Super Black Technology

Chapter 274: The gate of space is completed

If a country treats a project as a strategic project, its construction speed will obviously be very fast.

And that's the gate of space.

Visitors can see it change with the naked eye every day, and it has gradually taken shape.

Today is the last day.

On the huge foundation, a steel ring of 300 meters stands tall.

It is taller than all buildings in the Quartet, it is larger than all buildings in the Quartet. Humans stand in front of it like a little ant.

The sun shines from the sky and shines on it. The space door made up of countless stainless steels immediately reflected the luster of the metal.

This is the product of the age, and it is the greatest technological invention of mankind.

At 6 pm, the last worker climbed down from the steel ring.

At this moment, a warm call sounded throughout the United States, and the sound of the sky shook.

At this moment, many Chinese in Far East China were in tears, and they were so excited they couldn't help themselves.

At this time, Ike was equally excited.

Tomorrow is the day of trial operation of the door of space. As long as it succeeds, in the minds of human beings on earth, you will become the **** of the new era!

The true **** of technology!

From then on, no matter what country or government, it can't shake its position.

Thinking of this, Ike took the microphone handed over by Morton and shouted:

"Now, I announce that the two-way doors of Mayer are completed and the quality is perfect. American time: 8 am tomorrow, start trial operation!"

This sound was amplified through the microphone and resounded through the scene; and then broadcasted through the media, resounded through the world.

People around the world are crazy, and they are scrambling to deliver the shocking news.

The telephones of the Chinese and US foreign ministries are ringing continuously. They are congratulatory messages from the members of the G88 Pumpkin Alliance to celebrate the completion of the construction of the space gate in both countries.

At the same time, I sincerely wish that the trial operation of Space Gate tomorrow will be perfectly successful.

The leaders of China and the United States held a press conference for the first time, and once again announced this glorious news to the world. At the same time, leaders of various countries are cordially invited to visit the site tomorrow.

Governments must be very willing to respond to such invitations.

On the same day, many special planes flew to China and the United States urgently, and they did not want to delay even one minute and one second.

Especially the members of the Pumpkin Alliance are the most active.

Because after finishing the China-US space gate, it's their turn next time.


United States. Garcia Family Mansion. Ike's temporary residence.

At this moment, the front door of the mansion was full of people.

Because scientists from China, Russia, and Japan are leaving. Together with Chinese scientist Zheng Yunpeng, they will go to Lianyungang, China, and install a metal box for the door of that space.

This core work can only be done by themselves, because they have learned the big pumpkin technology. And Ike couldn't go to China, so ...

"Teacher, thank you for your selfless teaching! Russia is your friend forever!"

"Little teacher, your selfless guidance, Kobayashi will always remember it. At any time, if there is something for Kobayashi to serve, please tell me. I and the RB government and the people of RB will wholeheartedly Help you! "

"Teacher, thank you for your selfless teaching, and also for your contribution to our China! We 1.5 billion Chinese will never forget you!"

The three scientists spoke excitedly.

After that, the three stood upright and bowed respectfully to Ike.

"Goodbye little teacher!"

Ike then returned a gift.


The three came forward and hugged the selfless little teacher. Subsequently, under the protection of domestic soldiers, the three entered the bulletproof car and left the scene ...

Columbia city. City Hall.

The conference hall was filled with people, and in addition to government officials, ten new faces were added.

Obviously, they are the ten volunteers who came to participate in the test of tomorrow's space gate.

On the podium, Mr. Governor grabbed the mayor. At this time he was flushed and excited.

The Space Gate has finally been repaired, and as long as the test is successful tomorrow, the state government can begin implementing the charging policy. At that time, massive taxes will surely overwhelm our finance bureau.

Haha! Thank God, thank God!

South Carolina's economy is finally taking off!

"Welcome heroic volunteers to come to Columbia, and I welcome you on behalf of the state and city governments!"

"Thank you, Governor! Thank you, gentlemen!"

Volunteers stood up and thanked the audience.

The governor nodded with a smile, and then said, "Everyone, staff will come later and send you the process tomorrow. Please keep the process in mind, and you must not make mistakes."

Yin Luo, a volunteer suddenly raised his hand, it seems that NBA star Mr. Kobe.

"Mr. Kobe, don't be so polite, if you have any questions, please!"

Bryant stood up again and asked expectantly, "Mr. Governor, can I say a few words before I enter the door of space tomorrow?"

Upon hearing that, the governor nodded immediately.

"Of course you can! Tomorrow, except for the 3 volunteers of the Federal Army, 7 of your 10 volunteers will be able to give a speech. So please earnestly prepare your speech tonight and practice Practice. Otherwise, I will say something wrong tomorrow, hehe ... "

The words of the governor made the audience laughed lightly.

Tomorrow will be a global live broadcast. According to the information they have, media reporters from 208 countries have come to ~ Now they are busy setting up live broadcast machines.

On such occasions, if you say something wrong or forget about it, then you laugh at you.

"Thank you Mr. Governor! I'm fine!"

Kobe smiled and returned to his seat. Seeing big scenes, he would not be stage frightened at all. Moreover, his speech was already prepared, and he could recite it with his eyes closed.

At this point, other volunteers can be tragedy.

Especially Carter classmates and female representatives, they did not expect this. So, at this moment, the two were restless, anxious that the meeting would end immediately.

They are ready to call classmates and colleagues and ask for help.

After half an hour, the meeting finally came to an end.

Near the end, the governor, who was always smiling, suddenly looked up and stood up:

"Volunteers, the White House has authorized me to ask you one and only one question!"

The governor's tone was sober, and the dignity was officially reached the limit.

The atmosphere changed rapidly.

Ten volunteers rose quickly and looked at Mr. Governor solemnly.

"The question is: Do you regret applying for volunteers to become the gate of space? If you regret, you can quit now. This is the last chance!

This is what the White House wants to ask, and the state government is concerned about.

If someone retires halfway tomorrow, it will not be the face of the volunteers, but the face of the entire country, and it will still be thrown to the world.

"I don't quit!"

"Since I've come, I've already set aside life and death!"

"I'm not afraid, I also believe in the skills of the little prodigy!"


Volunteers began to express their inner firmness.

"Good, see you tomorrow! Good luck to you!"

"Thank you!"

…… (To be continued.)

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