Super Black Technology

Chapter 261: Great times

Beijing, an ancient courtyard courtyard.

At night, many well-dressed men drove here.

Here is the residence of a military gangster. These people who come to meet are the backstage figures of China's major airlines.

"Grandpa, why does the country build a door to space? This will have a great impact on the country's overall economic construction. Should the country be slow?" A 28- and 9-year-old young man was crying to his grandfather and complaining.

His words have just come out, causing everyone to respond.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, should the country consider it carefully?"

"Zhang Lao, IMHO, this is not only a problem that affects the country's transportation industry, but also affects all aspects of the country. Not to mention other, once the door of space is opened, a series of problems caused by it."

"For example, military security; for example, personnel exchanges between the two countries, etc. are big problems!"

"Yes, elder, I ask you to suggest to the central government that the construction of the gate of space can be postponed?"


Hearing the cry of the crowd, the old man sitting on the main seat was indifferent. He closed his eyes as if silent.

Seeing this, everyone winked at the young man.

The young man quickly stepped forward and shook his grandpa: "Grandpa, you don't know, the stocks of major airlines have shrunk by 60% today, and are still plummeting! Grandpa, grandpa ..."

The sound fell, the old man who closed his eyes and opened his eyes suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, there seemed to be endless majesty in those turbid eyes.

It looks like a volcano is about to erupt!

The young man was frightened to take a half step backward.

"Grandpa, you ..."

"What am I? I'm not dead yet?"

At this moment, the old man was so angry that it seemed the truth slapped his grandson.

"I ask you, how many shares do you have ?!"


The sudden inquiry made the young man dumbfounded.

The next instant, a huge sound rang through the audience.


On the subject, the old man slammed the table, and the tea cup was splashed with tea instantly.

"Say! Speak!"

"A little bit, only a little bit!" Answered the young man, Nonuo.

With this answer, the old man no longer looks at him, but looks at the people in the Quartet.

Peerless Phoenix Concubine

Everyone has bowed their heads and is afraid to look at each other.

"I tell you that the construction of the Space Gate is a collective decision of the central government and will never change. This is not an economic policy, but a military and political event!"

"Do you know how much effort the country has paid in order to grab this place from G88 and how much it cost? In those days, the chairman even stayed up late every day to work with the central government to study countermeasures.

"I don't care how big you are. Even if you all go bankrupt, the gate of space will not stop, not even one minute and one second!"

"Are you clear?"

Everyone nodded in unison, afraid to make any sound.

"see a visitor out!"

The angry old man swept everyone out.

To be honest, in the previous time, the old man even wanted to pull out a gun and directly greet these greedy hungry wolves.

Is it so that China has finally come to this day, how could it be so shortsighted to give this opportunity to outsiders? Whoever does that, a hundred years later, in this administration, all senior military and political leaders will be sinners of the Chinese nation!

"Come here!"

The sound fell, and the old man's guard entered the room at a high speed.

"Head, please indicate!"

"Telephone to the 21st Division of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps. Two hours later, I will visit the army!"

"Yes, Chief!"

At this time, the leaving airline chiefs did not know that the construction of the space gate was under the responsibility of the engineering unit directly under the military.

It can be seen from this that today, China, or the Chinese government, has deployed this work as a military task.

Its priority is even higher than the reconstruction of the Liaoning aircraft carrier!

It can be said that if it is not because the chairman is still in France, the person who will preside over the work in Lianyungang tomorrow will not be the national prime minister.


China. Lianyungang. Tianwan.

Military vehicles drove in, and then drove out quickly. Countless high-quality steels have accumulated on the ground, and a hill has been formed.

Countless engineering soldiers are busy nervously, they are laying the foundation for the door of huge space ...

Yes, it is huge, and it is extremely huge.

According to information transmitted by the chairman from France, the gate of space is an extremely large steel giant, which is a huge circle made of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel.

According to the drawings, its diameter has reached 300 meters!


Gold Master Ferocious: Hush, see you at night

It can be said that it is very difficult to build it.

However, the time given by the Super Prodigy is only 5 days. If the repair fails within 5 days, the prodigy will not play.

It is reported that US President Obama also called their prodigy specifically, hoping to extend the 5 days to 3 months, or reduce the diameter of 300 meters to 30 meters.

Let's try a test article first.

Unfortunately, the prodigy rejected the proposal.

According to him, if you want to build it, you need to build it big. Small ones don't look good.

Nima, what is the reason for this? !!

Hearing this explanation ~ ~ The 5 permanent members of the Pumpkin Alliance almost did not faint.

However, due to the uniqueness and uniqueness of the super prodigy, no matter how unwilling the Chinese and American governments are, they can only do so.

Not for others, just because the little guy is too stubborn and says nothing.

If he wants to change, he won't play.

Therefore, the Chinese and American governments are already very busy.

Tens of thousands of people are busy working overtime at the two construction sites where steel is piled up.

The United States has brought over well-known architectural firms across the country to work overtime. It is reported that in order for these architectural firms to complete their tasks on time and in texture, the commercial contract signed between the White House and them was filled with USD 10 billion.

It can be said that if this is not possible, all these architectural firms will go bankrupt.

What about China?

All engineering units of the 21 detachment collectively issued a military order. If the space door cannot be repaired within 5 days, they will all be willing to go to a military court.


Such a huge battle between China and the United States has attracted worldwide attention, and billions of people are watching their construction process.

In this regard, the governments of the two countries have not kept secrets, and they cannot keep them at all.

After all, this is a collective decision of the G88 Pumpkin Alliance, but also a blessing for the entire human race.

The legendary gate of space!

It is fortunate that human beings can see the birth of such a tall and super technology in their lifetime. It's far too much than anything to land on the moon.

And how happy it is for everyone to be in the same era as the super prodigy. You know, Ike Jr. is much better than Einstein, Newton, and others.

However, the only problem is that the little guy is usually too naughty.

Often make the whole world fly!

Hey, tragedy!

... (.)

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