Super Black Technology

Chapter 262: great person

In fact, seriously speaking, Ike is not too embarrassed by the Chinese and American governments.

The steel ring of the door of space looks huge and difficult to build, but it is not. It is similar to the construction method of big steel pumpkin, which is equivalent to building blocks with steel.

Isn't it difficult to build blocks?

As long as there are more people, more money will do!

So are there more people in China and the United States? Definitely!

So, is China and the United States rich? Nonsense, these two are super tyrants, and are the world's number one and number two economies.

Therefore, within five days, the two governments will definitely complete the construction of the space gate.

Besides, at least billions of people around the world are paying attention to this issue. If the repair is done by one party but not by the other, the unfinished country will lose its face to the world.


French time that afternoon. Jurassic base, experimental control room.

Today is the last day of laboratory experiments. Ike is instructing Chinese scientists to make metal boxes belonging to the Chinese side.

The trial has now reached its final step ...

"Mr. Zheng, be careful, be sure to calculate the angle before hitting the anti-hydrogen atom, and then make it up. If you can't do it once, twice, or three times if you can't, don't be in a hurry ..."

The immature voice is in the ear of Chinese scientist Zheng Yunpeng.

Zheng Yunpeng nodded, looking serious, staring intently at the computer in front of him, while calculating the data in his heart, while trying to start hitting anti-hydrogen atoms ...

And all around, scientists from other countries are watching.

In front of them, they have made their own metal boxes. However, no one wants to watch this rare opportunity more often.

So, at this moment, everyone is watching with interest, except ...


The tragedy Morton couldn't understand anything, he didn't understand anything, although he always followed Ike all the way.

For him, it is too difficult to understand what anti-matter and super-fast theoretical knowledge such as the speed of light.

He had nothing to do, he could only look around. Take a look at the floor, take a look at the ceiling ...

This look, more than two hours.

Near 6 pm, Chinese scientist Zheng Yunpeng finally made his own metal box.


Ike applauded and congratulated him. The same goes for scientists from all countries.

With full of joy, Zheng Yunpeng bowed to the teacher and bowed to everyone. Quickly wear a female match

"Thank you, thank you, teacher, thank you!"

Ike waved his hand, and then looked at the crowd: "Okay, gentlemen, all the indoor tests have ended here. The outdoor tests will begin tomorrow, which is the construction of the space door."

The sound fell, and everyone was invigorated. They knew that the opportunity to really learn to master a metal box came.

Although the manufacturing process of a metal box is important, how to handle it is also important. Otherwise, if you have a metal box, you will not use it and it is equal to zero.

Just like the little teacher's flying big pumpkin, without a remote control, it is a steel castle.

"Well, eat after school! Fly to America tomorrow!"

"Yes, young teacher! Goodbye, young teacher!"

Everyone invariably presented a gift to Ike, congratulating the greatest gifted child prodigy of all time to leave ...

In sincere gratitude, Ike ran to the restaurant for dinner again.

After all, there are so many beautiful girls in the restaurant.

Oh, by the way, I will see my sister Alice tomorrow. Remember to call her tonight.


Six o'clock. The periphery of the base, above the ground.

"Ding Bell! Ding Bell!" ...

The Allied Command's telephone rang, and three seconds later, the call was connected.

"Hello, Mr. Alliance Commissioner. I'm the commander of the Jurassic Base. All the metal boxes have been made."

As soon as this word came out, there was a lot of noise on the phone.

After a while, a familiar voice yelled, "Lock all the metal boxes into the safe immediately, and then start the security process!"

This voice is actually US President Obama!

The base commander was surprised. Why did Obama come outside the base?

The commander at this time did not know at all, not only the US President came, but also leaders from the other five countries: China, Britain, France, Russia, and Japan arrived at the periphery of the Jurassic Base this afternoon.

They came to receive the metal box in person!

Among them, the leaders of China, France, Russia and Japan are most concerned. They must know that there is only one place in the metal box.

If half way is gone, then things will happen.

It can be said that if this kind of thing really happens, then there is no need to say any more nonsense.

Prepare for World War!

Yes, this is the basis for starting the fourth industrial revolution. In the future, all metal boxes in various countries will need a basic force field to manufacture. If even the only metal box assigned to them is robbed, it will not work if there is no war. Flash marriage life

Therefore, in order to prevent such horrible things from happening, the leaders of the six countries with box quotas all came.

With them came:

Huge naval fleet and air force fighters!

Not only that, the leaders of the six nations even brought hundreds of the most elite special forces in the country.

Together with their leaders, they will return home safely with a life-saving metal box.

At this time, hearing the US President ’s orders, the Allied Commander immediately promised, and then hung up the phone ~ ~ that night, all the metal boxes were locked in the safe and sent to the ground.

The leaders of the countries counted the number of boxes themselves.


They are: 10 scientists each; Ike demonstrated for the first day and made two; and there is a metal box of the flying pumpkin (this was borrowed from Miss Alice and will be returned to her tomorrow!) ).

After the statistics were completed, leaders of various countries were extremely confused.

What happened to the extra two? To whom?

In response to this, the base commander replied: "Little Ike said that the two extra metal boxes were used for space portals in China and the United States!"

After hearing this answer, US President Obama nodded and expressed his approval.

But the Chinese leader was extremely surprised. He never expected that China, which had only one box quota, now has one more.

This is equivalent to starting the fourth industrial revolution for China, and adding another insurance!

It seems that some time ago, trying to build the gate of space in China was the right move.

At this time, seeing that all the results had been counted, Obama spoke.

"Everyone, do you ship the box back now, or do you go with me to the United States to watch us build the door to space?"

As soon as this remark came out, all leaders shook their heads.

"Let's go back now!"

"Send the box home safely before you talk!"

For this answer, President Obama was not surprised at all.

"Well, sir, goodbye! Good luck!"

"Goodbye Mr. Obama! Good luck!"

Not long after, a roar of fighter aircraft sounded at the base's military airport. Immediately afterwards, countless fighter planes soared into the sky, carrying leaders of various countries and extremely precious metal boxes, flying into the sky ...

... (.)

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