Super Black Technology

Chapter 202: Megatron Universal

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Allied Command.

Everyone was overjoyed to hear the news from the communication channel.

"The French airborne team will immediately send the astronauts!" The French commander yelled.

"The German airborne team sent the astronauts right away!" And the German commander yelled.

"Don't let the French team approach, don't let the German team approach, as long as our people ..." The third commander also yelled.

Hearing what he said, the two French and German commanders burned in anger and stared at him as if they were going to use his gaze a thousand times.

"Okay, okay!"

The British Foreign Minister quickly persuaded, "Let's go over by car and pick it up in person. Don't let anyone approach!"

That's a good idea.

The three commanders ceased the dispute, and then each ordered their own army.


British astronauts 200 meters outside the Bila Desert are tragedy.

"I said, brothers, can I take off the helmet? I have been wearing it for more than 10 hours!"

The army surrounding him nodded, and then withdrew the submachine gun pointed at him.

One judge looked embarrassed: "Brothers sorry, we are just monitoring other people to prevent them from approaching, not monitoring you. You are a hero!"

"Yes, you are a hero! We are monitoring German forces!"

"Yes, you are a hero! We German special forces are monitoring France!"

Hearing these words, the astronaut almost vomited blood in depression. He took off his helmet and then sat on the ground with one butt.

Too tired, let alone the rest, the weight of the entire spacesuit alone is tens of kilograms.

Seeing this scene, the teams were all ashamed.

An Italian lieutenant took out a kettle from a companion's combat suit, raised it high, and shouted:

"Everyone, I'm handing him water, not a bomb, not a bomb. Don't go on fire, don't go on fire!"

On the opposite side, the German official shouted, "You are not allowed to go, throw it to him!"

"Yes, you can't move!"

"Just throw the kettle directly!"

"You move one step, my gun will not recognize anyone!"

The tragic Italian lieutenant did not dare to move in one step, and could only throw the kettle vigorously towards the astronauts surrounded by them.

Under the surveillance of the teams, the astronauts walked over to pick up the kettle, then thanked the Italian Lieutenant before opening the cover and mumbling water ...

Two minutes later, a horn sounded in the desert.

Several military vehicles rushed out of the desert in the dust and came here.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" ...

Before the car stopped, the door was opened. The British and French foreign ministers and other generals came out like rabbits, and then shouted as they ran.

"Where is the astronaut, where is the astronaut?"

The army turned back instantly, pointing towards the center of the encirclement.


The foreign minister and the generals hurried around.

"What about the box? What about the metal box?"

The astronaut quickly took off the skin buckle around his waist and handed it to the foreign minister of his country.

The British foreign minister grabbed it and then covered it. His hands were shaking with excitement. And next to him, everyone was staring, staring at the leather button.

As if that is a peerless treasure!

"Call the Ministry of Defence! Call the Ministry of Defence!" The British Foreign Minister shouted with his watch.

Just 1 second, the watch sounded the voice of the British Secretary of Defense: "Did you find it? Did you get it?"

"I've found it, it's in my hands! Arrange the military plane over right away!"

"The military plane is already on the road. Protect the box. Protect it if you kill it!"

"Rest assured, I understand its importance!"

Hanging up the communication, the British Foreign Minister beckoned backwards, and more than 10 foreign agents rushed in and surrounded him.

They will protect the British Foreign Minister with their lives. Um, wrong and wrong, it should be protecting the metal box.

Mr. Foreign Minister is okay!

Seeing this, the commanders of the teams did not say anything and did not embarrass the British Foreign Minister.

Because the metal box had to be taken to the UK and then handed over to Ike and let him make the landing button.

Otherwise the metal box is imperfect.

"Surround this place and protect the British Foreign Minister!"

"Yes, Commander!"

The teams quickly dispersed, and vigilance began in the Quartet.

Time passed quickly, and 20 minutes later, three fighters and a transport plane appeared in the sky.

Once here, the transport plane immediately lowered its height and lowered the boarding rope ladder.

In the attention of each team, the British foreign minister climbed up the rope ladder, and the transport plane immediately rose into the sky. Under the protection of the fighter, he turned his head and flew towards Britain ...

United Kingdom. Whitehall, London, Old Navy Building.

This is the British Foreign Office.

"Report: French Foreign Minister Seeks!"

"Report: German Foreign Minister Seeks!"

"Report: Italian Foreign Minister Seeks!"


Political diplomacy is here, the EU countries are here to distribute profits!

The British Deputy Foreign Minister nodded and Shen said: "Please come in!"


Soon after, there was a fierce quarrel in the large conference room of the British Foreign Office, and everyone wanted to win more benefits for their country.

Because the metal box is coming back. If we don't fight again, it's too late.

By this time, Buckingham Palace.

Prime Minister Cameron and a number of senior officials are already waiting in the square. The transport plane will not stop outside, but will fly directly to Buckingham Palace.

Who knows if there will be problems with parking at other airports? Who dares to take risks? Who dares?

Senior officials look at the watch from time to time ~ ~ the anxiety on their faces is obvious.

Not far behind them, President Obama and Ike were waiting quietly.

At this time, Obama's heart was called a regret. I knew that the pumpkin would fly, and I would definitely send a team member.

When Ike moved the big pumpkin, he immediately took him down.

"Ah, it's a pity that there is no such thing in the world!"

Thinking of this, Obama glared at the little guy beside him.

Seeing Obama glaring at himself, Ike quit immediately.

"Sir, why are you staring at me? I'm a prodigy!"

Obama: "..."

Beside, Alice hid her mouth tightly and didn't make herself laugh.

Obama patted his forehead, and he wanted to cry depressed.

Forget it, this box can only be let out. Who called this naughty little guy now in "enemy camp"?

For the safety of his life, he has to let go.

At this moment, Obama didn't know what this metal box meant to let out? It also doesn't know where the real value of this box is?

Is it just a flying big pumpkin?

No no no

But ...

At this moment, no one knew that Ike was ecstatic.

Wow, it's time for my hands again.

What did you do this time? Let me think ...

Hmm, by the way, didn't the MIT strike three times last time? Why not take the entire Buckingham Palace to heaven this time?

Wow, scum of the universe, you tremble!

Megatron Universe Pumpkin God is here again!


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