Super Black Technology

Chapter 249: ******

(The chapter is titled: Cang · Jing · Kong. It has been harmonized. It will be changed after the editor is at work tomorrow. Moon Dance cannot be changed.)

Three days later, a Chinese high-energy physicist was selected. His name is Zheng Yunpeng (fiction).

On this day, in the Prime Minister's Office of the State Council, Zheng Yunpeng saw the assistant that the country matched to him.

At that moment, Zheng Yunpeng, who was already in his 50s, almost glared at his eyes.

It was a young, charming, seductive and beautiful woman. From her body, you could see all the most beautiful advantages of a woman, except knowledge.

Well, to be honest, Zheng Yunpeng almost yelled and let the female assistant roll away.

Because her knowledge is too low, she is only a graduate degree. Among the students she brought, she was not even the worst. And she has not done any research on high-energy physics.

What's the use of this vase? !!

Hey, since it's the country's decision, let's admit it!


Japan. Tokyo.

At this time, the Japanese government was also selecting assistants, because scientists had been selected.

This person's name is: Kobayashi Makoto.

He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008, and is also an emeritus professor at the Japan High Energy Accelerator Research Institute, a professor at Nagoya University, and the chairman of the advisory board of the Kobayashi Masakawa Institute of Particle and Universe Origins at Nagoya University ...

There are a lot of titles, all of which are extremely gold-filled posts. It can be said that this person is indeed talented.

However, at this time, he did not have the slightest joy of being elected, because today is the 10th time that he has submitted the assistant list to the Prime Minister of Japan, but he was beaten back again.

It's a pity that he not only selected his students all over, but even carefully selected several people as his assistants at Nagoya University, but all were useless.

Each of them was rejected by the government. Yesterday he just turned in a resume of a male student. Within five minutes, the resume was beaten back, and he was so angry that he scolded the Japanese cabinet.

Baga, how about you and look at your resume? There are 12 pages of resume, can you read it in 5 minutes? !!

Today, Kobayashi shouted again at the official residence of the cabinet.

But he had just scolded for a few minutes, and a staff member hurried over and bowed down, "Xiao Linjun, the Prime Minister has invited me!"

After hearing this, Kobayashi stopped abusing and followed the staff inward.

Prime Minister's Office.

Seeing Kobayashi entering the door, the busy Japanese Prime Minister finally raised his head.

He is really busy these days. Not only must he be busy selecting people, but he must also find a way to coordinate national resources and build a large particle collider.

Both of these things are very, very important!

It can be said that after returning from the UK, he worked overtime every day until late at night, and in these days he slept no more than 4 hours a day on average.

"Kim Kobayashi, please sit down!"

Kobayashi sat on the sofa in earnest, then the staff brought in tea, and then closed the door and quit.

"Prime Minister, what assistant do you want me to choose, I have been rejected 10 times by you!"

Hearing Kobayashi's angry complaints, the Japanese Prime Minister was not angry, but just said softly: "You have only 10 times, I have read 372 resumes!"

As soon as this figure came out, Kobayashi shuddered.

What do you mean?

"Meaning, not only are you choosing your assistant, the entire Japanese government is helping you choose your assistant!"

Kobayashi Makoto: "..."

"We believe in Kobayashi ’s ability in high-energy physics. If you ca n’t learn big pumpkin technology, scientists in other countries are probably not able to learn it. Therefore, in terms of assistants, we do not plan to choose another high-energy physicist. It's about choosing one ... "

"Young, beautiful, and akin to Alice—girl, and must be Japanese!"

The sound fell, Kobayashi stood up in shock, his fingers tremblingly pointed at the Prime Minister.

"You, you ..."

The Japanese Prime Minister's face remained unchanged, and he nodded, and said, "Yes, this is our plan!"

Hearing the Prime Minister's confirmation, at this moment, Kobayashi almost yelled.

Why don't you just choose me "Cang · jing · kong" and "Ozawa Maria" as assistants? !!

At this time, the ordinary Japanese Prime Minister seemed to see Kobayashi's thoughts, so he added: "A virgin!"

Kobayashi shuddered.

However, the words of the Japanese Prime Minister continued to sound: "And it must be true. Because every woman who can contact the little prodigy will be investigated by the US and British governments!"

"So you understand!"

I know your sister!

Okay, actually I understand.

At this moment, Kobayashi was no longer silent. After thinking for only a few seconds, he said softly: "I have a candidate who meets your selection criteria: Aiko Ueno, freshman at Nagoya University, 17 years old, art design profession."

After hearing the words of Makoto Kobayashi, the Japanese Prime Minister was overjoyed and quickly called out the staff to come in.

"Investigate all the materials of 'Ueno Aiko'!"


The next day, Ueno Aiko, who was in class, was "invited" to leave by several government officials.

She will receive the most rigorous and urgent professional training.


Time flies so fast that it's a week.

On this day, special planes from various countries took off urgently and flew to the Jura Mountains in France. Each special plane carries scientists and assistants carefully selected by various countries.

They shoulder the hopes of governments and the expectations of the people ...

The Chinese scientist even vowed on the spot when he was on the plane: if he can't learn the big pumpkin technique, he will die in France and never come back.

This scene touched 1.5 billion Chinese people through the live broadcast of CCTV.

Faroe border. Jurassic mountains.

Today, a total of 15 EU 27 leaders have come to meet the 10 scientists at the newly constructed airport.

However, at the moment when these scientists were disembarked, the leaders of the 15 countries collectively froze.

Let me go. Why are the assistants of the 10 scientists all female, and they are still young and beautiful girls. The oldest estimates are not over 25 years old.

Grass, grass, grass!

Have you spotted the little prodigy eating only this set? !!

Well, in fact, we in the European Union also arrange this. In the base, in addition to the strong men responsible for security, other service personnel have also been replaced by sisters.


"Welcome everyone to Jurassic Mountain, here is the world's largest particle collider ~ ~ Hope you all have a good time here!"

The French president took the lead, shaking hands with scientists from various countries with a smile.

"thanks, thanks!"

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

"Thank you for your reception!"


After a formal welcome, scientists from various countries moved to the Jurassic Base. Thereafter, the leaders of the 15 nations left one after another, leaving the rest to the command of the Allied Forces.

"You guys, you have 1 week to get familiar with the base! One week later, the little prodigy will arrive at Jurassic Mountain and guide you to study for half a month. By then, whether you can learn or not depends on you."

"Remember, there is only half a month of study time!"

Allied commanders shouted to scientists from all countries.

Hearing this, scientists of all countries are extremely worried.

How come half a month? How is this time enough? !!

In response, the Allied commander shrugged helplessly and said, "Dear everyone, I want to help you get more time, but the little prodigy disagrees. To be honest, when the EU communicated with the little prodigy, the little prodigy only It was given a week. Let's talk about it, and finally it increased to half a month. "

"No matter how many, the little prodigy disagrees. So, do your best!"

As soon as this remark came out, scientists from various countries were dumbfounded.

Well, who is such a great pumpkin god? Not only are tuition fees prohibitively expensive, but even the study time is so short.

"Okay, okay!" The Allied commander clapped his hands and greeted everyone. "Everyone should get acquainted with the base as soon as possible. You can always tell the base staff what you need, and give it to you if you want. Whatever, everything is paid for by the Pumpkin Alliance! "

"Thank you commander!"

"Thank you commander!"

…… (To be continued.)

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