Super Black Technology

Chapter 241: Pumpkin Ogami-like three major conditions

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> Super Black Technology

> Chapter 241 The Three Conditions of the Great Pumpkin God Chapter Bookmark Comments

Fiction: Super Black Technology Author: little dance on the magic Word Count: 3042

A flying big pumpkin can destroy a country.

Who is not afraid?

Now the big pumpkin has surpassed the nuclear bomb, and in the iron-blooded diplomacy on earth, nuclear blackmail will no longer occur, but-pumpkin blackmail!

The thought of this made the leaders more anxious, and everyone wanted to make a big pumpkin for their country immediately.

But is it really easy to make big pumpkins?

Do not!

Just then, on the podium, the Chinese leader suddenly spoke.

He questioned Xiao Aike softly. Although the voice was soft, everyone in the scene heard the voice of the Chinese leader through the expansion of the microphone.

"Little Ike, can I ask, what equipment do I need to make a big pumpkin?"

As soon as the words came out, the audience was silent for a moment.

Yeah, big pumpkins do n’t always knock out with a big hammer, right? In case you need any advanced scientific equipment and your country does not have it, it is not anxious to die.

According to information, when the little prodigy made the big pumpkin, it was made in the most advanced and top Lincoln laboratory in the United States.

How many of the world's top laboratories can there be in these countries?

At this moment, many national leaders in the audience looked at the rostrum in fear.

But I saw that the pumpkin **** of Megatron suddenly turned his head to look at the Chinese leader on the other side, and then a childish voice sounded in Chinese.

"Dear Sir of China, at least three things are needed to make a weapon-grade flying pumpkin."

"One, a nuclear reactor!"

"Second, a large particle collider!"

"Three, the most basic four-dimensional force field!"

After speaking in Chinese, Ike tried to translate it again in English.

Hearing these three conditions, everyone in the audience widened their mouths and a depressed expression on the face of the dog, not only the leaders of the small country, but even the five hooligans on the podium.

Nima, these three conditions are really against the sky.

The simplest one is actually a nuclear reactor. Oh my god, two-thirds of the 88 countries in the field can be eliminated on the first condition.

How many countries in the world have mastered nuclear reactor technology?

Multiple farts!

At this moment, many national leaders are stunned. They never expected that it would be so difficult to make a weapon-grade flying pumpkin, and the first one needed a nuclear reactor.

Of course, no one doubts this condition that the little prodigy has developed.

Because weapon-level flying pumpkins are far too far away from non-weapon-level flying pumpkins.

Without mentioning anything else, just say a bit.

A flying pumpkin with a nuclear reactor can perform ultra-long-range space transmission.

So, do you want a weapon-level flying pumpkin or a non-weapon-level one?

Just kidding, who doesn't want the former!

At this moment, the leaders of the small NATO nations hurriedly looked to President Obama on the podium, and they were urgently asking for help:

"Mr. Obama, please support our nuclear reactor manufacturing technology!"

"Mr. Obama, we are America's most loyal allies!"

"Mr. Obama, please help our country build a safe nuclear reactor. We are willing to pay double!"


Not only are the US presidents "grouped and attacked", so are the Russian presidents and Chinese leaders. Flash Dance Novel Network

On this earth, the five major hooligan states who do not have their own circle of influence, now everyone is looking for help from the leaders of the circle of influence.

However, at this moment, the leaders of the top five hooligan states are still in a daze.


There are three conditions for the pumpkin god!

Let ’s not talk about the first one. The five big hooligans must have nuclear reactors. Among them, China ’s nuclear power plants have been sold all over the world.

But what is the second one?

There are no large particle colliders in China!

According to the national development plan, it will take at least 2020 to build a large particle collider!

According to the information, when the pumpkin **** built the first metal box, but did not use a large particle collider, why do you need it now?

What the **** is he? !!

At this moment, the Chinese leader looked at the little prodigy with suspicion.

The little prodigy smiled slyly and remained silent.

What can he say? Can he say that the large particle collider is not used because the high-dimensional particles of the photosphere "Cross" are helping?

Obviously, this cannot be said!

Ask no one!

If you want to make a big pumpkin, you need a large particle collider. If you don't have it, I'm sorry, the **** can't do anything about it.


Feeling the silence of the Great Pumpkin God, the Chinese leader understood.

He didn't ask any more, because he asked in vain. The other party would definitely not say.

Now the pumpkin **** has opened up the conditions, do it if you love it, leave it if you don't.

Obviously, no one dares to get out, at least China dare not!

So at this moment, the Chinese leader suddenly looked at a corner of the venue. There was a mighty Asian man who was a Hainan bodyguard who protected himself.

Feeling the chairman's gaze, the Zhongnanhai bodyguard nodded, and then quietly exited the venue.

1 minute later, Ziguang Pavilion, Zhongnanhai, China.

Chinese Standing Committee members who are watching the live broadcast of the summit received a call from the chairman's bodyguard.

"Head, please restart the" Dawning Plan "immediately!"

What is the Dawning Plan? All the high-level leaders here understand that there is a project in this plan that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and that is-building the world's largest large particle collider!

At this time, the members of the Standing Committee did not ask why they heard the suggestions from the chairman's bodyguard.

Because they are watching the broadcast closely.

China does not yet have a "large" particle collider!

"I agree with the chairman's proposal!"

"I agree!"

"I also agree to restart the Dawning Plan now!"

"Previously shelving this plan was because it cost too much, and after it was built, it only helped the exploration of the universe and did not help the people ’s livelihood, so we put it on hold. Now, it must be built, not for anything else. Just for the weapon-level 'Flying Pumpkin'! "




Suddenly, all the 8 members of the Standing Committee raised their hands and collectively agreed.

"You guys keep watching the live broadcast, I'll arrange it now!" A member stood up and walked quickly outside.

It's time to race against time, because the United States already has it, Europe has it, but China doesn't have a large one yet.

China can be assured as soon as possible if it is built soon.

Just like once the western countries possessed the atomic bomb, and when China did not, the sense of oppression and panic could hardly be described with words.

It took half a century of development for China to reach today, and that situation must not reappear.

Otherwise, the leadership of this session will be the sinner of the ancient Chinese nation!

…… (To be continued.)

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Chapter 241 The Three Conditions of the Great Pumpkin God, Super Black Technology-Fiction Net-novel novelette

A flying big pumpkin can destroy a country.

Who is not afraid?

Now the big pumpkin has surpassed the nuclear bomb, and in the iron-blooded diplomacy on earth, nuclear blackmail will no longer occur, but-pumpkin blackmail!

The thought of this made the leaders more anxious, and everyone wanted to make a big pumpkin for their country immediately.

But is it really easy to make big pumpkins?

Do not!

Just then, on the podium, the Chinese leader suddenly spoke.

He questioned Xiao Aike softly. Although the voice was soft, everyone in the scene heard the voice of the Chinese leader through the expansion of the microphone.

"Little Ike, can I ask, what equipment do I need to make a big pumpkin?"

As soon as the words came out, the audience was silent for a moment.

Yeah, big pumpkins do n’t always knock out with a big hammer, right? In case you need any advanced scientific equipment and your country does not have it, it is not anxious to die.

According to information, when the little prodigy made the big pumpkin, it was made in the most advanced and top Lincoln laboratory in the United States.

How many of the world's top laboratories can there be in these countries?

At this moment, many national leaders in the audience looked at the rostrum in fear.

But I saw that the pumpkin **** of Megatron suddenly turned his head to look at the Chinese leader on the other side, and then a childish voice sounded in Chinese.

"Dear Sir of China, at least three things are needed to make a weapon-grade flying pumpkin."

"One, a nuclear reactor!"

"Second, a large particle collider!"

"Three, the most basic four-dimensional force field!"

After speaking in Chinese, Ike tried to translate it again in English.

Hearing these three conditions, everyone in the audience widened their mouths and a depressed expression on the face of the dog, not only the leaders of the small country, but even the five hooligans on the podium.

Nima, these three conditions are really against the sky.

The simplest one is actually a nuclear reactor. Oh my god, two-thirds of the 88 countries in the field can be eliminated on the first condition.

How many countries in the world have mastered nuclear reactor technology?

Multiple farts!

At this moment, many national leaders are stunned. They never expected that it would be so difficult to make a weapon-grade flying pumpkin, and the first one needed a nuclear reactor.

Of course, no one doubts this condition that the little prodigy has developed.

Because weapon-level flying pumpkins are far too far away from non-weapon-level flying pumpkins.

Without mentioning anything else, just say a bit.

A flying pumpkin with a nuclear reactor can perform ultra-long-range space transmission.

So, do you want a weapon-level flying pumpkin or a non-weapon-level one?

Just kidding, who doesn't want the former!

At this moment, the leaders of the small NATO nations hurriedly looked to President Obama on the podium, and they were urgently asking for help:

"Mr. Obama, please support our nuclear reactor manufacturing technology!"

"Mr. Obama, we are America's most loyal allies!"

"Mr. Obama, please help our country build a safe nuclear reactor. We are willing to pay double!"


Not only are the US presidents "grouped and attacked", so are the Russian presidents and Chinese leaders. Flash Dance Novel Network

On this earth, the five major hooligan states who do not have their own circle of influence, now everyone is looking for help from the leaders of the circle of influence.

However, at this moment, the leaders of the top five hooligan states are still in a daze.


There are three conditions for the pumpkin god!

Let ’s not talk about the first one. The five big hooligans must have nuclear reactors. Among them, China ’s nuclear power plants have been sold all over the world.

But what is the second one?

There are no large particle colliders in China!

According to the national development plan, it will take at least 2020 to build a large particle collider!

According to the information, when the pumpkin **** built the first metal box, but did not use a large particle collider, why do you need it now?

What the **** is he? !!

At this moment, the Chinese leader looked at the little prodigy with suspicion.

The little prodigy smiled slyly and remained silent.

What can he say? Can he say that the large particle collider is not used because the high-dimensional particles of the photosphere "Cross" are helping?

Obviously, this cannot be said!

Ask no one!

If you want to make a big pumpkin, you need a large particle collider. If you don't have it, I'm sorry, the **** can't do anything about it.


Feeling the silence of the Great Pumpkin God, the Chinese leader understood.

He didn't ask any more, because he asked in vain. The other party would definitely not say.

Now the pumpkin **** has opened up the conditions, do it if you love it, leave it if you don't.

Obviously, no one dares to get out, at least China dare not!

So at this moment, the Chinese leader suddenly looked at a corner of the venue. There was a mighty Asian man who was a Hainan bodyguard who protected himself.

Feeling the chairman's gaze, the Zhongnanhai bodyguard nodded ~ ~ and then quietly exited the venue.

1 minute later, Ziguang Pavilion, Zhongnanhai, China.

Chinese Standing Committee members who are watching the live broadcast of the summit received a call from the chairman's bodyguard.

"Head, please restart the" Dawning Plan "immediately!"

What is the Dawning Plan? All the high-level leaders here understand that there is a project in this plan that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and that is-building the world's largest large particle collider!

At this time, the members of the Standing Committee did not ask why they heard the suggestions from the chairman's bodyguard.

Because they are watching the broadcast closely.

China does not yet have a "large" particle collider!

"I agree with the chairman's proposal!"

"I agree!"

"I also agree to restart the Dawning Plan now!"

"Previously shelving this plan was because it cost too much, and after it was built, it only helped the exploration of the universe and did not help the people ’s livelihood, so we put it on hold. Now, it must be built, not for anything else. Just for the weapon-level 'Flying Pumpkin'! "




Suddenly, all the 8 members of the Standing Committee raised their hands and collectively agreed.

"You guys keep watching the live broadcast, I'll arrange it now!" A member stood up and walked quickly outside.

It's time to race against time, because the United States already has it, Europe has it, but China doesn't have a large one yet.

China can be assured as soon as possible if it is built soon.

Just like once the western countries possessed the atomic bomb, and when China did not, the sense of oppression and panic could hardly be described with words.

It took half a century of development for China to reach today, and that situation must not reappear.

Otherwise, the leadership of this session will be the sinner of the ancient Chinese nation!

…… (To be continued.)

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