Super Black Technology

Chapter 193: Hand over the remote control

the next day.

Viewers around the world got up early and turned on the TV. The horrible steel demon still hovered in the TV. Above it are two teams of British and American soldiers walking back and forth.

They are doing security patrols.

Not only them, it is reported that anti-aircraft guns have been erected on the top floors of some buildings outside Hyde Palace, and various air bases in London have been put on guard.

Under the order of the Ministry of Defense, they will be responsible for the security of Big Pumpkin together with the Military Intelligence Agency and the Army.

Lest some unscrupulous capitalist black hands and navy black hands run out to cause trouble.

After all, from the current point of view, there are only one flying pumpkin in the world today.

It is the hope of the human interstellar dream and the starting point of the fourth industrial revolution.

No one can lose it!

The British government is treating it with such caution, and it is not a joke. Because the little prodigies are going to leave after all, they can never stay. Unless Britain is willing to go to war with the United States.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.

Therefore, the British government, or the whole of Britain, has only one wish now, and that is:

Since the maker of the big pumpkin cannot be left, leave the big pumpkin.

For this reason, except that the British did not call the navy to defend, almost all the forces in London were arranged around Hyde Park.

Not only that, at the Science Federation yesterday, an American physicist proposed that the big pumpkins be broken up into scattered pieces and then transported down one by one.

As soon as this proposal was spoken out, the participating scientists objected, among which the British scientists objected most.

They claim:

Whoever takes the big pumpkin apart, walks over their bodies.

Next to it, a British agent even shouted: The big pumpkin is a gift from the Great Pumpkin God to Miss Alice. It belongs to Miss Alice and belongs to Britain.

No one except Britain has the right to tear it down!


These radical words left American scientists collectively speechless.

They said nothing, because everything was wrong.

The British government, even at the risk of national destruction, was reluctant to drive large pumpkins to land in Africa.

This shows what?

This shows that whoever dares to be detrimental to the big pumpkin will be desperate for whom Britain is.

Everyone is taking a country adventure, who dares to demolish it?

If this approach works, why did the British government do this?


In Hyde Park at this time, there was a lot of vocals.

Voices came from temporary research institutes in various countries. These scientists haven't slept overnight, and they're still discussing fiercely how to treat the big pumpkin.

at this time.

An army sergeant broke into the British temporary research institute.

"Sorry, excuse me: Professor C, please go to the park entrance for a simple media interview."

Professor C is the old man with white beard.

At the words of the sergeant, the old man with white beard frowned. "What interview is so important?"

"Mr. Professor, because the big pumpkin has been suspended in the sky, in order to soothe the mood of the citizens of London, the government arranged a simple interview. I hope you will speak carefully."

That's it!

It seems that the British government still bears a lot of public opinion pressure. After all, this is taking the entire country at risk.

"Well, let's go out!"

"Yes! Professor, please!"


Hyde Park mouth.

Media from various countries have been waiting to do live broadcasts here. When the old professor came out, all the reporters rushed up.

But unfortunately, the army stopped them and only let in the BBC reporters.

"Audience friends, I'm a reporter from BBC Television. The one next to me is Professor C of the Science Federation. Hello, Professor, I want to ask you a few questions about topics that the people care about.

Facing the camera, the old professor fixed his tie, then nodded, and said, "Please say!"

"Mr. Professor, what did the pumpkin fall?"

"Coming soon, we have a preliminary plan. What is the plan? We need to keep it secret for now!"

In front of the television, the British people were relieved to hear that the scientists had a preliminary plan.

After all, a devil has been hanging in the sky, which makes people sleep uneasily.

At this time, I heard the reporter ask again: "Mr. Professor, can you figure out the principle of flying pumpkins? Can Britain imitate large pumpkins?"

These words shocked the people of all countries.

Is the fourth industrial revolution about to start?

Unfortunately, everyone thinks more.

The old professor looked embarrassed, shook his head, and said, "I'm sorry, we haven't figured out the principle of the flying pumpkin. But my colleagues and I estimate that the core technology of the flying pumpkin should be in that metal box."

"If the metal box can be analyzed, I want to gather the power of the country, and I should be able to figure out the principle of the big pumpkin."

Yin Luo, the reporter can't wait to ask once: "Mr. Professor, according to the information obtained by our bbc, the money spent by Ike to make the big pumpkin is only 100 million US dollars ~ ~ The material is only steel!"

"It can be said that compared to aircraft carriers, the cost of large pumpkins is scary. Based on this, once you master the manufacturing technology of large pumpkins, does it mean that the time has come to make large pumpkins in batches?"

In the worldwide attention, the old professor nodded heavily.

"Yes! We in the scientific community have reached a consensus: the time to make large pumpkins in batches is very close."

"Well, I'm done, goodbye everyone!"

After that, the old professor hurriedly walked towards the park ...

Along with the end of this interview, media from various countries reported on it.

All stations, newspapers, and portals are promoting a news:

Big pumpkins can be made in batches!

Of course, there is a premise, that is: you must first remove the big pumpkin.


In Hyde Park, scientists from various countries came together again for a meeting.

This time, they have made new progress.

A British astronomer came up with a bold idea. As soon as this idea was spoken, the whole venue was silent for a moment.

The Quartet, responsible for security and surveillance of the British and American agents, was shocked when they heard that suggestion, and hurried to the White House to report.

Royal Palace.


An officer hurried into the hall.

"Report: The United Science Society has a new plan, and they hope Ike can surrender his remote!"


When this word came out, everyone was shocked, but Obama was furious.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Big pumpkin has been made for you, and you still need a remote control. This is impossible, that remote control is a federal secret, and we never agree to give it to you!"

... (to be continued.) U

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