data of the little prodigy: This is because he was not accompanied by him when he was a kid, and no one communicated with him, which led to his character becoming lonely. Dark sides like stubbornness, stubbornness, selfishness. "

"Gentlemen, why do we let him go to college instead of asking a tutor to teach him alone. Isn't it just to change him?"

Many educators nodded at the words of pediatricians.

That little guy has always liked to go online, and his childhood was spent online. Although he didn't let him go online during this time, they were all worried that if something went on like this, something would happen.

7 or 8 years of Internet habits, can it be said that it can be broken?

Furthermore, who wants to suppress a child prodigy with such amazing talents? Whoever suppresses is the eternal sinner of the country!

"Also, Mr. Hughes!"

At this moment, the officer shouted loudly, and all looked at Hughes next to President Obama.

Hughes was one of them.

"Mr. Hughes, don't we have a small question for the little prodigy?"

Hughes nodded.

"Since the little prodigy is unwilling to say what he is not willing to say, why don't we go online to add his friends and seduce him to say? As far as I know, our little prodigy is active on the Internet! Hehe ..."

At the end, the officer laughed insiniously.

Yes indeed!

Both Obama and Hughes reacted because of the officer's reminder.

The little guy is very active on the Internet and chats everywhere. Even strangers played him around.

If we look for a shemale, pretend to be a pretty girl, and ...

Hehe! Hehe!

At this moment, Obama and Hughes also smiled insidiously, leaving many educators scratching their heads.


It is no coincidence.

Governments around the world are very happy to hear that the little ones can go online.

They also planned like the White House.

Russia. KGB Intelligence Agency.

"After Target opens Twitter, follow him for the first time!"

"Yes, Secretary!"

Far East China. National Security Agency.

"After Target opens Twitter, follow him immediately!"

"Yes, Secretary!"

"His previous fabook account, did you add him friends?"

"Added, waiting for his verification to pass. If he still uses the old account, he will receive the verification message as soon as possible."

The Director of Security nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, who does your person add to him?"

The middle-aged man standing in front of the director smiled. UU Reading laughed well. "A beautiful sister of British origin, kind and gentle ..."

"And it's cute!"

The sound fell off, and the director gave his staff 32 praises.


Time flies quickly, and soon it's dawn.

At one o'clock this afternoon, it's time for Ike and Alice to tweet.

The White House sent a commissioner early in the morning.

The first is to monitor the little guy back online to prevent him from being naughty. Second, the White House also wanted to ask about the new calculation method.

For these two special students, MIT also early installed two computers with excellent performance in the library.

At that time, they will go online in the library.

Today is a very important day.

Netizens in all countries are waiting, and governments are waiting.

In other words, the whole world is waiting, waiting for that horrible watermelon **** to return to the online world again.

8 am.

The Canadian government's official website was occupied by a large watermelon with a line written on it:

"Welcome the return of the watermelon god-aymous ('Anonymous' hacker organization)."

9 am.

The official website of the European Space Agency was hacked.

"Welcome the return of the watermelon god-the **** hacker organization."

1 o'clock in the morning.

The official website of the Russian Ministry of Culture was hacked.

"Welcome the return of the watermelon god-lulzsetbsp; 11 am.

The official website of India's Tata Network Communications Group was hacked.

"Welcome the return of the watermelon god-the teampoison organization."


The global hacker community is also welcoming the return of the king in their own way.

Time is getting closer and closer ...

He is coming back, the genius who once dominated the Internet is about to return!

…… (To be continued.) 8

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