Super Black Technology

Chapter 242: Cosmic black hole

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> Super Black Technology

> Chapter 242 Chapter Universe Black Hole Catalog Bookmark Comments Chapter 242 Chapter Universe Black Hole

Fiction: Super Black Technology Author: little dance on the magic Word Count: 3448

At this time, in the g88 meeting room, when seeing his bodyguard leaving, the Chinese President was relieved, then turned back again and looked at the pumpkin god. 35xs

He wanted to ask the Great God what the third condition meant.

At this time, two others were faster than him.

One is the President of France and the other is the President of Russia!

"Little Ike, what is a four-dimensional force field?"

"Little Ike, what does the most basic four-dimensional force field mean?"

Although the two presidents' questions are different, the basic meanings are the same.

The voice of the question was amplified through the microphone, sweeping the central Westminster venue.

After hearing these two questions, the audience was silent again.

To be honest, leaders of various countries have long wanted to ask this question. But compared to the other two conditions, we need to pay attention to it first.

Because no matter what the third condition is, the previous condition must also be fulfilled. Otherwise, if you do n’t have it, and others have it, it ’s backward.

Just like meeting a cannibalizing tiger in the forest, you don't need to run as fast, you just need to be faster than your companion.

Therefore, the savvy leaders of various countries pay attention to the first two conditions first, and put the third, the most complicated and difficult to understand, question at the end.

This is the wisdom of leaders of all countries!


After hearing questions from France and Russia, Ike suddenly frowned.

Half a minute, 1 minute, two minutes ...

Ike was silent and said nothing.

At this moment, the hearts of all the leaders in the audience raised.

what happened?

Is it true that no other country can do the third condition? What about gathering global power?

What exactly is a four-dimensional force field? You say it!

Are you going to die for us like this?

At this moment, not only the leaders of the 88 countries at the scene are a little restless, but even the people of all countries watching the live broadcast in front of the TV are extremely anxious.

Four-dimensional force field! Four dimensions!

Listening to this name is something that is tall. But no one knows what it is. No one in the world knows, except ...


"Little Ike, what is a four-dimensional force field?"

Obama hurriedly interrupted Ike's thoughts.

Subsequently, in the audience's attention and in the nervous watching of the audience around the world, Ike finally spoke.

The opening is rock-shattered!

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

The immature child sounds throughout the audience and resounds throughout the world.

"The universe is very large. It includes not only the three-dimensional world like the earth we are in, but also higher-dimensional space-time."

"We all know what three-dimensional is, that is: length, width, and height. When a force is applied in each orientation, a three-dimensional force field can be formed. Then, by inference, when there is a force in another dimension other than three-dimensional When it is integrated with the three-dimensional force field, then a four-dimensional force field is generated. "

The sound fell, and the audience was stunned. Scientists from different countries who watched the broadcast lived up.

Is this the "high dimension" mentioned in science fiction movies? Has it turned into reality?

Suddenly, I would have guessed that the third condition must be very tall, but who knows, it is so tall.

High-dimensional force field, high-dimensional space-time, high-dimensional universe ...

Increase dimension, reduce dimension ...

Oh my god, how many inter-generational technologies are involved in this? Can we really do it?

Definitely impossible!

Because the upgrading of an object will require an extraordinary amount of energy. This energy can hardly be described in words, even global nuclear energy cannot be achieved.

According to the current speculation in the scientific community, that energy burst can create a cosmic black hole!

God, we can't make a four-dimensional force field at all! We have n’t even touched on where the four dimensions are. How could it be made?

How to do? How to do?

At this time, feeling the embarrassment of leaders of various countries, the immature child's voice sounded again.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, in fact, the four-dimensional force field already exists!"

what? !!

The sound fell, the audience was stunned, countless leaders were fiery, and hot eyes were staring at Ike as if to burn him.

"Where?" "Where?" "Where is the four-dimensional force field?" ...

In a voice of eager inquiry, Ike said the answer.

"On the" Charles de Gaulle "sky battleship, that is the metal box, and inside it is a four-dimensional force field!"

As the words came out, the audience stood up in surprise.

Yeah, how did the sky battleship fly, wasn't it because of that metal box?

666, so to speak, the conditions for making the flying pumpkins have been all met.

At this moment, the leaders of Britain and France smiled.

Because the conditions mentioned by the pumpkin god, the EU has all reached.

The European Union has nuclear reactor manufacturing technology, as well as the world's largest particle collider, and now the only metal box in the world.

At this moment, all EU leaders are smiling.

It seems that the EU will soon have a second flying pumpkin!

It's a pity that at this moment they laughed early.

The US President stood up instantly and took the lead.

"The metal box belongs to the common property of the Pumpkin Alliance, please the European Union immediately remove the metal box from the Charles de Gaulle sky battleship, and then leave it to the Union for safekeeping!"

"Yes, please the EU seriously fulfill the due obligations of its members!" The Chinese President also spoke seriously.

"If the EU does not comply with the Union rules, then I propose to vote to fire the EU!" Russian President Putin threatened even more.

Subsequently, the leaders of the ordinary member states under the stage also made statements, demanding that the EU hand over the metal box.

Among them, the Japanese Prime Minister even announced that he would immediately hold a vote to discuss whether to fire the EU!

At the proposal of the Japanese Prime Minister, EU leaders stared angrily at the Japanese Prime Minister. He was angry, as if to burn him alive.

In this regard, the Japanese Prime Minister remained indifferent.

I'm afraid? Is Japan afraid?

Afraid of a fart, if I am afraid, I will not speak.

Japan also has nuclear reactor manufacturing technology. It also has particle colliders. Although it is small, it can make large particle colliders at any time when needed.

The three major conditions mentioned by the pumpkin god, Japan can achieve two, but the last one you want to swallow alone?

is it possible? is it possible?

"Give up the metal box, or we will start voting immediately!"

"Yes, hand over the metal box, or fire you!"

"Hand over the metal box!"

"Hand over the metal box!"

"Give it up now!"


The whole venue was full of emotions and ferociously swallowed up the EU countries.

At this moment, EU leaders panicked.

They are not afraid of anything, even if they are at war with the United States. However, they are afraid of being fired.

If fired from the Pumpkin League, it would be fart to just keep a metal box.

Because, the pumpkin **** has not yet handed over the technology!

"Everybody, everybody!" Cameron, the British Prime Minister, stood up and shouted, "It's not that we want to swallow the metal box alone, but that metal box originally belonged to our citizen, Miss Alice, and we just borrowed it temporarily!"

As soon as this reason came out, leaders of various countries looked at him with contempt.

Subsequently, the Japanese Prime Minister opened his mouth again, almost annoying the EU.

"Then please ask the European Union to return the metal box to Miss Alice immediately. Our pumpkin alliance will go to Miss Alice to borrow it again. I believe that with the kindness of Miss Alice, we will definitely lend it to us."

Cameron: "..."

French President: "..."

German President: "..."

At this moment, EU leaders felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

At this moment, they even wanted to send a killer to assassinate the **** Japanese Prime Minister.

…… (To be continued.)

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Chapter 242 Universe Black Hole, Super Black Technology-Fiction Net-novel novelette

At this time, in the g88 meeting room, when seeing his bodyguard leaving, the Chinese President was relieved, then turned back again and looked at the pumpkin god. 35xs

He wanted to ask the Great God what the third condition meant.

At this time, two others were faster than him.

One is the President of France and the other is the President of Russia!

"Little Ike, what is a four-dimensional force field?"

"Little Ike, what does the most basic four-dimensional force field mean?"

Although the two presidents' questions are different, the basic meanings are the same.

The voice of the question was amplified through the microphone, sweeping the central Westminster venue.

After hearing these two questions, the audience was silent again.

To be honest, leaders of various countries have long wanted to ask this question. But compared to the other two conditions, we need to pay attention to it first.

Because no matter what the third condition is, the previous condition must also be fulfilled. Otherwise, if you do n’t have it, and others have it, it ’s backward.

Just like meeting a cannibalizing tiger in the forest, you don't need to run as fast, you just need to be faster than your companion.

Therefore, the savvy leaders of various countries pay attention to the first two conditions first, and put the third, the most complicated and difficult to understand, question at the end.

This is the wisdom of leaders of all countries!


After hearing questions from France and Russia, Ike suddenly frowned.

Half a minute, 1 minute, two minutes ...

Ike was silent and said nothing.

At this moment, the hearts of all the leaders in the audience raised.

what happened?

Is it true that no other country can do the third condition? What about gathering global power?

What exactly is a four-dimensional force field? You say it!

Are you going to die for us like this?

At this moment, not only the leaders of the 88 countries at the scene are a little restless, but even the people of all countries watching the live broadcast in front of the TV are extremely anxious.

Four-dimensional force field! Four dimensions!

Listening to this name is something that is tall. But no one knows what it is. No one in the world knows, except ...


"Little Ike, what is a four-dimensional force field?"

Obama hurriedly interrupted Ike's thoughts.

Subsequently, in the audience's attention and in the nervous watching of the audience around the world, Ike finally spoke.

The opening is rock-shattered!

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

The immature child sounds throughout the audience and resounds throughout the world.

"The universe is very large. It includes not only the three-dimensional world like the earth we are in, but also higher-dimensional space-time."

"We all know what three-dimensional is, that is: length, width, and height. When a force is applied in each orientation, a three-dimensional force field can be formed. Then, by inference, when there is a force in another dimension other than three-dimensional When it is integrated with the three-dimensional force field, then a four-dimensional force field is generated. "

The sound fell, and the audience was stunned. Scientists from different countries who watched the broadcast lived up.

Is this the "high dimension" mentioned in science fiction movies? Has it turned into reality?

Suddenly, I would have guessed that the third condition must be very tall, but who knows, it is so tall.

High-dimensional force field, high-dimensional space-time, high-dimensional universe ...

Increase dimension, reduce dimension ...

Oh my god, how many inter-generational technologies are involved in this? Can we really do it?

Definitely impossible!

Because the upgrading of an object will require an extraordinary amount of energy. This energy can hardly be described in words, even global nuclear energy cannot be achieved.

According to the current speculation in the scientific community, that energy burst can create a cosmic black hole!

God, we can't make a four-dimensional force field at all! We have n’t even touched on where the four dimensions are. How could it be made?

How to do? How to do?

At this time, feeling the embarrassment of leaders of various countries, the immature child's voice sounded again.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, in fact, the four-dimensional force field already exists!"

what? !!

The sound fell, the audience was stunned, countless leaders were fiery, and hot eyes were staring at Ike as if to burn him.

"Where?" "Where?" "Where is the four-dimensional force field?" ...

In a voice of eager inquiry, Ike said the answer.

"On the" Charles de Gaulle "sky battleship, that is the metal box, and inside it is a four-dimensional force field!"

As the words came out, the audience stood up in surprise.

Yeah, how did the sky battleship fly, wasn't it because of that metal box?

666, so to speak, the conditions for making the flying pumpkins have been all met.

At this moment, the leaders of Britain and France smiled.

Because the conditions mentioned by the pumpkin god, the EU has all reached.

The European Union has nuclear reactor manufacturing technology, as well as the world's largest particle collider, and now the only metal box in the world.

At this moment, all EU leaders are smiling.

It seems that the EU will soon have a second flying pumpkin!

It's a pity that at this moment they laughed early.

The US President stood up instantly and took the lead.

"The metal box belongs to the common property of the Pumpkin Alliance, please the European Union immediately remove the metal box from the Charles de Gaulle sky battleship, and then leave it to the Union for safekeeping!"

"Yes, please the EU seriously fulfill the due obligations of its members!" The Chinese President also spoke seriously.

"If the EU does not comply with the Union rules, then I propose to vote to fire the EU!" Russian President Putin threatened even more.

Subsequently, the leaders of the ordinary member states under the stage also made statements, demanding that the EU hand over the metal box.

Among them, the Japanese Prime Minister even announced that he would immediately hold a vote to discuss whether to fire the EU!

At the proposal of the Japanese Prime Minister, EU leaders stared angrily at the Japanese Prime Minister. He was angry, as if to burn him alive.

In this regard, the Japanese Prime Minister remained indifferent.

I'm afraid? Is Japan afraid?

Afraid of a fart, if I am afraid, I will not speak.

Japan also has nuclear reactor manufacturing technology and also has a particle collider ~ ~ Although it is small, it can always produce large particle colliders when needed.

The three major conditions mentioned by the pumpkin god, Japan can achieve two, but the last one you want to swallow alone?

is it possible? is it possible?

"Give up the metal box, or we will start voting immediately!"

"Yes, hand over the metal box, or fire you!"

"Hand over the metal box!"

"Hand over the metal box!"

"Give it up now!"


The whole venue was full of emotions and ferociously swallowed up the EU countries.

At this moment, EU leaders panicked.

They are not afraid of anything, even if they are at war with the United States. However, they are afraid of being fired.

If fired from the Pumpkin League, it would be fart to just keep a metal box.

Because, the pumpkin **** has not yet handed over the technology!

"Everybody, everybody!" Cameron, the British Prime Minister, stood up and shouted, "It's not that we want to swallow the metal box alone, but that metal box originally belonged to our citizen, Miss Alice, and we just borrowed it temporarily!"

As soon as this reason came out, leaders of various countries looked at him with contempt.

Subsequently, the Japanese Prime Minister opened his mouth again, almost annoying the EU.

"Then please ask the European Union to return the metal box to Miss Alice immediately. Our pumpkin alliance will go to Miss Alice to borrow it again. I believe that with the kindness of Miss Alice, we will definitely lend it to us."

Cameron: "..."

French President: "..."

German President: "..."

At this moment, EU leaders felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

At this moment, they even wanted to send a killer to assassinate the **** Japanese Prime Minister.

…… (To be continued.)

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