Super Black Technology

Chapter 195: Cracking the Pumpkin God

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The Anglo-American-French Space Centers are busy, and each has begun intense preparations and transformations.

At this time, Hyde Park.

A helicopter began to transport large pumpkins on material, with oxygen supply and arches

A worker boarded the big pumpkin and began cutting it.

They will cut a hole in the wall of Ke Hall in Big Pumpkin to provide direct access to the foundation. Otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble to astronauts.

Not only that, they also added handrails to the passage to allow astronauts to quickly enter the Ke room in a gravity-free extreme environment.

This scene spread to the eyes of the people through the television.

Everyone was wondering, what exactly were the scientists planning?

Time flies quickly, at 4 pm.

The power supply room of Big Pumpkin has been transformed and an oxygen supply device has been installed, which will provide enough air for the generator to generate electricity.

At the other end, Ke has already opened a passage.

Subsequently, the workers successively left Big Pumpkin by helicopter.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

There was a huge sound in the sky, and it was a large transport plane. An aircraft is hung below it.

Seeing it, some astronomy enthusiasts immediately recognized it.

It is a small spaceship of the European Union, which can be used by two people to survive briefly in space.

Immediately afterwards, the transport plane reached over the big pumpkin, and then placed the aircraft on the big pumpkin. The whole process was silent, let alone the big pumpkin was shaking, not even a little shaking.

It is conceivable how stable the underlying force field is.

Scientists have been numb to this situation. For viewers in front of the TV, it really shocked.

Some viewers claimed that perhaps the bearing capacity of large pumpkins can exceed 1 million tons.

This statement was immediately rejected by critics on television.

On the British radio and television station, a critic in a suit and leather shoes was talking about it.

"Dear friends, the statement that the audience called just now is incorrect. The bearing capacity of the big pumpkin is definitely more than 1 million tons! Why do I say that? Please see the picture"

At this time, a picture of the Atlantic appeared on the TV:

The huge steel pumpkin whale swallowed the endless sea water, setting off a huge wave, and then the water dragon roared and threw it into the Atlantic Ocean.

That scene at that time shocked the whole world and the collective silence of the whole world.

It's like a humble mortal facing a miracle!

"Dear audience friends, do you see that? Big pumpkin can still **** the water of the sea from above, and that kind of power need not be said. We just need to calculate the quality of the launching water."

"The seawater with a diameter of 70 meters and a height of 1,500 meters totals more than 6 million tons. Has the big steel pumpkin trembled? No! There is no trembling at all!"

"An audience who understands dynamics knows what kind of power it is! It is unimaginable, it is unimaginable!"

"Yesterday, at the Science Federation of Hyde Park, a scientist proposed: transport a lot of genera and press down the big pumpkin. But this proposal was rejected by the scientists collectively. Why?"

"Because the large pumpkin's bearing capacity is terrible! We don't know the specific value, but it is at least 6 million tons! In this regard, I consulted a physics professor and his estimate is-"

"At least 30 million tons!"

As soon as this word came out, countless viewers took air-conditioning in front of the TV.

30 million tons? It takes a full 30 million tons to squeeze the big pumpkin down, and still at least?


If this method is used, it is estimated that all the helicopters assembled around the world will be shipped for one year, and it is not known what the upper limit is.

What if it is 50 million tons? Or is it 100 million tons?

Damn, this big pumpkin is so scary, it scares the baby.

In the shocked eyes of the audience, at this moment, several cars drove into Hyde Park.

Then the door opened and Cameron and Obama got off at the same time.

Seeing them, scientists rushed forward. However, the two presidents ignored them and looked to the rear.

To the rear, the door of the third car opened. A little guy in a pumpkin costume jumped down.

"It's Ike!"

"It's the watermelon god!"

"Not watermelon, but pumpkin god!"

At this moment, the audience was sensational.

More than 100 scientists ignored even the President and rushed forward frantically. It is a pity that several serious and serious agents formed a wall of people, blocking everyone out.

The scientists were in a hurry and yelled:

"Little Ike, tell me how the big pumpkin went up?"

"Little prodigy, what is the principle of the box?"

"Pumpkin, please give pointers!"

Hearing these sounds, Ike blinked and opened her mouth.

"Gentlemen, do you want to know the principle of the big pumpkin?"

Sound, the scientists nodded again and again, the eyes filled with endless expectations.

It seems as though each humble soul is praying for God's guidance.

Suddenly, the pumpkin **** said, "Well, let me tell you!"

"No! Can't tell them!" Obama was frightened ~ ~ wanted to stop.

Unfortunately, it's too late now.

At this instant, the childish voice rang through the audience, ringing in the ears of the British and American presidents, in the ears of all scientists, and in the ears of many soldiers.

"The principle of Big Pumpkin is mine by my physics instructor!"

Sound, the scientists roared in surprise.

"What ?!" "What?" "How is that possible?"

At this time, but after hearing the "Song Tong" sound, a middle-aged man in the crowd could no longer afford the blow and fell to the ground on the spot.

He was taught by Fergus, Ike's mentor at MIT.

He also came this time, but Ike went to Baihan Palace, so he didn't see him.

"What's wrong with Fergus?" "Fergus teaches you not to die!" "Fergus teaches you to resist!"

Friends shouted that an old teacher even squatted down and wanted to give Fergus a population breath.

Fortunately, thanks to Fergus's middle age and physical health, he stiffly resisted his disciples.

Under the gaze of the scientists, Fergus climbed up, God was indignant, and shouted at his unfilial disciples:

"You lied, you lied! When have I been with you?"

Ike tilted his head, looking extremely innocent, and said, "Yes! You said: Little Ike, you have to study hard and strive to be the greatest scientist in the future!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The audience fell to a large area.

Nima, what is this? With that said, did you invent the Flying Pumpkin?

Oh god, let's hack him!

Really, he is no longer suitable for staying on earth.


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