Super Black Technology

Chapter 238: Lawyers in action

(I'm very sorry, yesterday's Chapter 238 was blocked, so I can only change it and reissue it again. Please subscribe again, because the content has changed. Sorry everyone, trouble everyone Dance doesn't want to.)

China border. jungle.

Several Chinese men in camouflage clothing were rushing through the primitive jungle. Holding assault rifles in their hands, they watched the four directions, and continued to alternate.

They are getting closer and closer to the goal.

Inside a dead tree hole.

An Asian man was exhaling into the air, his companions were all dead, and now he is the only one left.

The Chinese soldiers are too powerful. Twelve people entered the country. Only three people were alive before they reached the border. Two people died in less than an hour.

Now he doesn't know if he can leave the country alive.

The pursuit of the other party is too tight, so tight that they have no time to transfer the equity agreement.

Of course, more importantly, the people who responded to them were also killed by Chinese intelligence agents.

It is said that several aunts in Chaoyang District found that they were not right, so they called 110. There is no need to say the latter.

Oh, after this order, I will never go to China again.

The man scolded angrily.

Just then, suddenly!

There was a sound of footsteps in the distance, the sound of feet on dry leaves. There are dead leaves everywhere in this jungle, which can't be avoided at all.

At this moment, the man held his breath immediately.

The chase is here again!

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!


Two long and two short bird calls were issued from the commander's mouth, and they found traces of the suspect.



The Chinese special forces inspected all the hidden places of the Quartet carefully, even if they were raised vines, they would use a bayonet to stab a few knives.

Because, they also took the military order to take over this task.

If they fail, they will go to military court!

Time flies, half an hour has passed, 1 hour has passed

The special soldiers found nothing, the suspect's concealment methods were too professional, and they were unable to find each other through their carpet-like search.

However, they are 100% sure that the other party must be nearby.

Because the trace of the suspect's escape disappeared in the vicinity. Unless he was flying, even the most clever person will leave traces.

The special forces have absolute confidence in their tracking speed. With such a fast pursuit, it is impossible for the other party to clean up the traces while escaping. Unless, he stopped.

Therefore, the suspect must be hiding nearby.

Not found at 3 o'clock!

Not found at 9 o'clock!

Nothing found at 12 o'clock!

The combat headset sounded a report from the players. The Captain of the Eastern Excalibur Special Forces looked cold, and immediately adjusted the headset and called in a low voice.

Cuckoo calls the nest, Cuckoo calls the nest!

Bird's Nest received! Please say that cuckoo!

Did you find the helicopter landing on me?


Since the suspect was not flying, where did he go?

Bird's nest, please send owl support!

A majestic voice sounded immediately: the owl arrived immediately, blocked the place, and the suspect must not be allowed to leave!


The captain whispered to the team members, and then a camouflage soldier immediately dispersed the four sides, blocking the jungle within a radius of 500 meters.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a roar in the sky.

Eight gunships arrived, with 100 Eastern Excalibur special soldiers.

In the gust of wind, ropes dangled into the jungle, and a special force armed with infrared equipment descended.


Yes, Captain!

A total of 108 special forces began a carpet-like search of the place.

In the hidden tree hole, the Asian man was startled.

China's Wu Zhi actually came. what's going on?

At this moment, Asian men ignore China's determination and the strength of the world's second largest economy.

Big white rabbit is not cute, but pretend to be cute!

When strength is really needed, the White Rabbit will immediately become a dragon, an oriental dragon standing proud of the forest of the world.

Rustling! Rustling!

With a subtle sound, the Asian man suddenly looked back, looking out through the gap of dead leaves.

At this moment, the Asian man was startled.

Slot Nima, King Cobra!

Grass, grass, grass!

In the dreadful gaze of the Asian man, a king cobra bent forward in the dead leaves, slowly swimming over.

Moments later, it passed through the dead vines covering the tree hole and approached the Asian man.

The huge eyes were terrible white, like the dead, and the scarlet snake apricot made the scalp numb.

The king snake was motionless and stared at the Asian man quietly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds


It moved instantly, as if lightning flashed across the sky and shot at the Asian man suddenly.

At this moment, the Asian man suddenly turned to his side, and then the dagger emerged.


The cold dagger drew across the seven inches of the King Cobra, and nailed it to the dead tree.

The Asian man won, but he was not half surprised.


who? !!

Suspect found at 5 o'clock!

Dozens of Chinese special forces rushed forward ~ ~ and surrounded the dead tree in a moment.

The Asian man laughed bitterly, then raised his hands and got out of the tree hole.

Malegobi, I have been in the intelligence community for decades, but I didn't expect to be planted on a snake today.

Mole, you let us find it!

The Captain of the Eastern Excalibur sneered, walked forward, and searched out the equity transfer book on the chest of the other party.

The Mole resisted nothing.

I knew I wouldn't choose the name Mole, isn't it unlucky, this time planted on a snake!

Humph! It's called not to die! take away!

Yes, Captain!

After learning that the equity documents going abroad had been chased back, everyone in China's Ministry of National Security was relieved.

The military order was completed.

Send this document to the Ministry of Commerce and report the matter to the head immediately!


The first director who got the news smiled with satisfaction.

Order the Ministry of Commerce to immediately count the list of all pumpkin shareholders!


Senior officials promised that they were preparing to leave. At this moment, the first leader suddenly stopped him.

and many more! Go to the lawyer who last played the watermelon lawsuit in Times Square!

what's the situation?

Hearing the words of the first head, senior officials were a little scratched.

Seeing this, the first director groaned and told him: we need a pumpkin equity attorney to fight for business rights for more than 10,000 pumpkin shareholders in China!

At the g88 summit tomorrow, the United States should give way. However, how to distribute commercial interests is still a matter of discussion! So we need an elite lawyer!

Well, no, we need 3 lead lawyers, and another lawyer team!

After this remark, the senior officials finally understood.

Yes, Chief, I will do it immediately!

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