Super Black Technology

Chapter 207: Ike's Mysterious Weapon

The Dongfeng missile flew over a long distance and then exploded violently about 5oo meters below the steel pumpkin.

The aftershock hits the big steel pumpkin. Has the big steel pumpkin disintegrated?

Not only that, but the big pumpkin is closer to the earth because of the impact of the explosion.

This scene gave everyone a bad hunch.

Fast, fast time

After a while, the result is out

Report length: 2o hours before the big pumpkin enters the atmosphere

What what what

The leaders of the three countries were shocked.

Isn't it more than 4o hours? How can you attack it and lose it by more than 2o hours?

An academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences shouted, "It can no longer be attacked with missiles. Now it is very close to the earth. If it is blasted into pieces,

The audience was silent.

After trying a missile attack, instead of pushing the big pumpkin out, it made it fall faster.

At this moment, everyone is at a loss, even the chief of the Second Artillery Minister dare not say, and fire a few more nuclear bombs to try.

Because, the broken big steel pumpkin is more terrible than the whole

What should we do now

Everyone was thinking about it, especially the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and they wished they had all their heads gone.

5 minutes, 1o minutes, 15 minutes

Just then, suddenly

A data monitor reported loudly: The good news: The fall point of the big steel pumpkin has changed into the Irish Sea

Where is the Irish Sea

Speaker: Irish Sea in the UK

When this remark came to an end, the leaders of the three countries faltered first, and then rejoiced.

Really good news.

666, for this wave of missiles, we gave three hundred points, and gave the next life's loading points together.

Inform the EU of this news

Yes, long

In fact, no Chinese notification is needed at all, but Western countries have been monitoring the movement of the big steel pumpkin.

Seeing China firing the Dongfeng Intercontinental Missile, they also expressed their sincere blessings.

I hope Dongfeng will give it a boost.

As a result, the missile did not explode. Not only did the explosion not push the big pumpkin into the universe, but it took less time to fall.

Moreover, the landing point has also changed, from the East Asian Sea to the European Irish Sea.

This time, the entire EU is panicking, and the United States is panicking.

Because the United States is one Atlantic distance from Europe. Once the big pumpkin falls into the Irish Sea, it will immediately cause a tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean, and it will flood the entire United States in only half a day.

This **** big pumpkin, it will not make everyone feel better when it becomes a satellite.

Half an hour later, the 28 NATO member states held a NATO brain video connection conference through the Internet.

At the meeting, leaders of many countries proposed to directly fire a nuclear bomb and smash the big pumpkin.

However, the proposal was rejected by more leaders.

Because, according to scientists' estimates, a nuclear bomb will not only destroy the big pumpkin, but will cause its fragments to spread throughout the sky. These fragments are not ordinary extraterrestrial meteorites. They will not be turned into a burning meteor when they pass through the atmosphere. Instead, they will fall with more energy

The power is more powerful than the large pumpkin, and the destructive power is more terrifying.

What the space-based weapon that modern technology wants is a launcher in space orbit firing a tiny tungsten alloy rod at the earth.

It takes only one of these to destroy a large city. Moreover, there is no radiation pollution of the nuclear explosion type.

This is a space-based weapon

And now, the original big pumpkin has also become a space-based weapon. And because of the ability of the American child prodigy, it actually sent 10,000 tons of steel to the sky.

This big pumpkin is 3oo times heavier than the International Space Station. It took decades for governments around the world to build a little bit before building the international space to 37 tons.

Not only that, but it is also made of all steel, and the special alloys alone are tens of thousands of tons.

Can he hit it with a nuclear bomb?

It is okay to say that if you are unlucky and hit it directly, it will become countless fragments, which is equivalent to thousands or even hundreds of thousands of space-based weapons bombing the earth.

By then, no one can stop

Even the bald eagle, polar bear and big white rabbit, throwing all their nuclear bombs is useless.

The meeting was fierce because death was coming.

Gentlemen, gentlemen President Barack Obama shouted, there are only 18 hours left. Could you please save some time?

Everyone nodded.

At this moment, the French President took a deep breath, looked at Obama, and then asked seriously: Can Ike think of a way? I remember that the metal box it made has an illegal force field that can be used to stop Big pumpkin

After hearing these words, leaders of all member states looked at Obama. The eyes were full of inexplicable expectations, and they seemed to tell Obama:

Now is the time of life and death of the earth, so don't hide it anymore

Feeling this look, Obama was very depressed.

He did not want to hide the technology of the little prodigy at this time, because

Obama shook his head and said, "People who don't use us have asked the little guy about this. The little guy said: Even the big pumpkin force field can't stop it. A ton of steel fell from space and carried kinetic energy equivalent to the force that rolled the entire Atlantic Ocean.

As soon as this statement was made, the leaders of the countries were collectively silent.

They thought that Obama wanted to hide and hide, and did not expect that the force field created by the little prodigy could not be blocked.

What can I do now?

Just then, but heard a roar.

It is the German President who is speaking.

Mr. Obama, you are sure that Ike's original words are like this: even the big pumpkin force field can't stop it

Obama nodded heavily, saying that what he had just said was true.

But do you ask this, isn't it

None of the people who can become the national currency is a fool. Obama's reply took only a few seconds, and almost all of them responded.

Mr. Obama, do you notice that Ike's words are not

Force field

With such a reminder, Obama finally knew where he was wrong, and he had overlooked something. That is

At this moment, the leaders of many countries all shouted out in spirit.

Voltage is voltage

Before the little prodigy started the voltage of the big pumpkin just 12ov, it can lift a 15oo meter water dragon in the Atlantic Ocean.

If we increase the voltage ten thousand times

The British Prime Minister suddenly stood up and waved vigorously for the video. No, we do n’t have to bother me. I propose to recall the Atlantic nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and directly use the nuclear reactor to power Ike ’s metal box

The sound fell, and thunderous applause sounded in the video.

Good idea. Germany is willing to provide a nuclear submarine. Please put a metal box on our submarine.

We in France are willing to provide a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

We in italy too

To be continued.

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