Super Black Technology

Chapter 275: Supreme Glory

The next day, the door to the world's attention will be tested.

Early in the morning, many celebrities from various countries rushed to the scene. No matter what the group company's president or any well-known big star, today has become a fan.

Fan of Space Gate!

"Sell position, sell position, there are 5 consecutive seats at 300 meters in the front row. Anyone want it? Is there any?"

"I want it! I have it all, how much is it?"

"$ 25,000, no bargaining!"


The man wanted to slap the scalper to death, but his wife, daughter, and parents looked at him with anticipation. The man put up with it and paid for the card.

"Yeah! Thanks dad, I can see the space door!"

"Thank you husband, my husband is the best!"

"Son, yes!"

At this moment, the contented smile covered the man's face, and the man waved his hand: "Let's go and see the space door!"

"Yeah, go!"


Front row. Within 200 meters, it is filled with elites from all walks of life in the United States and many stars.

For example: the most expensive male movie star-Tom Cruise.

For example: Sophie Marceau, a French movie star known as a popular lover.

Also, the three actresses in the White House and Little Prodigy, Chloe Moritz. The government staff had invited them to sit in the first 100 meters, but the three women refused to know it.

It is inappropriate for them to sit there, and their friends are in this area.

At this time, the position within 100 meters of the front row was still empty.

They are reserved for the senior officials of the members of the G88 Pumpkin Alliance. For example, today the leaders of the 27 European Union countries will come to support. The same is true of NATO countries.

Even Asian countries sent foreign ministers to attend.

Although the leaders of their countries are invited to the Chinese side, the foreign minister must come to the United States, and even China has arranged this.

Coincidentally, the US Secretary of State is already on his way to China.

This is a great event for the entire Pumpkin Alliance!

It is also a great event for all wise lives in the world!

Everyone knows that once the test is successful today, human conquest of the moon and interstellar space will be just around the corner.


Time was moving around minute by minute, and it was not too long before 7 am.

At this time, some brave men with sunglasses and serious expressions came into the scene.

With their arrival, senior officials from NATO, the EU and other countries have gradually arrived. This was followed by a heavyweight politician and economic figure.

These people are familiar to the audience, such as the foreign minister of France, the foreign minister of Britain, the foreign minister of Italy ...

The arrival of each VIP will cause a sensation in the audience, accompanied by some applause.

For example, when the French Foreign Minister arrived, many French audience members stood up and applauded the Foreign Minister of their country.

These VIPs also came to the venue with a smile and waved to everyone.

Sometimes when they reach the national audience, these heavyweight politicians will stop and bow to the national audience.

It can be said that today's scene is more grand and grand than the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games once every four years.


The White House Chief Press Officer walked into the scene and quickly walked through the audience square to the center of the scene.

That's where the focus is today, and where thousands of cameras are aligned.

But see:

In the center of the scene, a steel-cast platform was tiled to the ground, completely covering the steel pier inside.

No one can see the detailed structure inside.

On this platform, a huge steel ring is erected.

The torus is made of curved sections of iron and steel, with a diameter of about 300 meters, and the center is completely empty ...

Its name is-American Space Portal.

Immediately after, the White House press officer came to the platform. He didn't step up, but just stood on a podium not far from the steel platform.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The press officer patted the microphone in his hand, and then spoke loudly.

"I'm glad you all came to the United States. On behalf of the White House, I welcome all gentlemen and ladies. Now, let us welcome the following VIPs with warm applause!

"Prime Minister of Belgium: Elio Dilupo!"

"President of Italy: Berlusconi!"

"The Prime Minister of Spain: Mariano Rajoy!"

"Canadian Prime Minister: Justin Trudeau"


With the roll call of the White House press officer, applause immediately rang out.

With applause, leaders from all over the world began to enter the scene in turn.

In front of the TV, billions of viewers watched the scene intently.

"Gentlemen and ladies, let us applaud the warmest applause and welcome the following distinguished guests!"

"French President Sarkozy!"

"British Prime Minister Cameron!"

"German President Joachim Gock!"


Television viewers almost spent their eyes watching. Many viewers are exclaiming. The scene today is really too big. It is estimated that the leaders of some countries on the planet are here.

Some dark-eyed viewers murmured:

"If you're going to drop a bomb, it's so crooked!"

However, at most these viewers just think about it in their hearts.

Today, let alone the hostile nations of the United States, Al Qaeda, who is least afraid of death, is afraid to do so.

Because the gate of space is not a grand event of the American family, but a grand event common to all intelligent life on the entire planet. Whoever dares to destroy is the common enemy of all mankind.

How big is the benefit of the gate of space?

All countries and governments are crazy about it, and the global capital community is paying close attention to it.

So far, many big capitalists and even expeditions have been formed, waiting for the door of space to be successfully tested. They will work hard to lobby the government ~ ~ to pay for the moon space gate.

You said, in this situation, who dares to go to death?

No one dares!

Al Qaeda is also afraid!

Because once this is done, there will be no place for the whole planet. Even if you hide in the ends of the earth, you have to die!

"Gentlemen and ladies, let us now solemnly welcome the brave ten volunteers!"

"The ten warriors are ..."

"NBA star: Mr. Kobe!"

"Representative of the European Union: French scientist Professor Louis Nealeau!"

"National Women's Representative: Ms. Fanny Taylor!"

"National College Student Representative: Classmate Carter Clark!"


"They will come into the scene together with our President Mr. Obama, and let us give the most sincere and warm applause to these brave volunteers."

The sound fell, the applause was thunderous, and the audience looked at the entrance.

At the entrance, US President Obama led 10 volunteers into the scene.

As they walked, they waved their hands and saluted the Quartet audience.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

After a while, these people came to their seats and then waved again to the Quartet audience before they sat down.

At this point, the time has come to 7:40.

At this moment, the audience held their breath.

At this moment, billions of viewers in front of the television held their breath.

Everyone knows that the welcome ceremony has reached its climax now.

Because the world's biggest brand character is coming soon!

He is ... (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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