Super Black Technology

Chapter 252: Duck cute

Which atom is the simplest in modern technology?

Obviously, it is a hydrogen atom. Because it contains only a positive valence proton and a negative valence electron, it is bound to the nucleus.

Therefore, whether it is to study it or to transform it, it is simpler than other atoms.

Now, an American scientist is transforming hydrogen atoms, turning protons into antiprotons, and making electrons positively charged.

This work was arranged for him by the little prodigy, and he was very honored to accept the arrangement.

Is this difficult?

Do not!

Modern technology has been able to produce anti-hydrogen atoms since 1995, but only for a short time. On September 18, 2000, the European Nuclear Research Center had produced more than 50,000 anti-hydrogen atoms.

This is the first mass production of antimatter by modern technology.

Therefore, humans have already mastered the technology of mass production of antimatter. It's just that they don't have the ability to store anti-matter, and the anti-hydrogen atom produced is very short-lived.

Only 0.17 seconds.

And now? It's different.

Because the first metal box was installed in the particle accelerator, the space inside the particle accelerator suddenly became a sudden moment when American scientists made anti-hydrogen atoms.

The anti-hydrogen atom was quiescent, completely quiescent.

Through the observation of scientific research equipment, all scientists at this time have widened their eyes.

Because at this moment, the temperature displayed in that space is actually 0 degrees, absolutely 0 degrees!

What is this concept? This concept means that the space is completely static. Not only can't all the objects inside move, but everything including molecules, atoms, protons, electrons, etc. inside the object is absolutely stationary.

When the inside of an object is absolutely stationary, its own temperature will be absolute 0 degrees.

"Oh my God, the" absolute zero "that human beings have been pursuing is so easy and easy ?!"

"God, this is incredible!"

"Little teacher, you are really the greatest super scientist of humanity!"

"Salute to you!"


At this time, Ike, the immature little face was serious, he was not proud of the praise of scientists. because……

He feels that his future can be even more glorious, and his future will go even longer.

Behind him, Agent Morton has been protecting him personally, but there is no subtlety.

Hearing the praise of the world's top scientists, Morton was proud, as if the scientists praised himself.


At this time, Ike spoke, the tender voice sounded in the ears of scientists in various countries, and everyone listened attentively.

"Do you understand the operation just now?"

The ten top scientists nodded together.

Surely understand!

The steps just now are very simple: first put the metal box on, then stop the space after transforming the anti-hydrogen atom. Because of this, the anti-hydrogen atom will no longer annihilate with other positive matter.

Because the space is still, and all matter in it remains motionless, even if anti-hydrogen atoms want to annihilate, no positive matter can be found to collide.

"Well, now that everyone understands, then someone else will repeat the operation and make a lot of anti-hydrogen atoms for storage. Each metal box needs 7 anti-hydrogen atoms."

"Yes, little teacher!"

In this way, under the command of Ike, scientists from various countries came forward to make anti-hydrogen atoms in turn.

This has been done from noon to noon ...

base. restaurant.

The female assistants of scientists from all over the world were anxious. They looked down at the watch from time to time, and the time had passed 12 o'clock.

According to the plan, the schedule of the little prodigy is very regular. No one can delay him eating or sleeping, otherwise the US government will get angry.

Because, for the US government, the health of federal prodigies is an absolute big deal.

Bigger than World War!

"Ms. Cui, why isn't Little Ike still out?" Japanese female assistant, Ueno Aiko, greeted Cui Mingmei familiarly.

Hearing that, Cui Mingmei shook her head: "I don't know what happened."

"Will we rush?"

When the words came out, the restaurant was quiet for a moment.

This suggestion is good. If you can apply for permission to enter the laboratory, it will make a lot of money for these assistants.

"I'm going to the commander!"

"Wait, let me go!"

"I go!"


Just then, footsteps sounded in the hallway outside the restaurant.

The door of the restaurant was opened immediately. Several soldiers rushed in, behind them a group of scientists and ...

Little prodigy Ike!

At this instant, the entire restaurant boiled instantly.

One woman equals 1,000 ducks, and 10 women equals 10,000 ducks.

Suddenly, female assistants of scientists from various countries rushed to Ike, like Ike, surrounded by 10,000 ducks.

"Little Ike, my name is Aiko Ueno. I made pumpkin cake for you today. Can you try it?"

"Little Ike, my name is Aphrodite and I am from Russia. I have prepared a Datang duck for you."

"Little Ike, my name is Cui Mingmei, and I am from China ..."

"Little Ike, my name is Anie, from Germany ..."


There are too many ducks, and Ike is noisy.

Let me go. What's the situation? !! Please, can you say one by one? You are so noisy, I don't know who is who!

At this time, scientists from various countries were stunned.

What the **** is going on? Why are you all going to care about the little teacher? Come on, you are our assistants, shouldn't we be concerned about the national treasure scientists who are old and weak?

Is there a wood to identify the primary and secondary, there is a wood to identify the identity? !!

Scientists from all over the world walked around in depression, then walked into the restaurant alone, and ate lunch lonely ...

The desolation was so tearful and sad to see.

Female assistants don't care about them.

In greetings, the female assistants walked into the restaurant with the little guys ...

What? You ask Agent Morton?

Um, sorry, he was pushed aside by the ducks from the beginning. Now staying at the door ~ ~ I want to cry depressed.

The restaurant in the base is luxuriously furnished.

The surrounding steel walls are covered with cartoon posters, and the rows of tables in the center are not ordinary tables and chairs, but mahogany tables, leather sofas ...

It can be said that the EU has done everything they can to make the little prodigy feel comfortable at the base.

"Little Ike, come, you sit here!"

On a huge round table, Ueno Aiko pressed the little one to his side.

Seeing this scene, Cui Mingmei moved quickly and immediately seized the position on the left of the little guy. Female assistants of various countries have scorned the female assistants of China and Japan.

"Little Ike, do you eat watermelon or pumpkin?"

Upon hearing this, Aike Mengmeng smiled and said, "Pretty sister, I want to eat steak!"

As soon as this word came out, Ueno Aiko immediately shouted at the waiter.

"Come and make a steak, by the way, use the‘ Kobe beef ’that we ’ve shipped by air from Japan. Remember, use our beef!”

"Yes, Miss Ueno!"

"Thank you pretty sister!"

Ueno Aiko was overjoyed, lowered her body and gave the little one something.

This time, the little guy laughed even more happily.

"Pretty sister, if your Kobe beef is delicious, shall I give you a gift?"

The sound fell, the audience was shocked, and the whole restaurant was silent.

All the waiters, all the scientists, all the female assistants all looked horribly towards this side.

Megatron God of Watermelon and Pumpkin God Give Gifts?

My god, will the gift from God be simple? How is it possible, how is it possible? !!

God, this Japanese girl named "Ueno Aiko" is getting rich!

What is it?

What is it? !!

…… (To be continued.)

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