Super Black Technology

Chapter 162: Heavier than a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The assistant to the president came to the little guy's villa, and the villa door was open at this moment. Many of them seem to be professors in the physics department.

At this time, the professors were pointing around the little guy, and the little guy was.

Is lying on the sofa picture.

"Hey, gentlemen, I'm so interested!"

The assistant to the president greeted him and walked into the house. The crowd breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him.

"Mr. Assistant, you came just right, come and teach this little guy to draw a vehicle structure drawing. What do you think he looks like?

Hearing the professor's words, the assistant walked over in doubt. Look at it, Mr. Assistant turned wood chicken on the spot.

But see: The little guy's drawing board is drawing an ugly pumpkin. The pumpkin crooked, as if it was about to rot.

"Little Ike, are you sure you are drawing a pumpkin cart structure?"

Aike Mengmeng nodded, and then pulled out a small poster from the drawing board.

"Of course, I painted the pumpkin car on the poster!"

puff! puff! puff!

Everyone was speechless.

At this time, Alice brought coffee to everyone and snatched the drawing board from the little guy.

"Ike, I'll help you draw it!"

"Yeah, thank you, sister. The paintings made by my sister are so good!"

Hearing this, the crowd was speechless again.

Your sister Alice is an art and design major, and sketching is the basic skill. Can you draw well?

Fortunately, you haven't studied art design, otherwise the professors in the art department won't be mad at you.

Alice patted the little guy's head and asked, "How big are you going to draw a pumpkin car?"

"So big, so big!" Ike opened his arms to the maximum, and then answered, "The villa is so big!"

The sound fell, and Alice's hand with a pen trembled, and the gentlemen next to her also trembled.

"How old? How old are you talking about?"

"This villa is so big!"

puff! puff! puff!

The professors of physics are going crazy. As powerful figures in physics, they can easily figure out how much kinetic energy a car the size of a house needs to move.

That's higher than the kinetic energy of a train. After all, trains and tracks can reduce frictional resistance.

Nima, what the **** is this pumpkin car? Is there such a toy car?

It's really a dog, we teach you physics for so long.

"You guys, you can't move this big," said Ike's mentor seriously.

Ike didn't care so much.

"I'm going to be so big, I will fall apart when I am young! And ..."

The little guy Ding Ding 咚咚 ran upstairs, and then Ding Ding 咚咚 ran back again, holding a piece of a4 paper in his hand.

what's the situation?

In everyone's surprised eyes, the little guy handed the paper in his hand to the assistant to the president.

"Sir, this is the material I want. Can you buy it for me, please? I have the money to pay the bill!"

What? Have you even written the materials?

"let me see!"

"Look at me too!"

The professors came together to watch with the assistant. At this point, the professors were shocked, and the incredible voice blurted out.

"Fuck, are you crazy?"

"Ike, are you stupid?"

But see, only 4 materials are written on this a4 paper. They are:

Nichrome titanium alloy steel-3000 tons.

Manganese-silicon steel-3000 tons.

Nichrome steel (stainless steel)-7,000 tons.

Ordinary steel-90,000 tons.

The assistant to the president stunned, really stunned.

At this moment, it seemed to him that there were 10,000 grass and mud horses running and passing by.

Nakama, are you really a toy car? Are you really a pumpkin cart?

Is he nothing else? The weight of this special steel alone is 103,000 tons.

What is the heaviest aircraft carrier in the world? It is the USS Nimitz nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Its displacement is 100,020 tons.

According to Archimedes' law:

Displacement xg = buoyancy.

Buoyancy = total weight of the object.

Total object weight = total mass of cargo and ship xg.

So, displacement = total mass of the boat.

That is, the mass of the USS Nimitz is 100,020 tons.

Your sister, why do you want to build a pumpkin toy car that is heavier than our US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier? !!

The assistant president's head was a little dizzy, and his whole body was shaky, as if to fall.

Seeing this scene, Miss Alice was extremely anxious and asked with concern.

"Sir, are you okay?"

The assistant shook his head, stabilized his figure, and then pressed his temple with his hand.

"I'm a little dizzy. I need to go out and be quiet! Be quiet!"

As soon as this word came out, a 60-year-old veteran professor rubbed his temple and walked out.

"I want to be quiet too!"

"I'll go out and be quiet too!"

Suddenly, everyone walked out staggeringly, leaving only Fergus, who had a strong heart and was middle-aged. He is Ike's physics instructor and has always regarded Ike as his heir.

Unfortunately, at this moment, he is a little crazy.

"Little Ike, what do you make? Why is it heavier than an aircraft carrier?"

On hearing that, Ike tilted his head, looking ignorant.

"Mr. Professor, I made a pumpkin cart! Didn't you know that?"


The mentor could no longer resist such a blow, and he ran out of the villa with a dizzy head. He wanted to be quiet and talk to the little guy again. He was afraid he would spit blood and die on the spot.

The toy car actually weighed 100,000 tons ~ ~ heavier than the world's largest aircraft carrier.

God, is this a toy car?

Is this still called a pumpkin cart?

No wonder you need to raise $ 100 million, oh no, the estimated $ 100 million is not enough. It seems that the White House government is having a headache again.

Indeed, Professor Fergus was correct in all his guesses.


White House.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

The phone in the president's office rang. Obama, who was signing the documents, was not available to answer the phone. Hughes answered the phone.

"Hey, I'm Hughes! Please say!"

The call was made by the assistant to the president. At this moment, the assistant's voice trembled and seemed to be frightened.

"Mr. Hughes, please tell Mr. President. The little guy is crazy. The pumpkin car he wants to build is the size of a villa and weighs 100,000 tons. Yes, sir, you heard me right, more than a federal nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. weight."

"Oh, my God, drop down a thunder, and hack the little guy to death!"

After hearing the report of the assistant to the president, Hughes froze on the spot. Even if the opposite party had hung up the phone, he still held the microphone in his hand and stood still.

Seeing this scene, Obama was extremely puzzled.

"Hughes, what's wrong with you? What the **** happened?"

Hughes returned to God and reported the assistant's meeting to Obama.

At this moment, Obama suddenly stood up.

"Fuck, how is that possible? Is he crazy? Is he crazy?"

Hughes shrugged and said, "It doesn't seem crazy. According to the little guy, he's afraid of being young, and his pumpkin cart will fall apart!"


Obama couldn't take the blow anymore and was paralyzed in a chair on the spot.

Will you fall apart when you are young? Who taught this little guy?

Whoever teaches wrongly, stand up for me, I promise not to kill you!

…… (To be continued.)

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