Super Black Technology

Chapter 206: China wants to save the world

The director got up instantly, strode outward, and asked quickly as he walked:

"Where is the landing point and how much time do we have?"

"Forty-seven hours, landing in the East China Sea!"

what? East China Sea?

"Yes, Secretary!"

Hearing the words of certainty, the director suddenly stopped. His face was changing, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

What are the countries around the East China Sea?

China, Japan, South Korea ...

So was it notified to them or was it concealed? How can it be good for the country?

I have to say that the director of NASA is not a scholar at all, but a politician who refuses to be a friend. In this crisis, he still wanted to hide.

However, at this moment he really thinks more.


At this time, an aerospace expert seemed to be aware of the director's thoughts. He pulled the director's suit and whispered:

"Sir, don't worry!"


"Because once the big pumpkin falls, none of the countries in the world can survive! That is space, not the previous 1500 meters altitude. Think about how the prehistoric dinosaurs destroyed!"

Director: "..."


10 minutes later.

Seoul, Korea. presidential palace.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

A transnational call ignored the rules of diplomacy and went straight to the South Korean president's office.

As soon as the South Korean president answered the phone, he hadn't had time to ask who he was. Just heard the roar on the phone:

"The big pumpkin is about to fall from space, time: 46 hours and 50 minutes, drop point: the East China Sea!"


The South Korean president was stunned.

At the same time, China and Japan also received warnings from the US government:

A steel pumpkin weighing 100,000 tons is about to fall from space, and will fall into the East China Sea in 46 hours.

The two governments that received the news were shocked.

China's first head of state quickly stopped his normal office and headed for the space agency. The same is true of the Japanese Prime Minister.

Not long after, the governments of China, Japan and South Korea confirmed the news at the same time.

Half an hour later, two diplomatic applications were submitted to Beijing, China, and the Chinese government immediately approved them.

Subsequently, the State Information Office announced to media from all walks of life that China, Japan, and South Korea will hold the highest summit-level security conference in Beijing. What the meeting was about, a government spokesman did not say. However, this does not hinder the vast media.

Because at this time, NASA is holding an emergency press conference to the world.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I'm sorry to tell you an unfortunate news. Because of some mistakes, the big steel pumpkin that has been turned into a satellite is about to fall from space. Estimated time: 46 hours. Place: East China Sea."

Once this news was issued, the whole world was shocked.

People of all countries are stunned.

what's going on? Why is the big pumpkin falling? Damn, it's a big steel alloy pumpkin that is stronger than a meteorite, and it weighs 100,000 tons.

How severe are the consequences of falling from a high track?

On TV, many critics roared loudly.

"Aftermath equals extinction!"

"The East China Sea will set off a huge wave, it is a real huge wave, not an imaginary number!"

"The undersea continental shelf will be destroyed instantly, and then spread to the Asian plate, then the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean ... Within a minute, the island of Japan sinks, Taiwan sinks, Macau and Hong Kong sink; in 10 minutes, only 10 minutes, the entire Chinese continent will happen A magnitude 12 earthquake. Half a day later, China, South Korea, North Korea, Thailand, Pakistan ... will all become doomsday. "

"One day, the flood flooded India, the Indian earthquake, and hell."

"In two days, Canada, Australia, the United States, Europe ... floods swept the world, all volcanoes erupted throughout the world. The Arctic glaciers broke, and all the land on the earth would sink into new oceans, and the former oceans formed land ...

"The end is here, the end of mankind is really here!"


Hearing these consequences has shocked the world, and governments have not refuted.

Because this is true, the consequences of what the review experts say are all true.

Yeah, that **** big pumpkin is so terrible on the ground, and now I ca n’t let everyone go.

"Kill it, kill the big pumpkin!"

"Launch a nuclear bomb and destroy the big pumpkin!"

"China in the Northern Hemisphere, you move fast! The big pumpkin has flown to your space area!"

"Yes, China, you are the saviors of mankind. You have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the world!"

China. Beijing. Ministry of Defense.

"Connecting Taiyuan, Xichang and Jiuquan Space Launch Centers!"


"Connected to the Second Artillery Force Communication Combat Platform!"


The Minister of Defense nodded, and hurriedly ran towards the Department of Defense lobby.

At this time the hall was full of people, including the President of China, the Prime Minister of Japan, the President of South Korea ...

The minister made a salute to the first head.

"Head, it's ready, please indicate!"

The Chinese president nodded, and then whispered to the academicians behind him for a proposal. If possible, then China will immediately launch three intercontinental ballistic missiles, carrying large equivalent nuclear warheads, into space and destroying the big pumpkin.

Unfortunately, at this moment, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences shouted:

"No, this plan is definitely not working!"

what's the situation? Why not? If you don't destroy the big pumpkin, it will be too late!

The heads of the three countries looked at the speakers in doubt.

However, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences shook his head violently and shouted: "The power of nuclear bombs has a great limit in space. Except for the central explosion point, the rest of the place cannot destroy the pumpkin. Because ..."

"Big pumpkin is not a meteorite, it is a special alloy steel! It is an alloy steel used in the manufacture of space shuttles and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Its explosive capacity is hundreds of times stronger than meteorite!"

"Once it is broken into pieces ~ ~ the pieces fall into the earth, it will cause even greater disaster!"

"It's not a meteorite, not a comet! Alloy steel can't burn it through the atmosphere, it will still carry extremely huge kinetic energy and fall into the earth. And because of the reduced area of ​​force, its power will be even greater."

"If the whole pumpkin falls down and can shoot into the crust at a depth of 100 kilometers, then these alloy fragments will fall to 1,000 kilometers and directly enter the mantle layer ..."

Hearing these words, everyone in the audience drew air conditioning.

Well, the big house forgot that it was a large pumpkin made of special alloy steel, not a meteorite composed of stones.

God, what do you do now? What should we do now?

"Head of the report: It's only 43 hours since the big pumpkin fell!"

This report urged everyone's mind, as if urging them.

The heads of state of the three nations are in a dilemma. What should we do now?

Just then, a general said:

"Can you try it with a conventional warhead and see if you can push it out of orbit and into the universe?"

"This ..." The experts were speechless and just shook their heads.

"Difficult, very difficult!"

"No matter how difficult it is, you can't sit and wait for death!"

With this remark, the experts finally nodded.

Seeing this, China's first chief took the communication microphone of the Minister of Defense and conveyed military orders to the Second Artillery Corps.

"Immediately launch Dongfeng Intercontinental Missile!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Ten minutes later, a horrible weapon was raised among a vast mountain in China. The long and narrow Dongfeng intercontinental missile, carrying a blazing firework, suddenly rose into the sky and shot into the sky ...

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