Super Black Technology

Chapter 163: Pumpkins will shock the world

It took a long time for President Obama to calm down and rub his temples, saying:

"Forget it, forget it, it's all here, make it. Make it early, go back to school early."

Hearing that, Hughes nodded.

Isn't it just 100,000 tons of steel? Little kiss for the Watermelon League.

"So, the steel is provided by Bath Iron and Steel Company of the United States, and I will call their company. Let them sell to the little ones at the cost price. Otherwise, the little ones' 100 million US dollars must be enough.

President Obama also nodded and said, "Then build it up to Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard."


Three days later, the American Iron and Steel Company received an order from the Watermelon Alliance.

103,000 tons of steel, and the cost price.

The directors of Bath Steel Co. took a black face and took the order.

On the other side, the assistant to the president faxed the picture of the pumpkin car frame drawn by Miss Alice to Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.

The chief engineer who once led the construction of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, personally took a large number of technical staff, carefully checked the drawings, and calculated it carefully.

For 10 minutes, just 10 minutes, the chief engineer called the assistant to the president with a black face.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we won't take this job!"

"What?" The assistant was shocked. "Did the Ministry of Defense give you military orders?"

Hearing this, the chief engineer was furious and yelled: "What **** military order, do you have a good look at the drawings? There is no technical content. We are building aircraft carriers and submarines, not building houses."

"Go to the architect who built the house and help the little guy build it!"

After speaking, the chief engineer hung up the phone angrily.

And here, Mr. Assistant was completely aggressive.

what's the situation? Isn't it a car? Why do you want me to find an architect?

Let me go. Is this a car or a house?

Due to the guidance of the chief engineer of the navy, the assistant sent a fax to the top 10 architectural offices in the United States with a tragedy.

5 minutes, just 5 minutes later.

The third-ranked HDR architectural firm in the United States called.

It was their president who called it.

"Hello, Mr. Assistant President, we are willing to accept this project for free, and promise to complete it within two months!"

Hearing the words, Mr. Assistant's incredible voice blurted out: "Are you sure? Have you seriously calculated it? This is a pumpkin car heavier than a nuclear aircraft carrier!"

Opposite, the president of hdr smiled and replied with a smile:

"Assistant President, where is your project to build a car? It doesn't even have an engine. This is all about building a house made of steel, which is easier than making a brick. Believe me, let our famous architect Mr. Bacon and you He said he was involved in the design and construction of the New York Twin Towers. "

After a while, Mr. Bacon's voice rang on the phone:

"Hello, Mr. Assistant, this project is really simple. Just build a huge steel base, and then use the building blocks to make an oval pumpkin. The base is made of alloy steel and can bear a weight of 100,000 tons. Ordinary steel for the interior and stainless steel for the exterior. "

"Very simple, nothing technical! Really!"

"I can imagine that when this pumpkin car is built, we will have another landmark in the United States."

"Meng Mengda style!"

Mr Assistant is almost out of sight, really.

He only said "All to you," and then hung up.

The pumpkin car was actually built as a building by others, and it was a laugh to the world.

That day, after everything was scheduled, the assistant returned to the White House to report to the president.

After listening to the assistant's report, Mr. President, Hughes and others also cried.

That little guy is so funny!


The next day, hdr architects held a press conference to announce to the United States:

The pumpkin car construction project for the little prodigy is free of charge. It is expected to take one and a half months.

At the press conference, the president of hdr also showed a preview of the effect of the pumpkin car for reporters.

A huge metal pumpkin cart looms across the shore of a wide Charles River. On the left side of the pumpkin is a portrait of a little guy, and on the right side is Alice's.

Under the bright sunlight, the appearance of stainless steel reflects the luster of metal, full of fashionable sci-fi style.

In front of the television, the global audience saw this rendering and made a sound of surprise.

"So pretty!"

"Yeah, and it's spectacular!"

"This car 666, no one can hit it! Mom never has to worry about me overturning halfway."

However, the audience seemed surprised early, because they were totally wrong.

Is he not a car at all, but ...

At this time, the appearance effect picture disappears, and the internal display picture comes out.

The president of hdr explained to the global audience with a smile: "The pumpkin car is 30 meters high. To this end, our designer designed 4 floors for him. The first floor is the living room, and the second floor is the little prodigy and Alice Miss's bedroom, third floor ... "

The global audience was stunned.

what's the situation? Did n’t you say it was a car? Why is it a living room and a bedroom again? !!

What about the engine? What about the brake chamber? What about the driving bay?

Come on, we don't read much, don't coax me!

A reporter asked the president of the hdr aloud with such a question.

Hearing that, the president shrugged and said helplessly: "Sorry, we are building a house, not a car!"

Reporters: "..."

Global audience: "..."

At this time, the senior White House officials who were watching the press conference looked at each other, and no one could say a word.

Shameful, okay? !!


Not long after, the press conference ended, and at this time the official website of Pumpkin Toys Company immediately announced the use of funds.

Nichrome titanium alloy steel-3000 tons. (Provided by Bath Steel Corp. at a loss.)

Manganese-silicon steel-3000 tons. (Provided by Bath Steel Corp. at a loss.)

Nichrome steel (stainless steel)-7,000 tons. (Provided by Bath Steel Corp. at a loss.)

Ordinary steel-90,000 tons. (Provided by Bath Steel Corp. at a loss.)

A total of 103,000 tons of steel, costing 100 million US dollars.

It was indeed a loss. According to the gossip, Bath Iron and Steel Company of the United States took a loss of 300 million U.S. dollars, only a lot more ~ ​​ ~ As soon as this announcement came out, the whole world suddenly realized.

No wonder the president of hdr said that he was building a house, not a car.

With a weight of more than 100,000 tons, who can drive it?

The media of various countries also urgently removed the previous homepage and put the news on it.

"USA Today" reported in a stingy tone: The watermelon **** will add us a landmark building in the United States, its name is-pumpkin car. Oh, it's wrong, its name is "Pumpkin Villa".

"European Times": The watermelon **** intends to use 100,000 tons of steel to give Ms. Alice as a gift. I hope that Ms. Alice will not be too heavy.

"": This gift is really unique, we should name it "Pumpkin Castle". It seems that the watermelon **** has grown up and knows that he has made a golden house to hide.


Seeing these news reports, the people of all countries are dying with laughter.

It turns out that child prodigies also become silly!

At this time, Aike, who was surfing the Internet in the library, saw the comments on the Internet and was very calm.

Laugh, just laugh, it will make you look good in more than a month.

After thinking for a while, Ike logged in to his Twitter, and then in the fbi's confused eyes, Ike changed his Twitter name.

From "Watermelon Ike" to "Pumpkin Ike"!

This subtle move immediately caught the attention of intelligence agencies in various countries.

what's the situation?

Is the God of Watermelon warning us?

China, National Security Bureau.

A young girl guessed hesitantly: "Is the watermelon **** going to transform?"

As soon as this word came out, the secret agents of the nations were all shocked, and quickly turned to look at her.

"From the watermelon **** to the pumpkin god!"

puff! puff! puff!

The entire National Security Bureau fell to the ground on the spot. (To be continued.)

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