Super Black Technology

Chapter 237: Global Hunting

Prime Minister Cameron froze a little, and the same smile appeared on his face shortly after.

He held Obama's hands against him and replied with a smile: Yes, Mr. President! People in the Military Intelligence Department immediately informed me when I got the information. At that time, I was extremely anxious. I was afraid that Mr. President and the little prodigy would be in danger, so I immediately dispatched troops.

Fortunately, God bless you, Mr. President, you are all right, otherwise this will be the worst disaster ever for humankind.

Obama nodded: Thank you for the great help from the British government!

Cameron nodded: Mr. President, you're welcome, you're fine!

The conversation between the two made the Quartet listen to each other.

Wouldn't it be shameless for politicians?

Obviously, it is true!

Those who are face to face are embarrassed to tell others that they are politicians!

Mr. President, is the little prodigy all right? Our English rose-Miss Alice is all right?

Obama kept smiling: all right! Our little prodigy is still eating watermelon in the room, it should be hungry! Your Excellency Prime Minister, let's go into the room, please!

Thank you Mr. President, please!


The two humbled each other, and then walked together to the residence.

On the way to the residence, Obama quietly winked at his assistant. The assistant nodded, and then led to a square by a British soldier.

He went to let the US airborne forces drop their weapons.

After all, the dispute is over.

Due to the arrival of the assistant to the President of the United States, all the soldiers finally lowered their weapons.

After a while, cheers rang out from the square of Buckingham Palace, and the sound soared into the sky, shaking the sky.

The war is over!

Britain and the United States are still good friends, and everyone can play together again.

What? What do you ask the soldier who died?

Oh, I'm sorry, they will be chased down as martyrs, and they will have generous pensions.

How rich is it? It is inconceivable that even fussy family members will not make trouble.

Because their sacrifice in exchange for the huge equity of Big Pumpkin, these equity will support the rise of the British Empire again.

The royal palace. Obama's residence.

The sofa had been put back into place. At this moment, there were two people, one big and one small, Alice was the big one and Ike was the small one.

Alice is cutting watermelon for the little one.

Upon seeing this scene, Prime Minister Cameron and the Allied Commander who had just entered the house were relieved.

Great, great, neither the little prodigy nor Miss Alice was injured.

This means that everything can be talked about, sit down and talk about it!

Come on! Come on!

Cameron shouted.

Upon hearing the shouts, several soldiers entered the room immediately.

Your Excellency, please tell me!

Cameron whispered: go to the air defense basement to inform the royal family that the dispute has ended, and ask them to come out as soon as possible to preside over the royal affairs. In addition, to bring those chefs back and prepare them for the dinner, the French and German presidents are coming.


The soldier saluted, and immediately ran away.

Seeing the soldiers leave, Cameron turned around and walked towards the little prodigy.

Hi Ike, why are you eating watermelon again?

Upon hearing this, Ike muttered his mouth and said, depressed: Mr. Obama did not give me food!

The words came out, the audience was dumb.

Obama almost didn't get strangled by the words. What does it mean not to feed you, shall we fight?

Alright, don't be angry, little Ike, there will be a meal later! I already called the chef to prepare it for you!

At the words of Prime Minister Cameron, Ike threw watermelons into the plate.

OK, I won't eat watermelon anymore! I wait to eat pumpkin!

The audience was dumb again.

OK, OK, I'll ask someone to bring you some pumpkin pie!

Ike was overjoyed and jumped up from the sofa happily.

Yeah, Mr. Prime Minister is a good man!

Haha—After hearing the praise of the Great Pumpkin God, Prime Minister Cameron can no longer restrain his inner excitement and laughs heartily.

The next Obama was embarrassed.

Nothing else, just because the United States lost.

What is lost is nothing but the equity of Big Pumpkin. What a huge benefit it is. For this stake, the United States has even fought a battle with its closest allies.

Hey, unfortunately

This is the end, and he can only vomit blood.

Fortunately, the prodigy is from the United States. This is a fact that no one can change, and he is only 12 years old. There must be other great inventions in the future.

Just throw the big pumpkin out, and keeping the federal prodigy is the best result.

Thinking like that, Obama spoke seriously.

On behalf of the US government, I solemnly promise: Miss Alice's pumpkin equity will remain unchanged for 100 years!

no, no, no! Prime Minister Cameron immediately shook his head, loudly, unchanged for 1000 years!

Cameron is not a fool. Pumpkin technology is the most advanced interstellar technology. This technology may take decades to study, and in the future, it will need to conquer the sea of ​​stars. This time, the millennium is not much.

The United States only issued conditions that have not changed for a hundred years. Isn't this a coax?

Britain was not the government of the Qing Dynasty and would not win.

Unchanged for 100 years!

Impossible, at least 1,000 years! If Miss Alice dies, the pumpkin stake will be inherited by her children, who will automatically acquire British citizenship.

At this moment, Alice, who was sitting on the sofa, heard the words, and was blushing.

Immediately, she stood up.

Sorry, gentlemen, I'm going to the bathroom!

With that said, Alice ran away stupidly.

Sister Alice, wait for me ~ ~ I want to go too!

Ike also ran away.

As the two left, Obama and Cameron quarreled even harder.

Both were reluctant to let it go, and even if the soldiers outside were still cleaning up their bodies, they could not disturb their fierce confrontation.

5 minutes, 10 minutes

Obama's conditions rose from 100 to 200 years.

Cameron's conditions fell from 1000 to 900 years, but unfortunately still cannot be reached.

Just then, there was a roar of noise over Buckingham Palace.

More than 10 special planes came by accident.

After a while, a loud fame sounded outside the house.

Mr. French President is here!

Mr. German President is here!

Mr. Belgian President is here!

The President of Italy is here!

The President of Hungary is here!

Russian President Putin is here!

Pu Jing originally planned to go to France. However, I knew halfway that the French president had already flown to London, so he also made an emergency turn and flew to Buckingham Palace.

After all, tomorrow is the day of the g88 global summit. If it were not for today ’s war in Britain and the United States, it is estimated that all members of g88 have come.

The Chinese leader had planned to rush to London tonight, but unfortunately it was delayed because the Ministry of Commerce was still counting the list of pumpkin shareholders.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the Ministry of Commerce, because the Ministry of Commerce is also waiting, waiting for the results of the action of the Ministry of National Security of China, because a pumpkin equity has been transferred.

They swore to chase back before going to the meeting.

Because even the equity of 01 deserves to be dispatched by national forces, and it is worth the patience of leaders of a country.

According to the provisions of international commercial law, the more equity, the louder the voice will be.

For this reason, the Minister of China's Ministry of National Security issued a military order and must recover the pumpkin stock before dawn, otherwise he will resign!

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