Super Black Technology

Chapter 267: Divine power

I have to say that the military is right, and the soldiers are efficient.

Half an hour later, several gunships landed at Columbia Airport and picked up Ike.

Because of this, the traffic that has always been congested slowly cleared up, and the scientists who came to study then took a special car and drove to the suburban mansion of the Garcia family.

Yes, they live there too!

If only Ike, the White House would let the little ones live in the city government directly, safely and conveniently.

However, with scientists from other countries, this cannot be arranged.


suburbs. The Garcia family mansion is lively.

In order to welcome the federal prodigy and scientists from various countries to settle in the villa, the Garcia family has put all their energy into milking.

Not only prepared a rich lunch, but also invited many local celebrities, and even some guests came from the neighboring city.

The banquet was held on a wide lawn.

At this time, the middle of the lawn was packed with many well-dressed high-class people. They all wanted to talk to the federal prodigy in the middle and get familiar.

But tragically, only a few people, such as the governor, can talk to Ike.

The others were stopped by fbi.

"Little Ike, thank you for your contribution to our city of Columbia." The governor smiled, raised his glass to the little guy, and took the first sip.

In this regard, Ike also drank a glass of watermelon juice in return.

Seeing this scene, thunderous applause immediately rang around.

The applause only paused for three seconds, because these high people knew that the respected Governor must have the following.

as expected!

But seeing the governor smiling, he spoke again.

"It's been a bit of a downturn in Columbia's economy, and so have we in South Carolina. Today ..."

"Our super child prodigy in the United States is here, and his arrival signals that the South Carolina economy is about to take off, and tens of millions of people have benefited from him."

"In light of this, our South Carolina State House has decided to present Little Ike a Citizen Medal of Honor and a Special Contribution Medal at the end of this month to express all our gratitude to Little Ike!"

The sound fell, the audience applauded again, and everyone smiled.

None of them was surprised by the decision of the governor and the state government.

Just kidding, this is the first space portal in the world. Where it is located, the economy will grow rapidly.

Not to mention anything else, in just a few days, housing prices in Columbia have increased 20-fold, a full 20-fold.

What is this concept?

It can be said that in the next few years, the total amount of gdp in this city will double.

Yes, it is a hundred times!


If the space portal can be charged, the government's fiscal revenue will be higher.

What? You do not believe? !!

Ha ha, please think about it with your pig head. At present, the ticket prices for flights between China and the United States are about 1,000-2000 US dollars, and it will take 12 hours.

The portal now takes only 10 seconds to reach. Do you sit or not?

Oh, by the way, it's cheaper to charge you. Do you sit or not?

Silly than not sit!

This is only in the tourism industry, and in the shipping industry, it is even more profitable.

How much is the daily material exchange between China and the United States, tens of millions of tons.

Shipped in 10 seconds, would you like to?

Silly than is unwilling!

So, thinking of this bright prospect, almost all administrative officials of the Columbia City Government and the South Carolina State Government intend to kneel to this adorable God of Wealth.

This is true divine grace, divine grace is like the sea!


"Thank you Mr. Governor!"

Ike thanked the governor.

At this time, Ike was extremely happy. Oh, honor citizens! Of course, you can increase your popularity.

Seeing that the little prodigy accepted the state government's proposal, at this moment, the governor was so overjoyed that he quickly raised his glass again and took a big drink.

Next to him, many senior state officials and senators were also excited and reached the governor's toast.

Their purpose was achieved!

Subsequently, the banquet was held even more fiery, especially the local high-end people, their smiles never stopped from beginning to end.

The gate of space is located in Columbia. Can you say that they can profit from it?

This is pretty obvious!

In the end, the luncheon did not end until three in the afternoon.

An hour later, more than 10 bulletproof vehicles drove out of the mansion and headed for the construction site in the nuclear power plant area ...

Ike and scientists from all over the world are going to see the construction of the gate of space.

At the same time, the governor, who returned to the state government, immediately took out a document from the drawer and signed his name in a hurry.

This is an administrative resolution submitted by the State House three days ago. The content of the resolution is: to impose charges on the door of space and to levy taxes!

Regarding this administrative resolution, did the governor want him to sign it already?

But he didn't dare to sign until the pumpkin **** came. Because he has n’t even seen the Great God, what if something goes wrong?

To this end, the Governor agreed with the members of the parties and decided to award the god.

Fortunately, the Great Pumpkin God accepted the offer.

So now he dares to sign!

There is a charge for the door of space, it must be collected!

The door of space is taxed, it must be collected!

No one except the Great God of Megatron World can stop our state government's resolutions, even the White House. Who dares to stop is the life and death enemy of millions of our people in South Carolina!

"Issuing this document to the municipalities and also to the White House!"

The governor ordered his assistant.

"Yes, Mr. Governor!"

Half an hour later, the White House government who received the document was stunned.

You're paralyzed, and the gate of space has just been opened. Are you planning to charge in South Carolina? This photo is too ugly, right?

Well, in fact, this is just senior White House officials talking. What they really want to express is--

Grass mud horse, what is the share of Lao Tzu?

In the president's office, Obama quickly scanned the documents and immediately commanded: "Call the South Carolina government and tell them that the White House has approved the charging policy for Space Gate. However, 80% of the proceeds must go Country owned! "

What this means is: 80% for the White House, and only 20% for your local stay!

Upon hearing Obama's orders, subordinate officials immediately promised, and then hurriedly went out to call.

what? Just give us 20%?

The South Carolina government receiving this response was furious ~ ~ Mr. Governor urgently called the White House and President Obama.

"Mr. President, according to the Constitution, the White House has no right to interfere in state resolutions."

Obama said coldly: "The location of the Space Gate is determined by the White House. If you don't agree with South Carolina, the White House will build the Space Gate to your next state."

However, to the threat of Obama, the governor did not eat this set at all.

"The little prodigy said long ago that the gate of space has only five days to build. Is the White House anxious to change addresses now? And ..." Speaking of this, the governor paused, and his voice was also cold, "And, we Carolina has sent a National Guard to help build the door to space! "

The United States National Guard, referred to as the Federal National Army for short, is an important reserve force of the United States Armed Forces, an integral part of the United States Armed Forces, and a local armed force affiliated to state governments.

Here, Mr. Governor means: Do I have sent the National Guard to surround the site, you can withdraw it for me to try!

Upon hearing that, Obama was furious: "Do you dare? Fuck!"

"Huh! The benefits of the Gate of Space amount to tens of trillions of dollars. For the rights of millions of people in South Carolina, there is nothing I dare not do! And according to the United States Constitution, you have no right to order me, and the White House also No right to teach me how to do it! "

Obama: "..."

The situation fell into a stalemate. After half a day, Obama whispered: "35%! You can stay 35%! This is my bottom line and the bottom line of all federal capital groups, including the watermelon alliance!"

The sound fell, and laughter came from the phone: "Concluded, thank you Mr. President for your generosity!"

Obama: "..."

You spicy chicken!


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