Super Black Technology

Chapter 227: Big watermelon is coming

MI6 Bureau Headquarters.

Even the members of the Intelligence Committee, which manages the entire British intelligence community, are all present. Everyone is waiting for news.

"Have it been deciphered yet?" Commissioner Allston asked his subordinates.

Heard that everyone shook his head.

How important is a country's president's private phone, let alone an earth overlord like the United States.

"Hard, it's hard for cryptographers to say that there is 32-fold encryption"

An intelligence officer explained to his superiors.

However, as a member of the governing body of the British intelligence community, Allston would not care about these.

As long as he has results, all he wants is results

"Time is tight, no matter what method you use, within 12 hours, I must know the content of the target call."

It's no wonder that Oston is so anxious, because one day has passed, and two days are the day of the "g88" global summit.

If there is any action in the United States, it will definitely be before "g88", otherwise it will be useless.

"Hear not," Allston yelled.

Everyone at "yessir" nodded.

Buckingham Palace.

A palace attendant hurried to report to Prime Minister Cameron.

"President Obama is ill and will not attend the luncheon"


Cameron was suddenly surprised that Obama didn't even plan to eat what he wanted to do for lunch.

"Where is Ike now?" Cameron asked in a deep voice.

"Playing with Her Majesty and Princess Her Majesty"

Upon hearing this, Prime Minister Cameron frowned.

Obama would rather pretend to be sick than to eat, for what exactly is he waiting for?

Could it be

"Immediately send this information to the Intelligence Committee for analysis"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister"

Upon receiving new information from the Prime Minister, all intelligence personnel were extremely puzzled.

What exactly does the President want to do in the United States? Knowing what he does, it will even alert us.

Why would he rather alert the British to pretending to be ill

"Call the Buckingham Palace and ask them to send a doctor to see it," Commissioner Allston ordered.


After a short while, intelligence officials reported: "It has been sent, but it was rejected by President Obama's bodyguards. They claim that Mr. President only needs a break"

At this point, an elite agent shouted violently:

"No, he didn't need to rest but"

Everyone turned their heads and stared at the man with a gaze.

"He's waiting for the second more important call"

"Hat" "what" "Oh!"

At this moment, Buckingham Palace rooms. A rushing phone call came to mind in the bedroom of the US President.

"Jingle bell" "jingle bell"

President Barack Obama, who was "sickly ill," woke up instantly and answered the phone.

"I'm Obama"

A faint voice sounded on the phone: "Mr. President: The Atlantic Fleet is in place; the Intercontinental Missile is in place; the b22 bomber formation is in place; you are a second-order rescuer, please protect yourself at 7:00 "

"I see, goodbye"

"Good-bye to you, return home safely"

The entire call lasted only 11 seconds, and then the call was hung up.

"Come," Obama shouted, dropping the phone.

Hearing the shout, the bodyguard guarding the door opened the door and entered the room.

"Sir, please tell me"

"Go find Ike and tell him I'm sick and let him see me"


In the basement of the palace, the leader of the eavesdropping group roared anxiously:

"How much radio wave content was just intercepted"

"Report: Only 2 seconds"

What's only two seconds

The leader of the eavesdropping group shouted again: "Send it back to headquarters immediately and decipher it from the previous content."

"Yes, team leader"

Deciphering experts at the headquarters were overjoyed by another garbled call from the eavesdropping team.

"Start the supercomputer and compare the two contents"

Commissioner Allston immediately agreed with the experts' request.

Ten minutes later, the British hector supercomputer started to analyze two pieces of intelligence at 100 trillion times per second.

One hour, two hours, three hours

Time flies, the sun in the sky has reached the west and is about to fall.

At this point, the Buckingham Palace chefs were ready for dinner; there was President Obama, there was Ike, and there was a British equivalent

Royal restaurant.

As the host, Prince Charles first arrived. When he saw that the tableware and chairs had been placed, he immediately ordered the attendants of the palace to invite the guests.

Not long after, Prime Minister Cameron came; senior government officials came; princes and princesses came.

No one else

Such an abnormal situation made everyone's heart extremely nervous.

"What's the matter, little Aike, Alice?"

Cameron and others looked at Princess Eugenie, because these days she was playing with little Ike.

Feeling the questioning eyes of the crowd, Princess Eugenie frowned, "This afternoon, Mr. President's bodyguards came to pick up Ike, and said: Mr. President is ill, and asked him to visit"

"So Ike took Miss Alice away and I have no reason to stop it."

The sound fell, and Prime Minister Cameron immediately spoke, and his voice seemed to have a bit of complaint.

"Your Highness Princess should inform us too"

Princess Eugenie wanted to cry with grievance: "I arranged for someone to notify the Prime Minister."

"Why didn't I receive it?"

At this moment Cameron's voice stopped. Endless horror flooded everyone's heart.

There's an insider in Buckingham Palace

"Fast, find my communications officer. I suspect he has defected."


"Prince Charles, please come with me ~ ~ and invite Obama and Ike to dinner"

Prince Charles nodded immediately, and then hurried to the place where the Americans stayed with Prime Minister Cameron.

There is a two-storey European-style loft.

At this point, it is British time: 6.30pm.

Obama sat on the sofa on the first floor. At that time, the movement of looking up at his watch from time to time seemed to signal his inner peace.

As President of the United States, he is only a second-ranking officer.

what does this mean

This means that at critical moments, he needs to step out and sacrifice to gain time for the first-order personnel.

Who is the first order person

Obviously only Ike

At this time, Ike was also on the first floor, sitting on the sofa. He stared at Obama intently, as if to see a flower from Obama.

Obama ignored him.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Ike was angry and questioned loudly, "Sir, aren't you sick? How do I think of you?"

Without saying a word, this moment, the huge metal electronic sound swayed Ike's soul:

"Warning, Aboriginal people, computers loaded with Stellar cyber attack weapons are starting warnings, Aboriginal people, computers loaded with Stellar cyber attack weapons are starting warnings, warnings, warnings"

What is the situation?

Is the United States crazy? They want to launch a cyber nuclear attack on the British capital

My mother, this will cause world war

"Warning, Ike indigenous people, the computer has been started and the operation interface is opening"

"Warning, Aike Native, the interface is open"

It's coming, it's coming

The big watermelon that once shocked the whole world is coming soon

To be continued.

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