Super Black Technology

Chapter 226: Dark verdict

Hearing this, Hughes was shocked.

"Is the situation so critical?"

President Obama's voice rang immediately on the phone: "Yes, sharing big pumpkin technology is about to become a foregone conclusion!"

what? !!

As the leader of the Watermelon Alliance, he has long regarded the big pumpkin as the alliance's interest cake. If you want to share it, how much can the Watermelon Alliance get?

10%? Still 8%? Or 7%?


At this moment, Hughes was in a hurry and asked, "Isn't I leaving?"

"Yes! He wants to follow Alice, even his parents can't persuade him, and people in Britain have been trying to stop the Williams and the two from meeting with Ike."

Hearing this, Hughes was almost furious.

At this moment, he almost wanted to yell at Ike.

You stupid comparison, do you know if you stay in Britain as a "hostage"? Well, it's the first time I've seen being a hostage so happy.

Hey, forget it, what's the use of a little guy?

If he's not stupid, we won't rest assured!

With that in mind, Hughes calmed down. He then spoke coldly, saying only two words:


After that, Hughes hung up. In the rooms of Buckingham Palace, Obama also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words "Tomorrow."

It seems that the White House and the Watermelon Alliance already have plans.

Then just wait!

"Come! Come!"

Obama spoke with a slightly heavier tone, and a moment later, an FBI agent pushed in and walked in.

Seeing the bodyguards coming in, Obama immediately greeted him, then lowered his voice to say something to him.

The agent was expressionless, but kept nodding ...

At this moment, Buckingham Palace, the basement.

In a secret room, many intelligence experts are busy.

"Did you hear the sound of Target 2 (Obama)?"

"Sorry, sir, the voice is too low to capture!"

"Can a speaking expert read his lip?"

"Sorry, sir, Target's lips are completely blocked by his bodyguard!"


Hearing these replies, the intelligence officer leading the group was helpless.

In order to gain the initiative in the Big Pumpkin incident, they are already mounting the eavesdropper at a huge diplomatic risk. However, the effect is very poor, because the US FBI agents are not vegetarian.

How to do? Now how to do?

At today's banquet, Obama knew that the United States had lost, but said nothing. Has he already given his fate, or is he left behind?

Obviously, the United States will never give up!

If you were the President of the United States, how would you break the situation?

Diplomatic means and threats of force are useless. In the face of the huge benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, even the son of the United States will not be obedient anymore.

So what does the United States want to do next?

Intelligence officials walked around the room, hurriedly thinking about the American response.

Just then, suddenly!

A loud drink rang loudly in the room: "Sir, a string of sound waves was intercepted!"

what? !!

Everyone was overjoyed, and the intelligence officer immediately rushed to his place and hurriedly asked:

"What sound wave ?! What is it, say it!"

"This sound wave was sent a few minutes ago. I think it should be Target 2 (President Obama) on the phone! But this sound wave has been encrypted, and now it is all garbled!"

Yin Luo, intelligence officials immediately used the headset to the MI6 headquarters for help.

"I need password crackers, the more the better!"

"Ok, 10 cryptographers will arrive at you in 20 minutes and follow your instructions!"


Time flies, and the next day is soon.

Ten cryptographers have been busy all night and have not cracked the private phone content of the US President.

Everyone's intelligence staff is in a hurry, because the harder it is to crack, the more confidential the content.

Otherwise, is it necessary to encrypt 32 messages for ordinary messages?

"Oh my God, the United States is preparing for a big move! They have to do it! Report to the Prime Minister soon!"

"Yes, team leader!"

In the morning, the British Prime Minister who was informed of the news was nervous.

Here comes his biggest worry!

"Send some password experts in the past, be sure to crack the phone content! And as soon as possible, as soon as possible!"

"Yes, the Prime Minister!"

However, Britain's decision is a little late.

At this time, a British and American flight came from the United States and landed at London International Airport.

In the welcome broadcast of the airport, a famous tourist stepped out of the passenger plane.

Among them, there is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man wearing a cheap suit and carrying a bag in his hand, which seems to contain a laptop? !!

As the "g88" global summit is about to be held, security inspections in London are now strictly enforced.

Not only do you have to go through security check-in, you also have to get off the plane.

The man relaxedly walked towards the security checkpoint, put the bag in his hand for inspection, and at the same time he executed the interrogation of the airport guard very cooperatively.

"Are you from Washington, USA?"


"What to do in London?"

The man shrugged: "I heard that 'g88' is about to be held, I'm here to watch the fun!"

This reason is very powerful, 9 out of 10 tourists coming to London say so.

To this end, the airport guard nodded and approved his reasons.

"Is your laptop for work?"

Hearing this, the man laughed, then shook his head. The guards in London are still a bit naive, and the pitfalls of these questions are too obvious.

"No, I don't use it for work. I use it for entertainment!"

Wen Yan ~ ~ The guard looked at his colleague.

A colleague nodded to him and said, "His computer has some chat software and mini games ..."

After being verified by a colleague, the guard was relieved, and then a smile covered his face:

"Sir, I'm glad you can travel to London! London welcomes you, and have a great time!"

"Thank you for your blessing!"

Middle-aged man walked out of London airport with a smile.

Outside the airport, taxis gathered.

The middle-aged man walked by a taxi and did not get on.

I walked one more and didn't get on.

The third, the fourth, the fifth ...

At this instant, he suddenly stopped and walked slowly.

"I'm going to 888 Guang Avenue. How much is it?"

The driver did not look up: "£ 88.8!"


The middle-aged man pulled the car door and boarded the taxi. Immediately, the taxi started quickly, leaving the place with the guests.

The taxi was moving fast in the city. It turned over a street and opened a bridge ...

at this time!

The driver said suddenly, his voice suddenly said: "Hello, Mr. Red Tao! There is what you need under the seat!"

"Thank you!"

The middle-aged man took out a bag from the seat, which was a mobile phone.

Power on, dial ...

"Destruction is here, waiting for a verdict!"

The cold reply sounded instantly:

"Darkness is with the verdict!"

Yin Luo, the middle-aged man hung up the phone, the endless killing is about to start, the big watermelon is coming to save the big pumpkin ...

(I recommend an author's book "Hunt the World". Those who like this type can go and see.)

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