Super Black Technology

Chapter 253: Cute gift

In the spotlight of the audience, Kobe steaks airlifted from Japan were made, and then placed at Ike's table.

Ueno Aiko quickly cut the **** with a knife and fork, and put it in the god's plate.

Aike Mengmen smiled, fork a small piece with her fork, and brought it to her mouth.

At this instant, Ueno Aiko was almost holding her breath. She was afraid that the steak made by the chef would not be authentic; she was afraid that the **** suddenly became angry and said it was not delicious; she was afraid that the mysterious gift she got was like a cooked duck and suddenly flew away. ...

At this moment, not only Ueno Aiko is nervous, all female assistants are nervous.

They want to know, what is the so-called gift of God?

They very much hope that Kobe Steak will be recognized by the Great God, so that it means that everyone has the opportunity to get gifts. After all, there are delicious things in all countries. If Ueno Aiko got a gift, would he still lack oneself with the generous character of the great god?

As long as the God is happy, what is there to do!

Ike chewed the steak happily, 10 seconds, 20 seconds ...


The chewed steak was swallowed by Ike, and then Ike licked his lips ...

"Hee hee, delicious! Delicious!"

At this point, Ueno Aiko screamed and jumped up.

"Thank you God, thank you for your praise!"

At this moment, everyone knows: Ueno's gift is in hand.

Because the Great God is still young, but never whispers.

From the moment he attacked the city of Leeds in the UK in 2013, he has come into the world's attention, and since then everything he has said will be fulfilled.

This is the consensus of the world.

At this moment, the remaining nine beautiful female assistants looked up at Anoko with envious eyes.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Ueno Aiko finally recovered from the excitement.

She didn't ask for the gift immediately like stupid X, but continued to help the Great God cut steak.

"Little Ike, you can eat more deliciously. I will call home in the afternoon and ask them to send a real Japanese chef to make Kobe steak. It will definitely be better."

Ike laughed and said, "Thank you pretty sister, then I will have steak tonight!"

"Okay, okay!"

After hearing the conversation between the two, Cui Mingmei on the left of Ike almost died of anger.

She has been following other competitors, especially the blonde in Russia, she must be a "swallow" of the KGB Intelligence Agency. I thought she was the biggest opponent I encountered this time, but I didn't know that she was being preempted by a Japanese student who just came out.


At this moment, not only is Cui Mingmei angry, but also other beauties.

Fortunately, they understand that they will not do anything bad when the Great God is happy. Otherwise, if the Great God is upset, the Allied Commander at that base will rush out immediately.

This is the agreement between the United States and the European Union.

Who dares to provoke the federal prodigy is not happy, then let him (her) get away.

No one is exception.


"Sister Aiko, I want to drink pumpkin porridge!"

Aike's words had just fallen, and Ueno Aiko got up quickly, ran to the kitchen, and went to serve pumpkin porridge in person ...

This scene saw the beauty stunned.


The German girl first responded, like a cute rabbit, and immediately came over from one side, and then sat in Aike's right-hand seat, which is Ueno's seat.

The whole process took less than 3 seconds.

"Is she born as an athlete? I just got up and she sat down!" This was the curse of the American girl.

"Bitch, it's so fast! Why didn't she die?" This was the voice of the French girl.

"Unfortunately, I'm sitting opposite the little prodigy, otherwise I must be faster than her." This is the voice of the Russian girl.


The girls kept cursing the German girls in their hearts.

It's a pity that the German girls don't care about them. She is very glad that the girl from Japan is a student. Otherwise, she would never make such a mistake.

If you want pumpkin porridge, just tell the waiter, why go in person.

As soon as you go, don't wait to sit next to the little prodigy.

Sister will not let you ha, Meng Meng Da.

"Hello Ike, my sister is Anie, from Germany."

The German girl introduced herself with a pleasant voice while helping Eche cut the steak.

Hearing this, Ike nodded as he chewed the steak, saying he remembered it.

"Little Ike, shall we have sausage tomorrow? Our German sausage is world-famous!"

Ike tilted his head, and his bright eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's true, if you don't believe me, I'll let the kitchen do it for you tomorrow!"

"Really ?!"


"Yeah, then I'll taste German sausages tomorrow, and if it's delicious, I'll also give sister Anita a gift."

As soon as this word came out, the audience was stunned again.

Damn, this great **** is also so deceiving, I bought you with a little sausage?

"Little Ike, will you try our Russian caviar the day after tomorrow? I promise it will be very delicious!"

The words of the Russian girl just fell, and the immature child's voice sounded instantly: "Okay, then eat caviar the day after tomorrow! Delicious gifts!"

Now, if these girls don't understand anymore, it's really stupid.

At this instant, a pleasant female voice sounded continuously.

"Little Ike, would you like French foie gras on the fourth day?"

"it is good!"

"Little Ike, will you try British cottage cheese on the 5th?"

"it is good!"

"Little Ike, would you like to try a dessert in a small American town on day 6?"

"it is good!"


Scientists from all over the world are full, with black lines floating on their foreheads, accompanied by the croaking of crows ~ ~ They never imagined that the great gods of Megatron World could speak so well. Their assistants just bought something delicious and bought the god.

Nima, I knew we would be sisters.

Just then, suddenly!

An angry voice sounded from the rear:

"Why did you take my seat ?!"

Ueno Aiko came with pumpkin porridge. She was very angry when she saw the German girl robbed her of her place.

After hearing that, everyone turned back.

The German girl shrugged and regretfully said, "I'm helping Little Echo cut steak, I will never let Little Ike cut it by myself!"

After hearing this, Ueno Aiko didn't know how to refute.

She is only 17 years old and is still a student.

At this moment, Ueno Aiko's nose was sore and her eyes became red.

She came over holding the pumpkin porridge, and forced her tears to put the pumpkin porridge in front of Ike.

"Ike, you ... you eat!"

There was an unmaskable cry in his voice, which made people sympathetic.

Seeing this scene, Akra pulled her sister's hand and comforted him: "Don't cry, go to a laptop, I will give you a gift."

What? gift?

Ueno Aiko suddenly stunned, and the audience also stunned.

Is God really giving a gift? Need a laptop? God, wouldn't it be the watermelon technology to send Megatron the world? !!

That is a horrible technology that can capture any system in the world. In this world, only the Great Watermelon and the US government have it.

Whoever owns it can dominate the network!

At this moment, the Quartet's security guards were shocked.

"Quick, tell the commander!"

"Hurry up, Commander!

"Little prodigy is naughty again, come on!"

…… (To be continued.)

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