Super Black Technology

Chapter 194: Space Shuttle Endeavour

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At this time, the officer handed a document to Prime Minister Cameron and a document to President Obama.

What is written on the file is a new surrender plan.

A few minutes later, after reading the document, Obama frowned, as if considering the gains and losses.

At this time, next to him, Prime Minister Cameron also finished reading the plan. He turned to look at Obama and said:

"Mr. Obama, if you don't agree to give up the remote control, let's let Ike go up in person!"

Go up? Where to go

In the hall, the prince and the master were extremely suspicious.

At this moment, but I screamed, "No! This is even more impossible! Ike can't go on the big pumpkin!"

Obama's voice was unusually firm.

Upon hearing this, Cameron smiled.

"Mr. President, this will not work, that will not work, what about the big pumpkin? It can never be hung up in the sky. Of course, we are willing to take risks, but you also understand that the big pumpkin will not come down in a day, so Ike"

Cameron didn't say the rest. However, Obama understood it.

The following meaning SI is: When the big pumpkin hangs in the sky for a day, Ike has to stay in Britain for a day. The big pumpkin hangs for a year, and Ike also needs to stay in Britain for a year.

We are willing to consume it, are you beautiful?

Or did Obama dare to take Ike away?

Dare not!

Once Obama did this, it would mean that Britain and the United States broke their faces. This is the homeland of Britain. Without the consent of the British government, only corpses can leave.

If that happens, the United States will regret it even if the United States destroys the British nuclear afterwards.

At this moment, Obama was embarrassed.

He had to choose between Ike's security and the secrets of Big Pumpkin.

Pick Ike? Or choose a big pumpkin?

Obama's face was blue and red, and Cameron and others looked at him silently without urging anything.

After a while, but listening to a sigh, Obama looked at Cameron.

"Sir, you won!"

Cameron smiled again: "British-American friendship lasts!"

Save your sister!

Obama grumbled angrily in his heart, and then called the bodyguard: "Where is Ike now?"


"Go quietly open his door and take out the remote control!"

The sound, the bodyguard stunned.

Wouldn't it tell me to go? My dignified presidential bodyguard still has to do this chicken and dog thing?

Obama glared at him: "Not yet! When the little guy wakes up, it will be very troublesome to ask for a remote control!"

"Yes Yes!"

The bodyguard left the hall tragically, and ran to the remote control of Aikangli.

Not long after, the bodyguard ran back, holding the small remote control in his hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the British side was overjoyed, but Obama was a painful look.

"Give you!"

Cameron smiled and took the remote control.

At this moment, the sound of "咚咚咚" sounded, and everyone looked back, but saw a little guy wearing a sleep and hurried over.

After that, it was his Alice.

"Where's my remote? Where's my big pumpkin remote?"

The little guy was making a lot of noise while running.

Everyone has a headache, it really has a headache. Why does this little bad guy wake up so fast?

They didn't know that there was a high-dimensional living body in the soul of Aike—the light ball “Cross”. If someone enters the house and doesn't know the light ball, then Ike is dead.

Either died under the sniper rifle of an American doctor or died in a guided attack.

In the gloomy eyes of everyone, Ike rushed into the palace hall. Immediately after entering the hall, Ike found his remote control, which was in Cameron's hand.

"Mr. Prime Minister, why are my things in your hands?"

Ike tilted his head and asked ignorantly.


Prime Minister Cameron's tragedy is so incomparable that "I haven't" vomited for a long time.

At this moment, Ike reached out and spread out his small hand. This means that SI is obvious, that is to ask Cameron to return his remote control to him.

Cameron stared at Obama in depression, letting her think of a way.

Obama had no choice but to take a step forward and pull the little guy aside, saying, "They took the remote control to drive the big pumpkin into space."


Hearing what Mr. President said, Ike froze, then immediately figured out the scientists' plan.

I thought that I could hang a large pumpkin for a few more days to increase energy. As a result, those scientists were not vegetarian.

Well, since that's the case, don't hang the big pumpkin.

I want to change my energy. This side is

The thought flashed in Aike's heart, and then Aike smiled adorablely.

"Well, let's give it to the Prime Minister. I'll give Alice's big pumpkin a button to go down!"

Upon hearing this, Prime Minister Cameron was overjoyed: "Praise you, little Ike!"

Everyone ran over and thanked the little guy for his generosity. One of them also crouched down and kissed Ike.

As soon as he was kissed by the Lord, Ike smiled so loudly.

Later, an agent came in with a full box.

Cameron carefully put the remote control in, then closed the safe, set the password, and gave it to the agent.

But at the sound of "click!", One handcuff was placed on the safe, and the other was placed on the agent's hand.

"Follow me!" Cameron said gravely. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com


British. Space Agency.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!"

The private line rang urgently. Immediately afterwards, the director of the space agency answered the phone.

"Yesyesok! My people promise to complete the task!"

Then, after hearing a pop, the director hung up the phone.

"Come! Come!"

After hearing the shout, a beautiful child hurriedly walked into the office.

"Notify the astronauts to report immediately!"

"Yes, Secretary!"

At this time, the British Foreign Office.

The Foreign Minister urgently called the European Space Agency, hoping that they would come out of the UK with a small twin spacecraft.

In this regard, the European Space Agency agreed. Their claim was that another astronaut was provided by the French government.

Later, the British Foreign Secretary called the White House again and he needed to borrow something from the United States. That is--

Space Shuttle Endeavour!

At this time, the vice president and the secretary of state are in charge of the white house.

Upon hearing the request of the British Foreign Minister, the two who had already communicated with President Obama immediately agreed.

10 o'clock in the morning.

The NASA announced to the outside that it would borrow the US space shuttle Endeavour from Britain.

When this declaration came out, it shook the world.

Is there a plan to drop the big pumpkin? What is the plan and how can we use the Space Shuttle Endeavour?

Endeavour: 36.6 meters high, 23.4 meters wide, 71 tons in weight, cost over US $ 2 billion.

This is a behemoth heavier than a big pumpkin!


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