Super Black Technology

Chapter 250: Intercontinental portal

What is your first impression of the Jurassic Mountain Base? Then it is definitely not that the environment is very good, nor is it that the food is good, but that the security review is very strict.

It can be said that it has almost reached the point of one-step investigation and one-door investigation.

In this regard, Ms. Cui Mingmei, the assistant of Chinese scientists, felt a little tricky.

Because she found that many areas were restricted areas for assistants and could not enter at all. She has tried many times in the days that she is familiar with the environment, and there are several areas where the assistants of scientists from various countries are prohibited from entering.

Example: Particle Collider Control Room.

For example: experimental data observation room.

There is also an area on the east side that cannot be accessed.

She found a reason to ask the Allied Commander, who told her that the area was the residence of the little prodigy and the activity room. No one can enter, and so is he.

It is said to have been transformed into a small children's playground.

After hearing this, Miss Cui Mingmei almost vomited blood.

The top scientist in each country lives in a small single room, but what about him? The EU actually vacated an area and turned it into an amusement park.

Why is there such a big gap between people? !!


Time flies quickly, and it's almost a week away.

In the eyes of scientists from all over the world, in the enthusiastic expectations of 100,000 garrisons, the huge air fortress-"USA Air Force One" landed at Jurassic Airport.

The American National Anthem was played loudly.

In the sound of singing, Ike, the greatest human prodigy, stepped off the plane.

Beside him are two FBI ace agents, and behind him, there is a team of US special forces with live ammunition to protect them.

They will accompany Ike Jr. for half a month at the base.

In response, they all issued military writs. If the little prodigy shows any difference, they will be repaid with their lives.

After that, the national anthem stopped. The Allied Commander took the lead.

"Little Ike, welcome to Jurassic Mountain!"

Aike Mengmen smiled and thanked the Commander. He then looked at the ten scientists behind the commander.

At this moment, feeling the gaze of the little prodigy, 10 scientists collectively faced him and bowed respectfully.

"Good little teacher!"

The words made Aike startled.

Well, this cow is so big. The youngest of you are over 50 years old, and you will die by your gift.

Ike quickly jumped to the side and avoided the scientists' bows.

This can't be so loaded!

Seeing the little prodigy doing this, the 10 scientists were anxious, turned again, and bowed again to the little prodigy.

Ike couldn't jump now, not because he didn't want to let it go. It was because Agent Morton held his small body.

He felt little Ike could stand it.

It is a lifetime's honor for these scientists to get the guidance of the pumpkin god. Others have no chance to be taught.

"Hello teacher, welcome to Jurassic Mountain!"

Ike had to pay back: "Thank you!"

Subsequently, under the leadership of the Allied Commander, the group walked into the base of Jurassic Mountain.

As the road passed, everyone from the base to the garrison in charge of security saluted everyone.

They are paying their highest respect to the Great God.

Years later, when they talked about this to their children and grandchildren, they were also extremely proud.

Because the great **** at that time had already shaken the whole universe. (Please allow Yue Wu to dig a hole for the next book, the next one may write fantasy!)


Within the base.

Because of time, Ike had eaten breakfast before he came, so Ike rejected the commander's offer to prepare breakfast for him.

"Begin the test first! I will only do an indoor test, and then arrange an outdoor test. Whether you can learn it depends on you!"

Everyone was shocked by this remark.

what? Only teach once? Nima, how can you learn at a time? !!

Chinese scientists are trying to speak, asking the teacher to do more times. Unfortunately, Ike has followed the staff to the base's control room.

The crowd quickly followed him.

After three doors, the soldiers retired. Their authority can only follow this.

After six doors, the assistant exited.

After Nine Doors, the Allied Commander also retired. The rest were only 10 scientists, Ike, and his bodyguard, Agent Morton.

Large control room with many computers.

These are specifically added by the European Union to facilitate the learning of scientists.

Ike took the first step and sat in front of a computer. The 10 scientists quickly turned on their computers and connected them to the computers of the 10 scientists.

"Everyone, I'll send you the test steps first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask. I can tell you what I can say."

The implication is, do n’t ask what you ca n’t say, and I wo n’t tell you if you are killed.


Yin Luo, 10 scientists quickly concentrated on watching the steps sent by the little teacher.

At this point, everyone was stunned.

There are only three steps in the test:

First, with the basic force field of the first metal box, a hydrogen atom is stationary.

Second, transform hydrogen atoms into antimatter. (This step is not difficult, because modern technology can also do it. They are using an electric field to slow down the speed of the atom, and then implement the transformation. Now it is a stationary atom, which is easier to operate.)

Third, repeat the above steps to make 7 anti-hydrogen atoms. Arrange 6 cubes in a cube, and finally hit the seventh hydrogen atom with a particle accelerator for multiple times to make it higher.


"Did you see?"

Ike looked to the scientists.

The scientists nodded and understood the steps, but did not understand the principles.

"An explanation of the principle will be sent to you on the day you leave. However, the premise of this method is that there must be a basic force field. That is, when you leave, you can leave with a metal box you made."

"Then, using it as a basis to make other metal boxes ~ ~ As soon as the words came out, an American scientist immediately raised his hand.

Ike nodded, and the American scientist quickly stood up and asked loudly, "Little teacher, can you tell us the principle of the manufacture of your first metal box? You were the first one produced at Lincoln Laboratory in the United States at that time. A metal box. It is reported that there is no particle accelerator in the Lincoln Laboratory. May I ask, how did you make antimatter uplift at that time? "

In this regard, Aike replied, "This is a secret, I will not tell you!"

The scientists were dumb for a moment.

At this time another British scientist stood up and wanted to ask. But at this instant, a cold gaze stared at him fiercely.

His eyes were like ice, full of killing intention.

It was Agent Morton standing behind Ike.

Feeling the embarrassment of this gaze, the British scientists did not spit out what they wanted to ask.

"Okay, okay! In fact, there is no need to ask this question. As long as you make a metal box and take it home before you leave, you can use it as a basis to make more metal boxes."

After speaking, Ike got up and left the computer, then walked out.

Tong Shengsong control room when he left: "Today's class is over, and formal experiments will begin tomorrow. Each person will experiment for a total of 11 days, and the last 4 days will be tested outdoors to build an interstate space portal!"

The sound fell, and all the scientists stood up in astonishment throughout the control room.

what? what? What did the little prodigy just say? !!

"He said to build an interstate space portal ?!"

"Oh, my God, is it a portal for interstate transmission?"

"Who can tell me, am I dreaming ?!"

"Oh, is this city or fantasy?"

…… (To be continued.)

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