Super Black Technology

Chapter 201: Allied Command

France. Bira Desert.

Because France and the UK are in the same time zone, France is also late at night.

However, the Bila Desert was indeed brightly lit at this time. Hundreds of helicopters swept back and forth across the border, and huge searchlight lampposts seemed to light up the night sky.

Not only that, but on the ground, the army of the EU countries has surrounded the entire desert.

The Bila Desert is actually not large, only 3,000 meters long and 500 meters wide.

Rather than calling it a desert, it would be better to call him a dune.

At this time, several military vehicles approached the place from a distance.

Seeing this, the banded army shouted immediately:

"What password"

The military vehicle was suspended and a French officer got out of the vehicle and handed in his passport.

"Password: The Big Pumpkin"

The front nodded, took the pass from the opposite side and examined it carefully, then waved backwards.

At the rear, the gun guns that had been aimed lowered their muzzles.

Yes, it's so strict. Even officers in your own country have to be checked.

"Certificate authentic, release"

The banded army cleared the way and put the military vehicles into the desert.

The military vehicle raced quickly in the desert and finally stopped 1 km from the border.

This is the Allied Command.

"Haha, Mr. Foreign Minister, you are finally here"

A hearty laugh erupted from the headquarters, and then several Allied generals greeted the military vehicle.

The military vehicle door opened instantly, and the British Foreign Minister and French Minister of Foreign Affairs came down.

"Commander Turner, Commander Gray, Commander Dale, you are so glad to meet you"

The two foreign ministers extended friendly hands to the Allied commander.

After some courtesy, everyone walked into the headquarters.

"How long will it land?" The French Foreign Minister asked anxiously.

Upon hearing that, the German commander replied: "10 minutes left"

"Good, we didn't come late"

The two foreign ministers breathed a sigh of relief, then each took a chair and sat down. Allied commanders also sat down.

"Commanders, I know you all want to fight for your country, but what we should do now is to unite first."

The words of the British Foreign Secretary made everyone nod.

"Yes, only if the EU is united can it benefit under US pressure"

"Mr. Foreign Minister, please rest assured, we know the scale"

The foreign minister was relieved to hear the words of the people.

He was afraid that the spacecraft would land behind and be taken down by the Allies. Fortunately, these commanders were not fools.

"That's right" At this point, the British Foreign Minister seemed to think of something. He quickly looked at the Allied commanders and then asked, "Are there naval personnel in your army?"

When the sounds fell, the Allied commanders all changed their faces, and then quickly shook their heads.

"No" "Absolutely nothing" "Our special forces are all selected from the Air Force and the Army, and the Marines do not need any of them."

What's the joke? Now everyone in the world doesn't know that the navy is about to withdraw from the stage of history.

A scene a few days ago on the Atlantic Ocean made all countries undergo strict political review of the navy. Now the navies of all countries are in panic, who dares to ask the Marines to come out and perform their tasks.

The two foreign ministers were relieved.

Just then, a legal person broke into the headquarters.

"Report: The spacecraft fell after 5 minutes"

As soon as this word came out, everyone rose instantly.

"Order: The central army evacuates the desert immediately."

"Command: Connect Space Center, Synchronize Spacecraft Trajectory"

"Order: The French Air Force takes off immediately and patrols the sky for 100 miles."

4 minutes, 3 minutes

Above the sky, the huge Space Shuttle Endeavour entered French airspace.

"Here is Endeavour, please answer when you receive it"

"Endeavour, I'm Admiral Turner, Allied Commander, please arrive at the scheduled location and then throw our spaceship"

"Endeavour received"

Two minutes, one minute, 50 seconds, 30 seconds

The huge Endeavour came to the west of the Bila Desert, and then the fuselage trembled, and the two mechanical arms were released. The miniature spacecraft is parabolic to the ground under the mutual traction of inertia and gravity.

20 seconds, 10 seconds.


Inside the spacecraft, two astronauts slammed the escape button beside them. The spacecraft's roof opened immediately, and the two astronauts flew out instantly.


The spacecraft landed and made a huge explosion.

In the sky, the parachute unfolded, like two white clouds falling lightly to the ground.

"Hurry and pick them up"

"Allied helicopters have been following the parachute, don't let the astronauts leave your sight"

Orders from the Allied Command were sent continuously to the units. Under the order, the helicopter quickly took off and chased towards the parachute. On the ground, the military vehicle started to start and drove towards the calculated landing point.

At this moment, no one was in charge of the small spacecraft that cost hundreds of millions of dollars. It was originally a victim.

There is only one goal in everyone ’s eyes, and that is

The escaped astronaut, or the metal box in the hands of the astronaut.

Although it was night, the two parachutes were as clear as daylight under infrared detection.

Parachute fluttering ~ ~ fluttering fluttering

The last one landed 50 meters on the edge of the Bila Desert, and the other one flew out of the desert and landed 200 meters away.

"Who is the metal box"

"Who is the metal box"

"Find him first, find him first, hurry up"

In the combat communication channel, countless officers roared.

A moment later, a helicopter pilot yelled, "It's the one 200 meters away."

The sound fell, and the combat communication channel was silent for a moment, and the armed helicopters of various countries flew frantically out of the desert.

As for the parachute in the desert, sorry, please wait for the army to comfort you

Outside the Bira Desert. 200 meters.

British astronaut cut the parachute with a dagger and then got up hard

Just then, the horn sounded from the sky:

"Brother, don't move"

"Wait for us to help you, don't move anymore, otherwise my cannon will easily go out of fire."

Hearing the shout, the heavy British astronaut suddenly burst into tears and laughed.

Nima, I finally managed to come down from space. It can be said that I have experienced a lifetime of nine deaths, not to be a hero. At least do n’t treat me as an enemy

The depressed astronaut did not dare to move, not only that, he also raised his hands up, for fear that a blind-eyed guy would go out of fire.

"Don't fire, don't fire, the box is with me, the box is with me"

The wind is so strong that the dust is flying in the air.

One helicopter landed quickly, followed by two, ten, twenty

Teams of special forces rushed towards the astronauts with submachine guns and surrounded him in an instant.

"Calling Allied Command: Astronauts have been found"

"Calling Command: The metal box on his body, please instruct"

To be continued.

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