Super Black Technology

Chapter 266: Ask for a team to copy

(This chapter is a 2-in-one chapter. Please subscribe, ask for tickets, ask for everything. Kindhearted people will help you to subscribe, otherwise you will flutter. If you flutter, Yue Wu will not be cute. Ah. Ohh ... ohh ...)

If the intelligent life in the universe wants to truly get out of the planet it inhabits, what is lacking is not only the speeding ship, but also the "Stargate".

Only with the "Interstellar Gate", which can transmit materials over long distances, can intelligent life truly establish a planetary defense line and an administrative planet.

Because the universe is really too big.

Who can afford such costs by relying solely on warships and transport ships?

Therefore, today, the entire world is watching the huge projects of China and the United States, especially the door of space on the American side.

Because the media has been informed that the Great Pumpkin God has returned from Britain. He will arrive in Colombia tomorrow to provide technical support for the construction of the Space Gate.

The European and American people who got the news rushed to Colombia.

They want to see this great building up close, and they want to see the little prodigy in the Megatron world with their own eyes.

Among them, the capital community of each country is the most active.

Because today, an economic report was published in The Times, which reads:

If the gates of space on the two continents of America and Asia can be successfully constructed, it will mark the era of interstellar human colony.

If the author is not wrong: Next, the "Pumpkin Alliance" headed by the five permanent members will definitely find a way to build two-way portals on both ends of the earth and the moon, and then begin colonizing the moon. Then Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter ...

This will have a significant impact on the global economy, especially the resource sector.

In other words, the resources on the planet are worthless. Including iron, aluminum, gold, silver, copper ... and everything else, everything you can think of is worthless.

Because of these resources, everything is in the solar system.

Here, the author takes the moon as an example. The resources on the moon are as follows:

First, it is rich in rare metals: its reserves are 10 times that of the earth. The moon rocks contain all the elements in the earth and about 60 kinds of minerals, 6 of which are not found on the earth.

Second, the terrible iron and aluminum content: only 5 centimeters of sand in the lunar surface contains hundreds of millions of tons of iron, and the entire lunar surface has an average of 10 meters of sand.

In other words, the sand on the moon's surface alone has 20 billion tons of iron.

Similarly, the surface of the moon is also rich in aluminum.

Third, rich helium 3. It is reported that the content of helium 3 in the lunar soil is estimated at 715,000 tons, and the fusion of helium using deuterium and helium 3 can be used as energy for nuclear power plants.

With nuclear energy, massive gates of space and sky warships can be built.

With the gate of space and the battleship in the sky, you can colonize Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter ...

Everything can be virtuous.


Once this article was published, the global capital community was crazy.

What does this mean for resource prices? Represents profit.

For example, a pound of iron was 5 cents before, but now?


what? Don't you sell !! Damn, do n’t sell it, I ’m not buying it yet. When the door to the moon ’s space is completed next year, do n’t you think anyone will buy you a penny or a ton.

Oh, by the way, maybe not next year.

You must know that the things produced by the Pumpkin God are always fine products. If you say that the door to space is made, you will succeed.

In this regard, our capital community has absolute confidence.

"Sell or not? Do you sell or not?"

A white man, holding a cigar, contemptuously looked at Rio Tinto sales staff at Rio Tinto headquarters in Australia.

"Woohoo, brother, I sold, is it okay if I sell?"

"Fuck, it's better not to install B. Your mining company is going bankrupt. What big tail wolf do you pretend to be! Give me 200 tons of pig iron!"

The salesperson was crying and nodding, "OK, okay!"

The white man laughed and blossomed, and then quickly left the house.

Russia. National Television.

"Interstitial now: Russia Yuss International recruits power personnel, mining personnel, astronauts and veterans for the whole country! The treatment is excellent and the month is closed for one month. For details, please contact our customer service phone: xxxxxxxxx."

"Continue to insert advertisements: Interstellar Dream, tomorrow. Russia's Tumon Company recruits warriors. The company has invested US $ 5 billion. To establish a lunar expedition, elites from all walks of life are welcome. For details, please contact our company's customer service phone: xxxxxxxxx. "

Japan. TV station.

"The excitement will continue later, and the advertisement is now playing, and the advertisement is also exciting: Mitsui Choi wants to form a lunar expedition and is now recruiting veterans across Japan. Elites who are interested in pursuing the interstellar dream, please sign up to participate. The treatment is excellent, the heart is not as good as action. Details Please consult our telephone: xxxxxxx. "

Europe, North America, China, India, South Korea ...

Capitalists from all over the world quickly set up their own expeditions, then waved cheques to recruit elites from all walks of life.

Why is this happening?

Because there is a person with great powers who preached with money and bought an amazing top secret news, that is:

Five days later, when the door of space between China and the United States is successfully constructed, the Pumpkin Alliance will start an action that shocks the world, namely:

Colonial Moon!

No one knows how this news first came to pass, but then the big international capitalists tried their best to finally confirm it.

It is true!

For this reason, the global capital community is crazy.

They started preparing early and wanted to catch the first shuttle of the Pumpkin League.

The old driver is about to drive, please bring us!



At this time, the White House.

Shortly after returning home, Obama was so angry that he urgently called the British government.

"Who? Who actually sold the news? Didn't you say you want to keep it secret?"

Prime Minister Cameron was also crying, and said depressed: "I am also checking! Mr. President, do you know that I have not stopped the phone call today, major capital groups want to hitchhiking."

Obama: "..."

At this moment, Obama wanted to cry because he was the same. The helm of several major US consortiums almost burst his phone.

In the evening, he didn't answer the phone for more than 10 minutes, but the representative of the Morgan Consortium broke into the White House directly and came to him for a reply.

These greedy wolves!


At this time, Far East China.

High-level government officials are also holding an emergency meeting, because this time the matter can no longer be kept secret.

"Let's set up a lunar expedition as soon as possible!" A standing committee member suggested.

The crowd nodded and raised their hands in support of the proposal.

If no action is taken, China will lag behind.

According to the resolution of the Pumpkin Alliance, the colonial moon operation really began after the successful construction of the Space Gate.

Can the gate of space be built successfully?

This is nonsense!

Do you dare to doubt the technology of the pumpkin god?

You know, great gods must be fine.


On that day, US time: 8 pm.

Columbia, the capital of South Carolina.

"Ding Dong!" "Ding Dong!" ...

On the outskirts of the city, a doorbell rang in a mansion in Regal Villas. This is the home of the Columbian dairy giant: the Garcia family.

After a while, the old housekeeper opened the door himself.

At the door stood two white men, one in his 50s and the other in his 30s.

Young men, old housekeepers don't know.

The old housekeeper was shocked to see the 50-year-old coming. Because this 50-year-old guest turned out to be--

Mayor of Columbia!

"Mr. Mayor, you ... why did you come here in person? Come in, come in, I will report to Mr. Garcia at once."

At the respectful invitation of the old housekeeper, the two guests entered the mansion and then followed the old housekeeper to the living room.

living room.

The news of Joseph Garcia was already waiting here.

When he saw the two men coming in, he immediately greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Mayor, you are welcome at home!"

Joseph Garcia smiled and shook hands with Mr. Mayor.

"You're welcome, Mr. Garcia. I'm sorry to disturb you so late! There is an urgent matter, and I would like to ask for your help!"

Having said that, the Mayor of Columbia turned to look at the man next to him and said, "Mr. Garcia, let me introduce to you, this is the Watermelon Union Officer—Pittman Bush!"

Bush? The 7 Great American Bush families? Mr. Garcia was startled, and his expression changed suddenly the next moment.

Because he found that the other person's last name was not the point, the real point was the other person's identity. This person is actually one of the seven directors of the Watermelon Alliance!

God, how could such a powerful man come to me?

Isn't that offending someone during this time? !!

At this moment, Mr. Garcia shook out his right hand and shook hands with the young man in front of him, his voice was shaking: "Hello, dear Mr. Bush, may I ask you on behalf of the Watermelon Alliance?"

Yin Luo, the young man nodded his head and said solemnly: "Yes! I am here this time on behalf of the Watermelon Alliance and would like to ask Mr. Garcia for a little help."

Mr. Garcia froze and said quickly: "Please tell me!"

"Tomorrow the federal prodigy Ike will go to Columbia. Do you know the news?"

Garcia nodded quickly.

This kind of important news has been circulated today. How could I not know.

"For some special reasons, Ike is not convenient to stay in the municipal government. So, I want to borrow your house for use. Of course, the Watermelon Alliance will pay you proper compensation ..."

Before the young man's words were finished, a roar rang loudly.

"I am willing, I am very willing! This is the supreme glory of our Garcia family, we do not pay, we do not pay anything!"

At this moment, endless ecstasy was constantly pouring into Mr. Garcia's heart, and he was reaching the limit.

"Mr. Bush, really, we don't want to be paid, any remuneration is an insult to our Garcia family! Sir, please let the little prodigy live in our house, and we promise to do it regardless of any requirements."

Hearing this, the young man and the mayor both laughed.

"Grateful for Mr. Garcia's choice!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

In this way, the two sides reached an agreement. Tomorrow, federal prodigy Ike will be staying in Columbia's dairy giant Garcia Mansion.

That night, FBI and Army Special Forces took the lead in moving here for security deployment.

Subsequently, some service personnel arrived from the field. One of the pastry chefs, even Mr. Garcia, went to a 5-star hotel in person.

Not for others, because he made pumpkin pie very delicious.

Of course, these people have passed the FBI's data review.


Time flies. At 10 am the next day, a special plane landed at Columbia Airport.

Subsequently, the federal prodigy Ike walked out of the cabin, and the six national treasure scientists and their female assistants followed the little teacher closely.

The media who got the news was crazy, especially local journalists in Columbia.

They reported it madly, on TV, on the website, in special newspapers ...

Numerous citizens rushed to the airport to meet the pumpkin **** of Megatron.

The entire airport was instantly overcrowded.

"Little Prodigy, Welcome to Columbia! Settle in our Colombia!"

"Little prodigy, are you here to supervise the 'door of space'?"

"Little prodigy, can I be a volunteer after the 'Gate of Space' is repaired? I want to be the first to enter the 'Gate of Space'!"

"Little prodigy ..."

Ike was a little faint. In the eyes, all human heads. White, black, blue, gold ... the eyes are all gone.

And the scientists who followed the little teacher were also fascinated.

Although they knew that the little teacher was loved by the American people, they did not expect such a love method.

This is far more powerful than any big star. Even if the US President is present in person, there are not so many people to welcome him.

Judging from the number of people in the airport lobby, it is estimated that there are 10,000 and 8,000. And it's not even counting the people outside the airport, I heard that the traffic outside has been completely blocked.

Not to mention passing a car, even a bicycle cannot move.

"Oh my god, this is too scary! Based on this popularity, the US government dare not imprison little prodigies!" Japanese scientists thought secretly in their hearts.

Fortunately, he was meditating.

If he dares to speak up, he will certainly not be able to return to China. because:

Today next year is his death date!


"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

The Columbia Police Department's phone rang urgently ~ ~ The police chief who heard the ringtone immediately answered the phone. The next moment, the mayor's anxious voice rang.

"Quickly, quickly dispatch all police forces to rush to the airport to clear the traffic. Be sure to pick up the little prodigy safely. Remember to handle it carefully, be careful not to cause riots!"

"Yes, yes! I will arrange a police officer immediately!"

"All the police officers go, and you also go to the scene to command!"

"Yes, Mr. Mayor!"

Three minutes later, all the police officers in Columbia were dispatched, the sirens screamed wildly, and the police car desperately rushed to the airport at 70 yards.

However, when the police car drove more than 10 kilometers from the airport, all the police officers stayed.

Because the street ahead is completely congested.

Not to mention driving a police car, you can't squeeze in even if you drive a tank.

"Oh my God, report to the city government!"

"Hurry up and ask for help from the Army forces stationed at the nuclear power plant!"

"Oh, hurry up, hurry up for help!"

Because of the police's ineffectiveness, the Army Forces Command stationed in the Colombian nuclear power zone received an order from the military.

"Immediately dispatch a small team of elite soldiers and rush to the airport by armed helicopter to rescue the little prodigy."


In a short while, in the gust of wind, several gunship helicopters started quickly, carrying a small group of American soldiers, flew into the sky, and flew to Columbia Airport ...

According to the military, there is no need to send too many soldiers in the past, as long as the federal prodigy can be brought out.

As soon as the little prodigy leaves, the citizens will slowly disperse, and the traffic will be smooth.

The rest of the scientists will go on their own!


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